today had been a very ouchie day!!!
took the train today as werk starts late for me..hubby went to werk as usual.. boy! dun i miss having him around went it started raining when he left...claps of thunders scare the hell out of me... seems like a scene out of a horror movie..lucky he left the lights on for me... phew!!
started my journey to werk @ 1pm.. bought vitasoy @ 7-11 Marina Sq...and entered office..woah!! no bad, i took only 1 hr to reach office..hehe!! drank the vitasoy till the last drop n started!!
i felt an intense pain and i mean it, it was really reali bad!! I am known to have high threshold and tolerance of pain, however, this one just can seems to go away.. So there i was, slumped to my seat, in extreme pain that it brought tears to my eyes... to divert my attention to the pain, i ate M&M but it doesnt werk.. lasted for a miserable 15mins!! i just couldnt do was like menstrual cramp but do double, triple or 10 fold it..
i had no choice but to inform hubby.. then i called Liz to ask her based on her experience..well, i dun wanna be freaking out for something that is normal..She advised me to call KKH and i did..they in turn, requested me to come to the hospital..GOSH!! i told hubby and we set off from there...
Upon reaching, hmm, i was thinking, which clinic eh?? ok, gave them a call back and well, they remembered and told me to go to the delivery suite..yes!! DELIVERY SUITE!! shucks!! sungguh not prepared!! i came n they had all ready for me, fill this & that and i was then brought to the observation room...
i was brought to a hospital bed with all those machines.. BP was taken..normal.. then i was strapped to those monitoring stuff and i could hear my baby heartbeats... best nye..!! that was my FIRST EVER time lying down on hospital bed..*chuckles* seronok gitu..
after the nurse check all the necessary, my doctor came did my 1st EVER VE..aiyoyo!! malu chek!! but step normal was kinda an invasive procedure but wat to do.. it will soon be part & parcel of this preggy thingy rite.. oh well, all is fine..
It was Braxton Hicks..was advised if i have this kinda pain, in future, which dun go away in 2hrs, then must come oreadi other tell-tales...
it seems that Baby R have turn the other way round, THE RIGHT POSITION , that is... Alhamdullilah.. cant wait for 29th march check up to confirm this again..
ok la.. better end this here.. hub's alone in living room watching tv..and i cant seem to endure the pain of sitting down now with this bulging tummy..i have peeps asking if i am carrying twins...duh!!
Nite nite!!
Tuesday, March 20
Friday, March 16
haha!! many backlogs in my memory...memory?! hah! something which had gone bad over time.. but here goes, for my own pleasure of walking down the memory lane many2 years later..
last week had our bestfrens chalet over at was super HUGE and faced directly with the swimming pool.. had fun with the usual 3 with partners & kids and with Shafiq too... Shafiq bought us ice-creams and all, for me a tub of Ben & Jerry chocolate ice cream !! which, i downed all without the slightest thought of my next day doc visit top it all, dibalas dgn bercan-can of Coke
...woohoo!! heavenly..with the BBQ foods... 
my nights were kept vigil with the many2 game of taiti!! haha!! klu pakai $$ dah kayo aku!! tak sia-sia jadi Queen of Taiti..muahaha!!
Next day doc's visit... went early, ahead of appt time, and manage to see him 1st..hehe!! walau eh!! my sugar level up giler... if only the mchine can list down all the stuffs i had consumed, mati aku!! baby is healthy but he had shifted back to be head up!! noti noti!! he is breech!! Doc set appt with me again in 2 weeks see if he position back to the right one..*wails* but ok la eh, if C-section tak yah sakit2..hehe!! so we will see on the 29th of March...
When both set of parents informed, i was arranged to go urut with ibuk ayu.. excellent pair of hand she's got there.. all my leguh2 was gone!! and it was all in the hope tat baby can move down too..whichever la sayang, up or down, i will have you out the safest way, Insyallah...
hmm, then after tt, i dunno wat else happened, oh ya, a wedding..ok tts it then lost it.. just having fun with hubby.. OH!! ok, we had a bit of leftover chickens from the chalet, so me & hub decided to go buy the portable BBQ stand thingy n BBQ right in our home, well, over at the balcony that is.. off to NTUC AMK and went straight for the thingy n set back homey..
pasang nye pasang, skali terbalik!! susahla nak explain.. so i juz fried it, fries to go along and cooked rice with lauk from my kenduri 7 bulan semlm... burp!! konyang ko... the BBQ stand, oh.. we left it aside to be settled on another day... *chuckles*
yadada2.. last wednesday, hub's dept had a chalet @ downtown...sodap la makan2 dia!! especially the satay ayam.. yummy!! many thanks to hub who never failed to bbq for me... love you!! were there for 2 days..n yeap!! me was all night with taiti... haha!!
yesterday, woke up late!! it showed me 9.26am..yikes!! our car polishing session was scheduled at 9am.. mandi and left home.. reached there at 10.23am... ok, settled, we left it there and had breakfast at Chong Pang.. after tt, we chilled at mama & ayah's crib.. nobody's home..bro school, ayah mama me & hub chilled around..
the guy called at around 1+ to inform that car was ready.. WOOHOO!! kilat nak mampos sak kreta.. hehe!! many thanks to ayah for sponsoring the whole thingy..hehe!! agaknye dia kesian ngan kreta kiter yg tak sepolish kreta dia.. hehe!! father & son-in-law must share same things..hehe! if only i had taken the B4 & after look...
