y'dae, thursdae, despite e fearful thinking of goin in JB, i eventually relent and off we breeze into JB...hmm, not too bad actually...well, maybe wat helmi says is true, pple are taking advantage of e news report of wateva tt happen & create bogus smses to further intensify e already tense situation there. By creating fear in the timid hearts of tame s'poreans, e problem to endless long Qs into Jb & out would be solved. Incredible!! Warning: this is juz an assumption!!! entering JB is STILL @ your own risk.. dis pix wuz wen helmi had his biggest bike, Yikes badan pon terjadi hunky!!

Today, e 31st of Dec, i m werking 3-1am...i m counting down e ritz way!! *sobz* its ok, darling helmi will be ard too... lets usher in the new year without forgetting our past mistakes, yeah..but dun dwell on it, to make sure its not repeated again to create sorrows or regret...yes, we move on but dun 4get those who are gone... lets make our life more enlighten, smile more..hehe! uh huh..i noe easier said than done. its ok..lets try..
all rooms division leaders gonna be around to assist ushering the new year with e luxuries crowd....yippee!! i simply lurves wen we all werk together professionally!!
enjoy ur day peeps...miz ya all!!! next yr, wic is starting from tmr...busy, busy!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MA FRENS.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!