Sunday, June 11


ended ma work at 5pm..went home to do some stuffs..clean...

At night, meet the kuzzins at 9.45pm..plan was to go venture!! after a long time..hehe! ..well, i was comtemplating on whether should i or should i not go. I had to meet a deadline at 10am next day.. in the end, zali punya pasal, i went ahead. Everybody wore black but i wore
BRIGHT PINK!! nie suma zali la ponya pasal, lupa nak bilang suma pakai itam.. helmi couldn't make it as he had to drive up to Malacca with his family...*sad*

well, ramai2 duk kat blakang lori, an open lori tt is, excited on our destinations..heres wer we went.

1. long lonely road with a stretch of abandoned house @ jln kayu..
..i saw some bird flying above, past us...& @ 1 point, we heard the sound of glass bottle breakage! *baa!!*
2. old BIG house on Gallop road, it stands on a hill!!
the house is beautiful and huge! has its own sort of stands in such a grand manner. but, it was pretty eerie.. with no lights around, with the undisputable fact tt its abandoned, it oozed out a sad feeling.. as if it's hiding stories to be told.. the silence seems deafenin @ 1 point.. As we had began wit, we, errm exclude me, took out the flashlights to "see" better..snapped away and video cam all the activity.. we were pretty much entering their "boundary" & invading their "privacy" if any..
3. Pusara aman/abadi...1st time, i saw Arwah shasa kubur @ nite.. *sad*
i was worried more than scare to enter, as i didnt want ma bro to get sad upon looking at the state wer our dear late sister is now. lying alone...gosh, emotions got into me, making me choke! but hey, i wont spoil it all..since i saw zali was braving it.
4. some abandoned building, which is now used for live firing ground. The building still stands, wit a playground...eerie!!
this time, we had to walk in. the places b4 this, we park RIGHT beside it. all got down, armed with flashlights , camera(all sort;hp, DG..etc) the biggy kuzzins led the! mcm night walk!!
5. this one, UNITENTIONALLY, ended up in old chinese cemetery..
haha! never expected, so all were shock @ the fact, the cemetery laid right beside us,left & right, as the lorry scrolled in.. it was a 1 way road, so imagine how close tt was!! with heavy dew(embun) it kinda give me the cold shivers..

Got la somemore, but i cant recall.. anyway, apology to ALL kuzzins if i had not been ma usual self, i had a deadline on ma shoulders, so i kinda feel, hmm, disoriented. And helmi was not around so i felt "lost" haha! guess i have been too dependant on him...

mama, ayah & neighbours still sembangin outside..ish! dah malam pon masih ketawa2 mcm kul 12tgh hari...

k, gonna bath & time will pass faster..then i wake up, by then helmi dah sampai s'pore...

nite all,
sorry if i had hurt any of you...

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