From there, proceed to mandai to do the sun-shield thingy.. as usual, di add here add there, buatla skali the thing yang pasang kat pintu, ape eh name dia?? ala..yang prevent rain water from dripping directly in.. ok wateva it was.. anyway, managed to clinched a very good deal for it.. haha!! tts y i must be around if hub do car...kekeke!!
that done, i was thinking, might as well do the tint window..hub called the guy and poof! we set there...selected the % for the tint and passed over the keys... i told hub to go for the charcoal tint for whole car..fuh!! tak pass pon takpe la..
while waiting, i dragged hub to do pedicure with me, next door..hehe!! tak salah per relax2 kan diri.. my foot had been waiting for this... glad hub enjoyed it too!! gedebak gedebuk..we are done n so is the car... fuyooo!! power to the max!! as i had imagined it.. simply sleek & nice.. too done up would be too posey.. but this is superb!! kilat dah bergaya... tapi bye2! $$$... its ok.. we drove off, the feeling is great!! the tint is worth la as it was heat resistant..though it was scorching hot outside, we are damn cool inside..PLUS!! it comes with warranty...
from there we proceed to Mustafa Centre to see-see-look-look.. ended up buying a biggy clock for our living room & a a comel luminous clock for our bedroom wall.. tired of buying clocks off the shelves from pasar malam, sungguh well at least the newly-bought had warranty to start off with..ok bought other stuffs n all, which totaled to $102... hmm! ok the clocks had the biggy portion off tt..
left for home... calculated, for tt day along, for the car accesories+clocks+spa-lil-getaway+lil grocery, equated to ard 1k off the bank account..gasp!! oh includes the renewal for car roadtax it was all well-spent!!!
watched PB series 2 at 10.30pm..power!! bery the adrenalin rush! cant wait for next thursday.. after tt, siap for bedtime but changed our mind.. dressed up for supper, went to rubinah...skali over there terjumpa Cik wahab & wife..pakcik cool motor besar, caya sama lu la!! anak dah bosar2 pon tetap bawak moto muda-mudi..hehe!! talk2...woah!! in the end berebut utk bayar mkn..haha!! alhamdullilah, rezeki..balik trus ngorok!!
oh while shopping at MC, Taj called to ask if he could have our wedding albums again.. ade bakal pengantin yang insisted to see mine again, plus the mak andam who attended to me.. well u see, for the most recent expo, my albums had been used as sample. Since that, famous aku!! haha!! 2nd, 3th kuzzins, unknown individuals tagged me personally or via friendster to ask/check/tell/confirm..haha!! even my ex-staffs from pizza hut..all the queries reminded me of the BEAUTIFUL wedding that took placed ard 8 mths ago...
hmm, taj, maybe i could be your ambassador... for RH Bridal too.. $$$$$ hehe...
ok la.. today no plan AS YET... maybe later in the evening la...anyway its great not to be mind gets total rest.. at werk, m always on the heel of those individuals who need pushing..haiz, i m not a bad person ok, but wen it comes to werk, i am all that..the tigress.. as wat DIY always says.. but wat to do.. werk is werk.. no matter who u r, how young/old you are, things need to get done..
ok la..gtg..enuff said here..
oh yeah..the song playing..i love the music & the chorus...hehe!!
last week had our bestfrens chalet over at was super HUGE and faced directly with the swimming pool.. had fun with the usual 3 with partners & kids and with Shafiq too... Shafiq bought us ice-creams and all, for me a tub of Ben & Jerry chocolate ice cream !! which, i downed all without the slightest thought of my next day doc visit

my nights were kept vigil with the many2 game of taiti!! haha!! klu pakai $$ dah kayo aku!! tak sia-sia jadi Queen of Taiti..muahaha!!

Next day doc's visit... went early, ahead of appt time, and manage to see him 1st..hehe!! walau eh!! my sugar level up giler... if only the mchine can list down all the stuffs i had consumed, mati aku!! baby is healthy but he had shifted back to be head up!! noti noti!! he is breech!! Doc set appt with me again in 2 weeks see if he position back to the right one..*wails* but ok la eh, if C-section tak yah sakit2..hehe!! so we will see on the 29th of March...
When both set of parents informed, i was arranged to go urut with ibuk ayu.. excellent pair of hand she's got there.. all my leguh2 was gone!! and it was all in the hope tat baby can move down too..whichever la sayang, up or down, i will have you out the safest way, Insyallah...

