Saturday, September 30
aha..its saturday..yeah yeah besok sunday.. ape jer takde maknanya sak..hehe!!
neway so far, i manage to posa for oni.....1day haha!!
i am still trying to pull thru my 2nd day today..haiz, pregnancy....tak rase aku nikmat bulan Ramadhan nie..Insyallah, klu aku tahan, dapat la 2 hari nari..
hmm, besok dating..yeah yeah! tapi its like mcm handicap gitu takde moto..takpe next week dah de car..3th Oct car will be sent for polishing, washing etc...
ala..perut aku dah krok krok! nak buka tak?? hmm..
Tony! i want my spring chicken.........
Tuesday, September 26
ntah la kenapa posting aku ter kuar 2 kali sak, but well, tak kisah sangat la..
neway mummy had great news for us.. the car, can be collected next week!! wee.. the shipment is in liao.. alhamdullilah, beraya la kiter dgn kreta.. klu dulu, nak pakai kreta kene pinjam my daddy or his dad.. now no more..bila2 bleh gi KL..wakakaka!!
As usual, tak fasting lagi aku..hubby said i looked pale in the morning at werk, so, he practically "ordered" me to eat..lemme try again ok..
Lunch "sleep" break was & itot had slipped our way out of office b4 the trio, nirna, Mrs rif & suzi, come..haha!! konon nak "chop" the best bed..sekali aku si bodoh nie bleh lupa password tu bilik sak..makao!! pressure sak bila dgr suara drg kat koridor..tiba masa sampai la drg, kekek2 si mrs rif ketawa kan kiter..haha!! sekali kat dlm si audrey & farah dah kat dlm..hah, apalagi..bunk in lagi ar pasal suma penakut nak panjang naik deck atas..suzi jer berani so she had the whole bed.. aku dah warned itot jgn main trompet lagi..nak clarinet jer..haha!! pas tu tido tk ingt dunia.....
i had craving for both KFC & Pizza hubby fetch and off we went to buy both pizza & chickens...dah makan, lepak....
kedebak-kedebuk..dah sampai la aku kat mommy-daddy house..besok hubby off, yahoo!!
ya la, we kinda miss our old carefree he suggested we go out this whole Sunday.. so lazy bones, better perk up..we gonna go public..haha!! lets wish hubby all e best.. well, dun blame me, u were e one who suggested public...haha!!
k la...nak ngorok!!
neway mummy had great news for us.. the car, can be collected next week!! wee.. the shipment is in liao.. alhamdullilah, beraya la kiter dgn kreta.. klu dulu, nak pakai kreta kene pinjam my daddy or his dad.. now no more..bila2 bleh gi KL..wakakaka!!
As usual, tak fasting lagi aku..hubby said i looked pale in the morning at werk, so, he practically "ordered" me to eat..lemme try again ok..
Lunch "sleep" break was & itot had slipped our way out of office b4 the trio, nirna, Mrs rif & suzi, come..haha!! konon nak "chop" the best bed..sekali aku si bodoh nie bleh lupa password tu bilik sak..makao!! pressure sak bila dgr suara drg kat koridor..tiba masa sampai la drg, kekek2 si mrs rif ketawa kan kiter..haha!! sekali kat dlm si audrey & farah dah kat dlm..hah, apalagi..bunk in lagi ar pasal suma penakut nak panjang naik deck atas..suzi jer berani so she had the whole bed.. aku dah warned itot jgn main trompet lagi..nak clarinet jer..haha!! pas tu tido tk ingt dunia.....
i had craving for both KFC & Pizza hubby fetch and off we went to buy both pizza & chickens...dah makan, lepak....
kedebak-kedebuk..dah sampai la aku kat mommy-daddy house..besok hubby off, yahoo!!
this sunday....
i have a date...
a date with...
ya la, we kinda miss our old carefree he suggested we go out this whole Sunday.. so lazy bones, better perk up..we gonna go public..haha!! lets wish hubby all e best.. well, dun blame me, u were e one who suggested public...haha!!
k la...nak ngorok!!
me at mommy-daddy's place again tonight.. hubby on nite shift, thank God this will be the last ever! no more sleep alone..argh!! i reali miss him sak.. with him beside me, i can snooze off within secs and sleep like a baby.. but alone, my mind juz think of him.. ala, jiwang sangat ar..tsk tsk! so this entry is like replica to the let-me-count-the-sheep method..
today didnt start off that well, feel nausea and the morning sickness tagged along with me, to werk.. felt so dehydrated and un-energized for the Monday so i decided to batalkan saja niat puasa aku tu and bought the McD breakfast..haiz, y'day only managed till 1pm..feel so bad that i cant fast. My gynae forbade me to fast as i am still in the 1st trimester.. berbelah bagi aku.. but hubby said this to me, "sayang puasa ke sayang baby??" hmm, sayang baby la..but mcm kelakar gitu tak posa..nak bayar balik lagi pekeran!!
tadi lunch, i went to sleep in the nursing room, the ever so comfy room..tu hide-out kiter kan Nirna, sewaktu ketika dulu..zaman mata dah macam nak kero dpan PC menahan kegantukan yang!! shh!! haha! oh not forgeting aku adak bodyguard la ikut aku tido, Ice & itot..haha! nak mampus..katil ade 9 tapi korang bunk in together ngan aku.. nasib tak roboh! dah terlanjur tu sempat "take picture, take picture"..then ngorok ler!! sedng aku dilamun mimpi terdengar bunyi trumpet! arrr itu dia, menpersembahkan itot dgn saxophone & me giggle2 macam nak mampus.. nasib tak kene campak bantal dgn farah, yang dah terbongkang macam mayat, tinggal nak ikat jer!!
