Hey i am back!! with more crita..normal2 crita la..
hmm.. wer shall i start...
Oh yeah, yesterday was check up again!! the day we look forward to, seein our boy.. it rained cat & dog... we reached at 6pm for our 6.30 appt. took ma routine test, and GASP!!
the last time i weighed was a cool 52.3kg, was happy then as i never step into 50kg n this was something exciting...
but yesterday, i seriusly tot the weighin machine

had probs...
I weighed....
f.i.f.t.y e.i.g.h.t kg...YES!! A hefty 58kg...walau eh!!
but hubby said ok la ..hehe!!
then, we went Causeway point & pi NTUC to buy this...

Super Sedap you... in this cold weather, bleh aku bawak pi ofis aku yang sejuk macam mortuary!! hehe! oh, before the appt, we breakfast @ LJS in yishun & balik, and kuar balik, pi rumah MIL, mkn tgh hari...then pi appt.. mkn sampai 2 pinggan kao! tak senak perut...
TODAY, hubby woke me up @ 0720!! makao, pe pagi.... he wanted to bring me out for breakfast, tapi tak payah per siang2, mamak prata pon lom bangun gak nye..hehe! then i remembered

, yesterday, i read. in the papers, that John Little was having "9.30am Sale"today.. hehe!! ok ok, so i bargained with him for another 20mins. Gedebak gedebuk, by 815 gitu dah kuar umah, pi rubinah eat our prata & drank the teh sedap... we made our way to CWP & sampai jer just nice, kul 9.30am, JL pon membuka tirai kedai..haha!!
me as usual, step tak tau ade sale, step surprise..haha!! malu kao! tak pernah aku buat keje gini..sungguh kiasu!
but worth la... these was wat we bought...

1. A Comforter Set @ only 99 buck. UP is 199... !! 
- 2 pillow cases ( 1 side Faux Silk, 1 side 100% cotton )
- 1 Bolster Case ( 100% Cotton )
- 1 Queen Fitted sheet ( 100% Cotton )
- 1 Queen Comforter ( tested! n sungguh shiok to be underneath it!! )
2. A Queen size bed sheet set ( same la but wit no comforter, juz the norm one )
@ 16 bucks...UP is at 49.90
3. Mattress proctector @ 9 bucks, UP 29.90
4. And... hub's B.U.M boxers @ 10 bucks, usual lupa la how much...
So here is the transformation of wat use to me our, MIXED & MATCH bed cover...haha!! Blue Bed Sheet, green & yellow pillow case, & PINK selimut...haha!!

heheehe... ape nye isteri eh aku, katil pon malas nak samer kan colour... ala janji tido sedap... k then as usual, he with his duties, & me with mine...Then he goes smoking at.....

Then hub pon siap2 pi Solat Ju'maat and aku, sit at home with the comp, seperti biasa.. blah, blah, blah... hub pon dah pinish pray and will fetch me kat bawa blk, gi maner?? maner lagi pi lunch lak ar umah MIL...hehe!!
So i save this as draft & left.....
Back liao, time check is 4.26pm..Burp!! konyang la...later goin back there to eat kuih lopez..lol!! fav u .. nie la keje seharian, tak umah my parent, umah PIL la.. confom2 ade mkn nye... hehe!! lau nak tukar selera, mkn la luar jer... Fuh! tt time mama cook lemak cili padi, POWER!
Kla.. i will upload this pix, random pix...
The day we celebrated my division's boss bdae...

Oh...our craving for these bread, wat u call it, Chicken floss eh...we always head back to buy it, so ydae, we boy 6 of it @ 4 buck..

nie aku...ntah ape2 jek..

this was e day, coincidently, we picked up red shirts to wear..dah mcm boria!!

till then...dada..!!

and yeah...tmr got dinner la with sec sch peeps...wee!!