Wednesday, May 28






















Monday, May 26

It was more than a KISS!!! (with a twist of fate)

It happened while I was at werk….

Something that I never wished to happen…

But what can I say…

Dah takdir kan..

Dah jadi ape nak cakap lagik…

Terima jer ngan Redha…

Hub broke the news to me when he fetched me…

I was calm at first

But not when I saw the intensity of the damage done!

Our car was hit while it was parked at the Carpark as hub was happily working…

Oblivious to the fact that he car had got hit; he saw a paper & a namecard terselit on the windscreen…

Thinking it was some advertisement pamphlet, he wanted to dump it away…


The words start to register to his brain….

“I am sorry I hit your car… Please call me and I will pay for the damages...”

Wham bang!!!

Hub heart dropped!!

His ohhh so nice bodykit was badly hit…

But after a while, we chilled…

At least this guy is honest enough as to own up and leave us a note.

Rather than made us sakit hati and fikir2 sape yang langgar…

And best thing is, this guy who hit our car is one BIG hell of a guy…

He is the CEO of a BIG renowned company…

I shall not publicize them here..

But he is reali that UP there la..

Cos his name ade pat wikipedia…

On the net everywhere….!


Doa2 aku hari2 untuk perlindungan dan diberkati rezeki…

Dimakbul kan


Hehe… though aku tau I can reap him off with a big bill…

We shall stick to our principle…

And ask for what we are quoted for the damage…

After that, me & hub pi arcade main game scrambler!!

Then mlm pi main bowling….


Sunday, May 25

Baby Talk....

rase nye macam dah lamer tak talk about Ryan..

So lets's do it now..

He has turn 1 year old now..*duh*

He runs everywhere…

Practically anywhere..

Boy la kater kan..

Climbing here & there..*faints*

But above all, he is one vocal kid la..

Mama & ayah are normal werds to us now...*eksyen pulak*

But he will blabber, blabber & blabber away...

He will talk to Hilmi and Sarah…

I wonder if they understand his language…*kwang3*

But I think for sure he knows his stuff la…

Tak bleh trick dia sak…

I think Liz & Az seen it yesterday at the airport…haha!

He knows what goes in the bottle and he will never take the bottle unless that Barley drink is poured in…

He loves it when I sing song that he can action upon…

Like, if the song has the werd “kiss”, he will either kiss us, his Elmo or simply does his flying kiss..

And the word “hug”, he will sayang you..

…hehe, I guess u know wat song it is la..Barney!!

He can do things on “command”, like “ go and take your milk bottle… “ or “sit” or “go to ayah/mama/atuk/nenek/auntie…

And ever since he walked, each time he feels sleepy, he will pull your hand and lead you to his bedroom… senang sikit, tak ya nangis2 lagik to express his needs..

And wen he wants milk, he will take his bottle & pull you to the kitchen…

Oh, 1 more thing, each time we say “Allahu Akbar” he will do the Takbiratul Ihram by raising his hands…the do the hand macam bace Doa…

So whenever he goes to the sejadah, wic is permanently place in the other room, he will buat2 cam nak sembahyang gituk, tapi takde rakaat…! Hhaahahaha!!

Books, he loves it..!

I can say he took both of our passion…

My passion of reading

Helmi’s passion for bike…

Alhamdulillah, I feel that Ryan is doing well with his milestones…

He had explored more as he was in crawling stage for a longer time…

I read somewhere that babies explore & discover more when they are at crawling stage…

Much said about him, we are still falling in love with everything about him..

Anyway, many are expecting their second…

Macam best lak..

Should I?


Wat a question to ask….


I was listening to the radio juz now...

then i channel surf, terdengar radio Warna calling2 pengantin yang will sanding later today..


seronok aku dengar...!

maklum la, terkenang time aku nye turn time tu...satu feeling yang sungguh the feeling..LOL!!

i remember lazing around in bed time tu, while waiting for my mak andam to come..

then terdengar..

" helmi dan rini yang akan bersanding sebentar lagik..."

aku ade la fikir, wah coincidence giler nye, ade lain pengantin samer name ngan kiter dua..

skali aku dgr suara laki aku la on air!!

trus bangun kuat kan radio..

GAMAT satu rumah aku..

aku yang tersipu2 malu la konon..

tapi best la!!

anyway nowadays gi weddings pon best..

makin best...

pasal bleh feeling2 time kiter kahwin dulu..

it never fails to reminisce those memorable moments..

well, come on!

tell me who else, can go over & over again those weddings photos & videos...

smiling at each pix or scene..

if not for our own self..!


