Sunday, April 19

mama & ryan camwhored..

~~ 2nd entry for the day...~~

Hub was driving...

We were bored..

So we cam-whored!

Ryan Counts...

Ryan woke me up that morning and for that, I made him count for my video!


Ayah dia still trying to sleep in..!

Ryan rambut masih flat sebelah...

Till I update again!

Thursday, April 16

guilty, guilty as can be..

Try asking me, how far along am I now...

it would take me seconds, before coming out with a number..

which I am not sure myself..

5months....6? ntha eh..

cuba klu dulu..., aku tau sak, which week i am in...

haiz, ape nak buat, busy seh nowadays...

busy with Ryan...

Speaking of Ryan, I am also not updating on him regularly..

But alhamdullilah, he is doing just fine, if not better..

Colours, pass! Numbers, pass!

those are the new topics that I got covered la..

Body parts dah tak ya ckp dah..

But seriously, sometimes IT IS tiring to answer to them seh...

Now if you ask for a kiss, u get this, " why kiss mama? "

wow! now nak kene ade reason laaa...

Just now, hub fetched me cos ryan said, " Nak see aeroplane..."

So they we were, with bibik alongside, counting aeroplanes..

fun jugak...!

And I am so happy that he can now count from 1 to 10 without any prompting...


Another thing worth mentioning, now bibik and ryan can be left alone @ home..

yippee! Lets just say, i have built the trust & faith..

klu pape, Ryan will report to me.. hehe!!

ANyway, lil baby inside has been super active..

so active as if to remind me of her existence, hehe!!

feels like a boy..

Better double check @ the check up tomorrow!


oh, btw, bought an early birthday gift for Ryan..

He is turning 2 next month..

Thursday, April 2

been so long...

never been busier..

or perhaps time is not a luxury now..

so many things to be done..

Yang penting, life is still as happening as ever!!

wat more with kuzzins now main kugiran..!

best seh, selalu ade practice...!

malas nak load gmabar or video..

one day perhaps..

k la bye!