kul 5 on the dotz...dengan terlaksananya tugasan harianku, daku pon bergegas lari balik ke pangkuan suamikuuuuu... i bought F&N fanta and roti, takut2 tak bleh mamam nasi..
ding-dong!!! kepulanganku di sambut oleh hubbyku yang sedang "memanaskan" lauk utk beriftar nanti...cedap! ayam masak merah, telur dadar & french fries.. bathed & helped him.. today cannot make it to terawih..not feeling well..
watch IDOLS! yeah yeah HADY won..HIDUP MELAYU!!!
dahla tu jer... Mrs Rif, Nirna, Ida, itot continue lah mengupdate sketsa2 berpuase di ofis...haha!! suma muka stoing!
utk org yang berminat nak gi tmpat aku berbulan madu, tell me! i will recommend you.. that time i go i paid only 1k but get return airfare FOR TWO on Silkair, limo transfer to and fro (apt-htl-apt), daily breakfast FOR TWO, 1 hour massage FOR TWO, friendly & personalised service, romantic room settings..own jacuzzi/pool...breath-taking views..aweeesome!! God, i am still on my honey period! wake up...*slap slap* need to do some reality check..honeymoon is over..
oohh i realise my malay language in this post..very the karangan... miss doing it in school... favorit sak buat karangan and compositions... sheesh!
still cant sleep but wat the hell,
hubby: if you reading this at werk, I MISS YOU!!!!
your wife,
today didnt start off that well, feel nausea and the morning sickness tagged along with me, to werk.. felt so dehydrated and un-energized for the Monday so i decided to batalkan saja niat puasa aku tu and bought the McD breakfast..haiz, y'day only managed till 1pm..feel so bad that i cant fast. My gynae forbade me to fast as i am still in the 1st trimester.. berbelah bagi aku.. but hubby said this to me, "sayang puasa ke sayang baby??" hmm, sayang baby la..but mcm kelakar gitu tak posa..nak bayar balik lagi pekeran!!
tadi lunch, i went to sleep in the nursing room, the ever so comfy room..tu hide-out kiter kan Nirna, sewaktu ketika dulu..zaman mata dah macam nak kero dpan PC menahan kegantukan yang!! shh!! haha! oh not forgeting aku adak bodyguard la ikut aku tido, Ice & itot..haha! nak mampus..katil ade 9 tapi korang bunk in together ngan aku.. nasib tak roboh! dah terlanjur tu sempat "take picture, take picture"..then ngorok ler!! sedng aku dilamun mimpi terdengar bunyi trumpet! arrr itu dia, menpersembahkan itot dgn saxophone & me giggle2 macam nak mampus.. nasib tak kene campak bantal dgn farah, yang dah terbongkang macam mayat, tinggal nak ikat jer!!
kul 5 on the dotz...dengan terlaksananya tugasan harianku, daku pon bergegas lari balik ke pangkuan suamikuuuuu... i bought F&N fanta and roti, takut2 tak bleh mamam nasi..
ding-dong!!! kepulanganku di sambut oleh hubbyku yang sedang "memanaskan" lauk utk beriftar nanti...cedap! ayam masak merah, telur dadar & french fries.. bathed & helped him.. today cannot make it to terawih..not feeling well..
watch IDOLS! yeah yeah HADY won..HIDUP MELAYU!!!
dahla tu jer... Mrs Rif, Nirna, Ida, itot continue lah mengupdate sketsa2 berpuase di ofis...haha!! suma muka stoing!
utk org yang berminat nak gi tmpat aku berbulan madu, tell me! i will recommend you.. that time i go i paid only 1k but get return airfare FOR TWO on Silkair, limo transfer to and fro (apt-htl-apt), daily breakfast FOR TWO, 1 hour massage FOR TWO, friendly & personalised service, romantic room settings..own jacuzzi/pool...breath-taking views..aweeesome!! God, i am still on my honey period! wake up...*slap slap* need to do some reality check..honeymoon is over..
oohh i realise my malay language in this post..very the karangan... miss doing it in school... favorit sak buat karangan and compositions... sheesh!
still cant sleep but wat the hell,
hubby: if you reading this at werk, I MISS YOU!!!!
your wife,
Saturday, September 23
phew!! i am done uploadin!! finally... cian my hubby have been abandoned for the longest time... sorry dear!!
but hey, u guys kinda like read from below ok, cos, its in order of entry.. pandai2 la krg ok... the startin is the nikah pix and thereafter, all the way up...ok get it??
Mrs Rif, lemme juz fulfil ur request ok..but abit jer k... nak tgk more pls come ma house!! no excuse.. i have more wedding pixs and honeymoon pixs...this applies to all of u too!!

but hey, u guys kinda like read from below ok, cos, its in order of entry.. pandai2 la krg ok... the startin is the nikah pix and thereafter, all the way up...ok get it??
Mrs Rif, lemme juz fulfil ur request ok..but abit jer k... nak tgk more pls come ma house!! no excuse.. i have more wedding pixs and honeymoon pixs...this applies to all of u too!!
pandai aku amik pix eh..thats e villa name..marvellous!!romantic...

Thats the jacuzzi behind me..shiok aku berendam mcm badak!
Nak gi shoppin
Singgah ke beach dulu..
argh!! it died againn....akan ku continue lagi...tapi BESOK!! wakakaka!!
hubby...i am coming!!
~pu3 rini~
majlis perkahwinanku...yang terindah....
29th July 2006 (part 1)

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