arr... akhirnya dapat aku nak update blogku ini...

i realised tt my blog looks more eventful when i was not married but its actuali hell no, in reality.. semakin mengharungi alam kahwin2 nie, life has been extremely jam-packed to the max..! y? haha! i figured the logic...cos now the sunshine in my life is "shining" with me 24/7 now!! haha! getto? tak faham jugak?? hah pi kahwin then think this over again..

ok..lemme track back wat happen since thursday...
Wednesday, 13th Dec..
hmm.. nothin great but it was countdown to 14th for my detailed scan..hehe!! my bro zali came over at midnite to sleepover as i am bringin him along too 4 my scan.. oh yeah, i actuali COOKED spaghetti!! termasam sikit la...but all eat pinish...bro ate 2 bowls!! cuka aku.. ok cannot deny, hubby help la ard..Both of them played PS2 till dunno wat time, while i retired to night, was the end of my ice cream "life" as bro pinish e whole tub!! haha...
Thursday, 14th Dec...
ITS D DAY!!!! i woke up at 7+ got ready, kicked their butts to wake up and all was ready by 8+...sempat aku buat breakfast utk drg.. we kelamz kabut got to the car as my appt was at 9am..gedebak gedebuk... register kul 915am..haiz.. aku rase org suma ingat kite salah clinic!! langsung tak macam org mengandung...wakaka! tunggu last nombor aku pon dipanggil...
doctor tunjuk all e body parts..ade yang aku tak nampak ada yang aku tak bleh make out..tapi aku ya kan jer...pasal aku nak dia pi check ade "bird" ker tak..hehe...seronak tgk2..dia tunjuk the head, the brain, the heart, the kidney...etc sekali, dia ckp ngan aku to wait for ard 20mins outside & dun go toilet..haha!! dia tau la aku baru pi toilet b4 aku masuk tadi..patutla tak nampak sangat... frust drg tak dpt tau...cubaan...
kuar bilik, pi beli air..togok sampai abis, then tahan air kencing...then ard 20mins dia panggil balik..HA!! nie kali, clear cut nampak baby aku.. alahai..touching!!! semua sifat dia aku nampak, heart dia..semua ar!! dia ade buat movement nie, where dia angkat tangan as if waving to us..hehe!! ok, doc started all over again and till the bontot part...this qns was asked.."wanna noe the gender??" me step tanya hubby BUT I WAS DYING TO KNOW... yes, i wanted it to be a surprise but NO i wanna know!! so YES we answered!!
its a..................................................
HELMI JUNIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so happy and so was hubby!! our instinct was RIGHT, right from the start!!
well, news was broken to my curious mama & ayah..and helmi's mak & abah...
yadadaddadaddadada....we outz from KKH at only 12+...cian hubby & zali, hungry giler...
so we lunched at Zam2 arab street and then proceed to Kbox @ marina square... after that at 5+ we met mama & ayah.
rezeki baby seems to be flowing in is y...
1. me ajak ayah mama to juz tumpang us, so 1 car jer la..then mama saw my near empty tank, she asked helmi to masuk pump station, FULL TANK babe, mama top kan..hehe!! enkiu mama!!
2. Ayah belanja kiter suma makan...BURP!!!!
3. we went to PS, mama ayah got zali his much-wanted MP3..8G sak!! bontot tul...suka dia..
4. We went shopping spree and helmi got his shirts, mine & ayah too...mama belanja...sekali ka-ching!! the cash register reflects $$ 241 !!

oh oh..kiter amik2 tapi tak tgk price tag..haha!! panggilla mama konon nak bilang sebelum dia terkejut tgk bill la.. mama ketawa and said, "bayar jer la.." haha!! aku and bro konon nak step u'standing la... tanya dulu sebelum ape2..
so we rattled off, happy with our shopping today..the best thing is kocek tak burn!! kocek mama ayah yang burn...hehe!!
Friday, 15th Dec..
5. just now, baru balik makan...with my family in law... SIL belanja whole family makan as tanda la, now tt we know its a boy...makan sampai nak metup perut..!! thanks kak!!
now.. i am sittin here typing away with baby kicking away... such a nice feeling...
btw i was tagged by here goes...
WHAT I HAVE ACHIEVED IN 20061. Planned my own wedding...success!
2. Taking flight on my own, wit hubby la... Dulu always with parents..
3. Have my own pon hehe!
4. all my goals that i set back in year 2000.
- to be married with at least 1 kid, a healthy paycheck, a caring husband..all by age of 24.
so yeah...literally, i managed to achieve all tt i aimed for..ALHAMDULLILAH...
WHAT I DID NOT ACHIEVED IN 2006hmm... to bring back my late sister to life...
1. to be a good mama
2. to be a good wifey
3. to be fair & just ****** @ work...
4. to continue being happy with what Allah has to offer me...
okla..tts all i guess...
good nite all..
p.s: blogger nie asyik tak bleh load pixs jer...hmm, if not bleh see my baby picture...hehe!