been awhile since i last blogged...
well lemme exercise my now-bad-memory brain while indulgin in my plate of roti telur...
hmm let's see...ok starting off with Thursday...
Thursday, Feb 1st
i took time off that day.. in prep for Prison Break last 2 episode!! haha!! kidding... but sort off la.. i cleaned, vacuumed, laundered and all tt i still could afford to do..
Hubby called to say he modifiying his "baby" after work.. BUT called again to say only can be done at 9pm.. 9pm??!!! PB is at 10pm... argh! being an understanding wife, i relented after being assured that it will take ermm..not so long..haha!!
lepas magrib, we left for telok blangah..yadada..yadada..u guessed it, we were only done at 10pm!! but somehow, the result is satisfying to me, so ok la..gua chill!! berdesut balik....without first droppin by @ McD drive thru for my McSpicy meal..standby utk mlm lau lapar..hehe!! desut2 tu pon sampai kul 1045hrs..nasib dia till 12midnite, if not..gue cekik2 lo!!
PB made us sat upright, unmovable, undeter from our seat! but ending dia, kot setakat sebegituk saja sih!! nak cari PB2.."shuttup nirna..aku tau ko grinning away while reading this...!"
after the show..TIDO!!!!
Friday, Feb 2nd
i woke up excitedly as i had my day planned!!
i had booked two rooms for us..and double happiness when we were upgraded to Premier suite club room and marina club room..hehe!! i invited liz & family too...we had fun..
Bro zali straight went to dip in the romantic bath tub, 1st thing when we entered the room. whilst he was at tt, i brought them ard..when we returned to room, member dah "tengelam"kat katil..haha!! selesa betul la tu..
Thanks to all who made it so much fun..!!
View from our Suite...liza's room was next door...
Mama & ayah..posing with the bdae cake, sparkling Champagne, Fruit Basket and the ever so lovely cone-shaped strawberry "ice mountain" with chocolate, whip cream and brown sugar dips..HEAVENLY!! bro went oohh...aahh with it!! haha!
Our family Photo with sarah in the middle..tute!!
we enjoyed meals at the RC night me, hub, bro and liz family went out to Marina.. we left mama & ayah at the hotel to enjoy the serenity of the RC club lounge at night, overlooking the beautiful night view.
having worked in the hotel, i never tot of cam-whoring..haha!! but liz, do forward me the pixs ok..
so we ate, we slept, we swam..erm no..sarah & hilmi swam..hehe!!
Saturday Feb 3rd
Woke up, went breakfast @ club..and to the pool again..took a last heavenly nap in the ever so comfy bed..and went for mid-day snacks and we c/o...
not waiting the day to end fast..we went to motor survey2 motor..hehe!! bro zali nak amik lesen la..tapi birthday only in sept..takpe..survey dulu..bukan main hidup si hub & bro tgk moto..mama & ayah the "ka-ching" factor... haha! semangat budak tu..
after tt, i suggested going to Sentosa..hehe! i challenged mama to take the sky-chair & luge..haha!! * rubs hand gleefully * mama taknak..ckp tinggi la tu la.. BUT I INSISTED!! so we went..
i get the backseat whenever bro took our car...hehe!!
paid for the tixs, i handed it to them, mama, ayah, zali & hub..haha!! bukan main aku, lepak..tak sabar nak tgk muka mama & ayah.. it seem intimidating to come down in that so called go kart thingy but i said, "tak try tak tau " so off they went..*poof*
Going up the Sky Chair Ride..i heard they said, mama tak lepas pegang seat..!!
the result: mama & ayah had fun!! i couldnt believe that my mum would gamely take on the ride down on tht go-0kart thingy but she did! haha!! ayah step nak ikut zali & hub raced down the slope but him, being the caring hub to mama, was always making sure mama was being him n not trailing of elsewer..haha!! ayah said next time must come!!
after that took the tram round2 then went to West coast for makan..
then still, not enuff, went to OCC to play pool..Zali & hub, dah lama tak main..Ayah, LANGSUNG tak pernah main..seperti biasa, WE MADE HIM TRY...and boy! he was good la.. haha!! agaknya ayah asyik tak pernah main tak..hehe...
Ayah buat pose kelakar...step sak bila menang..!
Me & mama..
ok after tt, we went homey...then bored lagi! called zali, member dah turun dhoby ghaut skating..ask him nak chill tak, he said ok so we siap2 and drove down to town and went to Changi to meet up with Shafiq and the motor guys.. chatted and laughed..
went home @ 3+ and bathed and dozed off....zzzzZZZzzzzz!!
Sunday, 4th Feb
Woke up..hub go mandikan kereta dia..and the line-up fpr today is Aishah's ex-schoolmate and jiran at blk 412..haha!! miss that place..
cooked roti telur for alas perut..and did laundry again..and this attempt to update the me i was multi-tasking...ok after this off to siap2 and pwetty2..
Oh did i mentioned, my fav General manager is HAVE LEFT...awe!! sob..sob!! but i managed to see him for th elast and snap snap!!
My aspiration!! my mentor...

See my tummy!!

My Thoughts....
i had loads of fun this weekend with my family and as such, this "if only" feeling will always throbbed in.. it never fails too..
we had fun...if only you were here.
we laughed..if only you were here..
haiz... the ironic of life.. would it be better if you were here..still here with us...that explains the slight modification in my lay-out. no matter how much fun i have, i will remember you...
On another note, pregnancy have took a toll of me.. i feel bloated with full bladder most of the time, with a lil baby body growing in me, and my ever full intestine full of the food i stuff in.. you can say that i feel like a whale, though i dun look like one!!
however so we can't wait to be parents..Insyallah should all go well..
So liz's son, baby hilmi, is always our target for our "so-called" step nak jadi parent pix..hehe!!
Cant wait to lay hands on my own... *counting down*
Baby Hilmi..
Me & baby Hilmi..
Hub Helmi & baby Hilmi...*chuckles*

Ok bye!! nak siap!!