awe...i have a pleasant ending for ma dae's wat happen..
day went on as usual @ werk, replying werk-related emails, run ard...tiring...blah..blah..blah... ime to go home, tu pon dragged till 7.34pm..well, was comtemplating on whether to go home with Jun & ida naik bus or alone, with the train... hmm, i chose train, as i had this throbbing headache and if i still went ahead wit bus, i would reach home a sick gerl...

took out the phone, called helmi as usual, talked about the day, hmm, well oso to say tt i was making ma way home..hmm, NO! i was not reporting strength ok, just tt its all in the name of LOVE. den in train, sms-ing non-stop.. bila saat2 rindu, bace msg pon senyum, sewel aku!
den sampai Yishun, tetap sms2..skali after i cross road, came this phone call....
Rini : hello yang!
Helmi : u kat ner?
Rini : huh? baru cross road...asal? *pelik*
Helmi : i kat blakang you!!
Rini : huh??!!
haha!! i saw helmi, not reali behind me, but across the road! cian dia... ape lagi, aku pon run, jay walk tau!!, across the road, to him...terror aku, padahal actuali takut jaywalk...well, the pull of love... heheehe

well, i found out that after we hung up, helmi got ready and went out catch me at Yishun. haha! and all the time yang kiter sms, he was on the road!, you juz so sweet! here comes the kesian part, he waited for me at the station but apparently, due to the congestion, he missed me...the msg was, "wer u?".. i said i oreadi approaching traffic lights.. helmi ran from station to traffic lights, haha! nasib trafiic light tu lamer, lau tak by the time he reach, i would oreadi sampai umah! cepat jugak aku jln...
i was so blown away...bile naik moto, terase body heat dia.. i joked with him, " wow! laju agaknye you lari tadi.." chuckles..

makanin la pas tu at KFC, chat & laughed as usual... i love him.. soooo much!! then we go back ma house watch Dimensi 4 with zali.....
at 11, helmi left for werk...

and here i am now, missing him already....argh!! Love, your meaning covers the whole dictionary i must can cause anxiety, panics, cloud nine, anger, depress, over the moon...etc..
tomorrow werk and then dinner at GreenHouse..hmm ape nak pakai eh?? dinner paid by GM tau...mesti sedap, FREE!!!
oh btw, presenting ma fave pix!!