hmm, then after tt, i dunno wat else happened, oh ya, a wedding..ok tts it then lost it.. just having fun with hubby.. OH!! ok, we had a bit of leftover chickens from the chalet, so me & hub decided to go buy the portable BBQ stand thingy n BBQ right in our home, well, over at the balcony that is.. off to NTUC AMK and went straight for the thingy n set back homey..
pasang nye pasang, skali terbalik!! susahla nak explain.. so i juz fried it, fries to go along and cooked rice with lauk from my kenduri 7 bulan semlm... burp!! konyang ko... the BBQ stand, oh.. we left it aside to be settled on another day... *chuckles*
yadada2.. last wednesday, hub's dept had a chalet @ downtown...sodap la makan2 dia!! especially the satay ayam.. yummy!! many thanks to hub who never failed to bbq for me... love you!! were there for 2 days..n yeap!! me was all night with taiti... haha!!
yesterday, woke up late!! it showed me 9.26am..yikes!! our car polishing session was scheduled at 9am.. mandi and left home.. reached there at 10.23am... ok, settled, we left it there and had breakfast at Chong Pang.. after tt, we chilled at mama & ayah's crib.. nobody's home..bro school, ayah mama me & hub chilled around..
the guy called at around 1+ to inform that car was ready.. WOOHOO!! kilat nak mampos sak kreta.. hehe!! many thanks to ayah for sponsoring the whole thingy..hehe!! agaknye dia kesian ngan kreta kiter yg tak sepolish kreta dia.. hehe!! father & son-in-law must share same things..hehe! if only i had taken the B4 & after look...
From there, proceed to mandai to do the sun-shield thingy.. as usual, di add here add there, buatla skali the thing yang pasang kat pintu, ape eh name dia?? ala..yang prevent rain water from dripping directly in.. ok wateva it was.. anyway, managed to clinched a very good deal for it.. haha!! tts y i must be around if hub do car...kekeke!!
that done, i was thinking, might as well do the tint window..hub called the guy and poof! we set there...selected the % for the tint and passed over the keys... i told hub to go for the charcoal tint for whole car..fuh!! tak pass pon takpe la..
while waiting, i dragged hub to do pedicure with me, next door..hehe!! tak salah per relax2 kan diri.. my foot had been waiting for this... glad hub enjoyed it too!! gedebak gedebuk..we are done n so is the car... fuyooo!! power to the max!! as i had imagined it.. simply sleek & nice.. too done up would be too posey.. but this is superb!! kilat dah bergaya... tapi bye2! $$$... its ok.. we drove off, the feeling is great!! the tint is worth la as it was heat resistant..though it was scorching hot outside, we are damn cool inside..PLUS!! it comes with warranty...
from there we proceed to Mustafa Centre to see-see-look-look.. ended up buying a biggy clock for our living room & a a comel luminous clock for our bedroom wall.. tired of buying clocks off the shelves from pasar malam, sungguh well at least the newly-bought had warranty to start off with..ok bought other stuffs n all, which totaled to $102... hmm! ok the clocks had the biggy portion off tt..
left for home... calculated, for tt day along, for the car accesories+clocks+spa-lil-getaway+lil grocery, equated to ard 1k off the bank account..gasp!! oh includes the renewal for car roadtax it was all well-spent!!!
watched PB series 2 at 10.30pm..power!! bery the adrenalin rush! cant wait for next thursday.. after tt, siap for bedtime but changed our mind.. dressed up for supper, went to rubinah...skali over there terjumpa Cik wahab & wife..pakcik cool motor besar, caya sama lu la!! anak dah bosar2 pon tetap bawak moto muda-mudi..hehe!! talk2...woah!! in the end berebut utk bayar mkn..haha!! alhamdullilah, rezeki..balik trus ngorok!!
oh while shopping at MC, Taj called to ask if he could have our wedding albums again.. ade bakal pengantin yang insisted to see mine again, plus the mak andam who attended to me.. well u see, for the most recent expo, my albums had been used as sample. Since that, famous aku!! haha!! 2nd, 3th kuzzins, unknown individuals tagged me personally or via friendster to ask/check/tell/confirm..haha!! even my ex-staffs from pizza hut..all the queries reminded me of the BEAUTIFUL wedding that took placed ard 8 mths ago...

hmm, taj, maybe i could be your ambassador... for RH Bridal too.. $$$$$ hehe...
ok la.. today no plan AS YET... maybe later in the evening la...anyway its great not to be mind gets total rest.. at werk, m always on the heel of those individuals who need pushing..haiz, i m not a bad person ok, but wen it comes to werk, i am all that..the tigress.. as wat DIY always says.. but wat to do.. werk is werk.. no matter who u r, how young/old you are, things need to get done..
ok la..gtg..enuff said here..
oh yeah..the song playing..i love the music & the chorus...hehe!!
Saturday, March 3
last wednesday, 28th of february, i got a call from mama & ayah... was oreadi in the office..
the news paternal grandma has left us all peacefully tt morning...
sebak but i had to control as many were around me in the office.. well, i guess i m not known to show emotions...
called hub to inform him...
then we left...
Al-fatihah utk nenek
hmm.. ok sad things aside...guess the news has spread oreadi...
oh and...i miss my looooong hair....
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