Try asking me, how far along am I now...
it would take me seconds, before coming out with a number..
which I am not sure myself..
5months....6? ntha eh..
cuba klu dulu..., aku tau sak, which week i am in...
haiz, ape nak buat, busy seh nowadays...
busy with Ryan...
Speaking of Ryan, I am also not updating on him regularly..
But alhamdullilah, he is doing just fine, if not better..
Colours, pass! Numbers, pass!
those are the new topics that I got covered la..
Body parts dah tak ya ckp dah..
But seriously, sometimes IT IS tiring to answer to them seh...
Now if you ask for a kiss, u get this, " why kiss mama? "
wow! now nak kene ade reason laaa...
Just now, hub fetched me cos ryan said, " Nak see aeroplane..."
So they we were, with bibik alongside, counting aeroplanes..
fun jugak...!
And I am so happy that he can now count from 1 to 10 without any prompting...
Another thing worth mentioning, now bibik and ryan can be left alone @ home..
yippee! Lets just say, i have built the trust & faith..
klu pape, Ryan will report to me.. hehe!!
ANyway, lil baby inside has been super active..
so active as if to remind me of her existence, hehe!!
feels like a boy..
Better double check @ the check up tomorrow!
oh, btw, bought an early birthday gift for Ryan..
He is turning 2 next month..