Blah..blah..blah.. We set off for our date at 5 gitu..
Plaza Singapura was our choice to catch TRANSFORMERS...
Ok lemme do a lil confession here..actuali, i wasnt tt keen to catch THAT movie..hmm, not into tt kinda bedek2 show..and i remember not liking TRANSFORMERS wen i was a kid.. I preferred carebears..smurfs..Mickey mouse..etc etc...including the ducktale woo woo!! uncle scrooge and all..
So i eksyen ajak gi Sentosa la nie la.. but hub was keen on watching..well not wanting to be a wet blanket, i went along..
and boy, i was so wrong about the movie!!
kinda touching at times..with a healthy amount of hilarious scene and dialogue too..
THUMBS UP!! and to those who haven't catch it...PLEASE PLEASE GO!!
I would take up any offer to give it a second...hehe!!
well anyway, i was feeling all excited for this date..haha!! seriously.. as we could NOT remember wen was our last movie..hahaha! its been reali ages..
I was like "rusa masuk kampung" gitu..hehe!! *shut up fizah & stop imagining!*
all in all it was fun, show was worth it and it was 2hr plus ok..
After the show, called mama & wen i heard Ryan's voice, i missed him!!
So we balik la..anyway it was oreadi 9pm..kinda late for Ryan..
all i can say now is, we are celebrating our 1yr wedding anniversary in stages.. reali in stages..
The other day was the DINNER..
Today came the MOVIE DATE..
soon to come, will be the grand finale, b4 i start werking, the 2ND HONEYMOON..hehe!
i am still waiting for my passport to be ready la..
and another thing.. it came..
IT, the auntie who stop visiting for 9 months..hahaha!!
shucks! kasi la aku chance..i had like a month of it after childbirth seh..
enjoy the pix..
its been a loooong time since we had this treat..
AFter the Show...
The Deck wer we parked..
Miss my Tummiful of Baby Ryan..
haha!! i got my Front seat..
i miss night life.....but i lurve my LIFE get it?
i will always remember this site..My 1st and only accident site with hub, my then BF. lain suma jatuh bodoh..haha!!
Rushing home to kiss2 our gem..
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