Wednesday, May 21

aku sokong!

I watched Anugerah Band last night...


Aku sokong Putra!!!

very vampire-like seh the vocalist...

erm..ok ok my kuzzin from my maternal side pon ade...

he is from Helven...

But aku lum tgk dia perform..

Well anyway, after that aku berangan..

berangan aku ngan kuzzin2 aku masuk Anugerah Band..

Nyanyi lagu Matta Band, ketahuan..


terpekik terlolong aku dlm kreta..

much to hub's amusement la...


well anyway, bulan nie best..

tak nak cakap la nape..

tapi budak2 Ritz mesti tau...

enjoy peeps!!


Durian runtuh lagik....



Tuesday, May 20

Free time never do us good sometimes...haha!

wanna know why...

cos we will survey2 this la..

survey2 that la..

survey that Power tademak Subaru WRX la..

then tak jadi la..

then survey2 nak beli motor 1 la..

konon jiwa motor la..

then rase dah comfy sgt ngan kreta..

then yesterday!!

we coughed out 2k!!


for a JBL sound system for the car..

the one that goes boom..boom..boom...

Could have taken the cheaper brands but i tot it would have more value for a branded one...

ape2 je la aku...

no bad la, now better clarity...

booming sound...

but with Ryan in the car, must change to setting 1..


but u know wat, Ryan pon enjoy the new sounds..

he was shaking his bods all the way..

cute giler...!

So i hope hub is satisfied with all his modifications..

ye la maner tak..

madang nie last yang, last..

tapi tak last2 pon..

first2 dulu nak tinted windows...

then some lil2 stuffs...

then nak tukar new bodykit...

now this...

bila nak game pon tak tau...

Friday, May 16

good bye my fren...

Just got back from her funeral...

woke up to an sms that brought bad news...

our dear colleague, Irni had passed away peacefully last night at 11pm or so..

shit...juz last Sunday i was telling her that i will see her...

I guess i had...

and that was the last...

to see her lying motionless...

my heart breaks seeing her loved ones weeping silently...

i know how it felt..

and i shudder that thought...

i am not & will never be ready for this

ever again..

the feeling sucks big time...

Monday, May 12

For more of this, please click below!!

Ryan 1st birthday was a blast!!

Thursday, May 8


yesterday was Ryan birthday..


too busy to blog lak..

anyway, happy aku Ryan dah 1yr ol

though i know i will miss the baby2 part..

well, anyway Alhamdullilah la that all well and fine..

He walked, he can remember sequence of events, eg, he knows what happens after the other..

1 very good example, he loves eating fruits and he knows that his atuk will always eat fruit after dinner..

and y I say that?

cos he will signal if the atuk eksyen2 dun take the fruit to feed him also..



tak faham sudah..

all i can say it i am grateful wit wat i have..

Will update on the party this sat!

Monday, May 5


Satisfaction level is super up!!

Power to the max!!

Watching him....haiz...!

Prison Break...

Puas hati!

Tak tgk rugi..

tgk jer ok..

cos he is mine!


Oh btw, today met Liz up to bring the kiddos to library..

Ryan super enjoy being there..

1st visit la kater kan..

then proceed to Orchard to meet hub & pass the frame thing to ecah..

wanna see wat it is, wait till ryan birthday!

after that go Aloha chalet for Room Service the event..

ok, for the birthday..

Birthday cake...check! (even those i dun get that dream 2-tier cake, its ok la..i got something 1 like)


alamak, tak leh go into detail dulu lak..


Insya-Allah dgn izin Tuhan, all this will be fun!

be there or be SQUARE!!

Saturday, May 3

He is BACK!!!

I have been faithfully waiting for this day to come..

never mind that I had many false alarms...

That had got me all excited..

Cos now, it is for real..

no more toilet breaks jokes...



no more monday blues..!

no more plans on Monday nites..

cos i need my weekly dose of my darling..



Friday, May 2

The history of Labour day..

Last year, with my EDD supposedly to be 5th Of May..

we expected that I will give birth 2 weeks from tt date..

but hell no..

So we tot it would be 1st May, Labour day mah..

who knows maybe the lil boy wanna give some meaning to the Labour Day..

ye la labour day kan..

but it was never meant to be..

He was oni out on the 7th..

After being shown the red carpet..


well, wat matters is that all was smooth..


and juz now..

we had kenduri doa selamat for Ryan..

and rite after that..