ok we planned our day properly..brought MIL to see nenek oso at TTSH..and cleaned out house proper to welcome our tired guests..dinner at satay club..blah..blah..i suggested to go to Sentosa the next day and it was decided..hehe!!
so next morning, which is a sat, hub went to buy breakfast for all..and siap2 then off to Sentosa...as usual i took them to take that Sentosa luge.. after it all, balik..
after sending them over to PIL place, we went over to my parent's place...wow! mom was cooking and we had our fill.. ayah saw our new rim..haha!! next week, son-in-law and ayah have date go do tinted-window..chet! then Ronnie called to say it was Track day at pasir gudang tomorrow, sunday la tu..suka hubby!! lama dia tak pi practise...but shucks!! my passport dah abis page, hai nie la org banyak travel..

From there, went to Bibik ayu's house to see nenek.. kesian nenek.. still Coma...lying motionless on the purchase hospital bed...hmm...
At 6plus we left for home, bathed and went out again to meet zul & Tony at JK.. we had to simply talked about stuffs that needed attention..so there we were at 7.30pm..yakadeyak2..problem settled... somehow, in ANY relationship, be it bestfren, platonic fren, ape2 la.. COMMUNICATION is a must.. no matter how small the matter is, if you have the slightest sour feeling, its good to talk or lash it out.. somehow, that is how me & hub stay blissful.. takde hubungan yang happy selalu, so when our sail is down , we make it a point to talk it out.. sometimes, you can never agree more that in many occasion, most of the time, he is not right and i am not wrong or vice versa...to simply put it off and move along would just be a lethal poison in the long run..but we were glad that we managed to sort it out between you two.. after many years together, i am sure it is easy to bury hatchet after talking it out.. *cheers*
Today hubby left at 7am and fetched bro to go Pasir gudang...hmm, cian aku kene tinggal.. worried pon ade... hub dah lame tak naik moto, tak kekok ke nak pi masuk track... ade jer terbabas masuk tayar... the last time i didnt manage to ikut, moto dia flipped mcm rollercoaster..sampai tank yang bulat dan lawa bleh kemet and bertankung air...1 bulan moto outz! haiz..hopefully nothing happen..
yeah! hubby is otw back now...buying my McD lemon tea..hehe!! hmm, zali geram jer tgk hubby race kat track..pelan2 li, haha!! lesen amik dulu...and congrats to Ronnie for getting 2nd place...
just missed those times when i am still hyper. ahah!! now still hyper la but many restriction..baby oso now more active..i get kicked, nudged many times..Insyallah when baby pop out, bleh bawak dia tgk daddy dia pi practise...
those were the days...
ARGH!!! its back to work tomorrow & i have lots pending stuffs to look into... such as ROSTER!!
and anyway, the song playin now...its our new Love Song haha!! suka betul bila lagu nie kuar kat radio dln kereta..hehe!!
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