am on leave today...
to settle many stuffs...
Bro bike thingy...
Clean the house..
lipat the ever-mounting laundry..
launder the clothes..
time to have maid?
lemme consider that..........
Time to update my diary huh..
to close teh year 2007 we had the Year End Party for my beloved team....

then come the wedding of my dear kuzzin nana on the 29th of Dec..

Oh by the way, a day before that, 28th of December, one of my collegue passed away due to unknown reason..
He vomitted blood at werk and he was sent to hospital to check..
dunno wt happen but he was admitted...
over lunch, we went over to visit him ..
we still chose to tease and joke with him..
not tt we are cruel but he was reali ok..
nobody knows wat happen..
then his family decided to bring him back to melacca private hospital..
then, news came tt he passed away..
it was announced over the walkie..
i was stumped..
an urgent meeting was called on..
and we decided to drive up to pay our last respect..
so i packed up and instead of rewang at nana's place..
i popped by to say hi and left..
Ryan was left at Woodlands..
Meet up with the rest of them at 2nd link and started the journey..
Pumping all the way, we reached at around midnite..
and we reached back home only at 5am..
Rest in peace to you, dear friend..
Hmm, how unpredictable can life be..
After sleeping like a log, woke up at noon and fetch Ryan to Nana's place..
then we had a blasting time lepaking..
oh boy..and yeah its confirm that my cam battery had gone bonkers!!
boring seh...
nak amik pix many2 pon susah..
madang KAPUT-ing jer...
sot dot seh..but if on balik ok la tu..
then kaput again..
oh well..
so here are the summary of pix which i think can paint out the events i had..
Shopping trip in Orchard with Lady Herni & baby Noushin...
gepren & bopren la nie...

The lepaking session to discuss our upcoming road trip...


And lastly, the Leaders dinner...
Dun ask me how much the bill was..
nasib bukan dr pocket aku..
will upload the pix once i receive it from them..

and i started year 2008 with anew hair..

and with this hair, i can say that it is reali a fresh start..
complimented by many, naik malu aku..hehe!
wen i start to feel comfy with the short hair, i return to my stylist to trim shorter..hehe!
so teh pix here, is the end result..
and my baby boy!!
he is on the process of walking i think..
with 2 teeth...
he love lifting his butt up and release his hand..
and thud down..
penat aku dibuatnye..
here is his updated pix..
wer is my food mama?

Smily Ryan..

And lastly.. i love husband!!