Monday, June 5

at the stroke of midnight, i was pleasantly surprised by an SMS from helmi... haha!! today, 5th June, marks our 2yrs tunang...wakaka!! tak sangka cepat mase berlalu..yup, we kahwin terlebih yg dijanjikan..nak kenakan date dan jugak, due to June, being a month of a significant sorrowful event..happy anniversary sayang!!

nie baru balik johor, simple jer dinner, or should i say, supper kiter... 2 prata telur each and teh tarik with syrup lychee... burp!! Alhamdullilah kenyang jugak..

Yesterday, ma best bud, Ifa, kahwin-ed... aku seperti biase macam PR..nyehehee!! jalan sini...jalan sana.. hosted some colleagues...sat wit ex-school was all like, "riniiii, next month ko lak.." hugs and kisses(cheeks la..) with those dah berzaman tak jumpa...sambil menyelam drink water...macam, killing two birds with satu batu..begitu jugakla aku, menyepreadkan khabar berita yg aku akan invite drg2 tu next month...

yawnz...nantuk lak! sitting here, i noticed, stalks of pink roses in a bucket full of water.... the roses are beautiful..radiantly pinky... oh ya, after ma anniversary, there will be another anniversary in around 2weeks time, from now... it will be Shasa's 2 years death anniversary.

can imagine how ironic it had been to years ago? the sudden change of atmosphere sequel...from the highest peak of ma life to the deepest ditch ever... go on, try imagine it..

And at that lowest point of ma life, i thank Helmi, Liza, Ifa and Aishah.. for always being the shoulder to cry on, as me being me, would never show ma feelings.. but you guys juz knew when i would crumble..and i would have tumble if you guys had not hold on to me. you listen without interruptin with "consoling words" that everybody used, that dont werk 99.9% of the time. you cry along when i do. when i hush, u pat ma back. Thank you...

June, is a month that i tribute to everybody... thus the song i am playing...


Waktu terasa semakin berlalu
Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita
Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati
Teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka saat kita tertawa


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