Appt was at 1.50pm but i reach at 1.52pm..hehe! took the routine urine test, took my weight (i gained 1.2kg!!!! Woohoo!!), took my blood pressure...then see doctor...
then, missy came to me, while i was waiting, and ask me to go for the blood test, which i tot was on december..OH NO!!

i was hoping my name to be called lambat2, tapi pe sekejap... adoi!!

then its back to see doctor...he said all very good, Alhamdulillah...i gain weight n all..then he asked me to lie down...hmm, situ tak de scan machine, u know the screen..then masa nak lie, i saw the picture of uterus..alamak!! dia nak check bawak ker..oh no!!
sekali..he took the gel, then the scanner..hmm ape ngak nye dia nak buat eh?? sekali ade speaker la!!! then i can hear a momentum sound..
Gosh!! its baby's heartbeat la....

i cant help but laugh cos hubby muka pon dah kemek!!
me: Doctor, what wuz tt? my baby playing fight2 izzit?? *giggling*
Doctor: *lughing along* ya, baby is fighting with me..want to run away from the scan..
haha!! good la, doctor said baby very active.. then we left smiling away...

pastu gi makan kat Zam Zam arab street...tulnye makan..murtabak & briyani..steam dok!! hhehe...then pi umah Kuzzin Ijal, pi burn karaoke disc..hehe!!
then balik tgk CSI sampai pagi.. tgh tgk tv tu, i put my hand on my lil bump.. then i felt like a hand shoving it aside from INSIDE!!! i was like, "AYANG!!!! I FELT IT!!! "haha!! esctatic aku jap..i read in the Internet and extracted this, " Thinner women tend to feel movement earlier and more often than women who carry more weight. .." mybe tt is y..
nie aku baru bangun, actuali dah pi beli breakfast n dah kenyang pon..BURP!!! tapi lum mandi..kekeeke!
kla bye!! nak pi Sentosa...hahahha!!
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