Sunday, October 29
Thursday, October 26

juz got back from seeing my gynae.. heeh! did a scan again.. this time it was more exciting.. can see the head all.. best nye...its at 6.7cm.. heehe!! doc say i lost weight.. last time i gain 52.3kg then now 52.1kg.. hehe!!
but when he see the scan, he said all is ssoooooo fine...
both of us veli happy..hehe.. BUT he said in 7wks time have to go for all the compulsory BLOOD TEST!!!

after it all, meet liz & hubby at Banquet..had some coffeeshop talks..share stories..poured our excitement..haha!! oh yeah, i got myself a maternity jeans!! ma 1st ever!! more to come..
anyway, now no time to blog but nevertheless, my Hari raya, 1st time with hubby was a blast!! e manage to "navigate"in-between sides..wakakaka!!
kla..i will be back for further updates...stay tune!!
Wednesday, October 18
Friday, October 13
this song playing on my blog..makes me tear each time i hear it..sounds crazy but i always imagine that my late lil sis is singing this song from afar, wherever she is..
this part is so sad...(cos HRH was only months less than 6mths from e day she left us)
and this part too...(yeah..jarak sungguh memisahkan..u there, we are here...)

neway dah la..choking sak aku! tahan airmata nie...
hai..nak post gambar kiter lame2..takbleh load lak..
"ko dgr ker baca eh sha, tu pasal tak bleh load..nanti aku feeling2..k la..tak load la.."
Thursday, October 12
Car = Luxury comfort..
Bike = Adrenalin rush!!!
takpe..insyallah if all goes fine by next year you can have this (below) back..ok??
Anyone reading this might be shock wit my sudden entry.. I juz wanted a place to let my feeling out...hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Zul/Tony if ur reading dis i really miss our bike days..............
Sunday, October 8
ydae was an eventful nite..oh no! lemme start with Friday first!
took OIL so can go take our "baby"..colection was very the hujung the end of west coast, dekat ngan ferry terminal..daddy & mummy tagged along with bro and guessed wat? we took the train..makao kecoh sak!! lotsa incidents that tickled us..daddy step terror kater,"jumpa last train, last train.."haha bro took the phone and said, "last cabin la.."mampos, tak sampai aku klu last train, kul 12 baru kuar rumah nanti..hahaha!! daddyku yang dah berabad tak naik train, macam org jakun..lepak sak! dah macam tourist..
upon reaching there, we took a feeder bus, another story there but dunno how to crita la.. neway we walked in, b4 tt had to cross this loooooooooong traffic light...seriusly it was long! double the ones at Orchard! baru 3tapak, green light dah blink la!! siak ar..muka suma step cool tapi kaki langkah seribu, mana tak nya..traffic kat sane tu semua lori2 besar gedabak!! seram sak aku!!
sampai di sana, yadada2, kreta tu pon bleh di collect! wee, tapi ard this week have to come back for the bodykit, yang entah mengapa, tak sempat dipasang....beli makan at west coast, mama kater beli sikit2 nanti kuar makan lagi, pasal nak balik dulu.. end up, beli very the macam2..hehe!
in the car, azan pon berkumandang, menandakan masuknya waktu berbuka...bro buka dia nye spring chicken i was like, "aiseyman...nanti tak bau kedai, bau ayam lak!"hehehe...but no bau kedai tu masih fresh lagi, as verdicted by Nirna, tul tak??
dah makan sume berat nak jalan, so tak kuar la, me & hubby gi rumah my MIL and take our Nasi lemak, sedap sak!! bila aku makan malam tu.... otw, outta carpark, kiter selesih FIL's car, they baru balik tearwih la.. patah balik la, to show them..talk2 n we left...
ingat nak balik but we ended up to geylang & kampung Glam..hehehe! nak running in kasi abish ler...b4 raya..Lol!
then balik then snoreeeee!!!!
Drove to werk...hehe! aku buka radio, makao best sungguh! lagu raya dah kuar la!! aku terkinjar2 kehappyian.. suka kau dgr lagu raya.. semangat! happy tahun nie beraya dgn suami.. tersentak aku seketika, bila terkenang adikku, Shasa, yang telah tiada.. OMG! tears tickled down..hubby said, later after werk, kiter gi pusara..
After werk, gi pusara..arwah nenek hubby & ma lil sis's..i just stayed in the car, looking from afar, aku sedakahkan Al-Fatihah utk nya.. Semoga ko aman sentiasa.. Amin.. i bought
pink flowers for her, your favourite colour..
we drove of to take cincao yang Mamaku buat..sedap tau! homemade.. mama packed some food for me.. then left for MIL to take food oso..but sampai jer dah buka, so buka jer la...sedap sungguh rendang..hehe..
then, balik mandi, bayar "utang2 4waktu" then outz again to Tampines jumpa nirna & hubby.. janji nya kul 8.45pm..sampai kul 9.45 gitu...sorry la!! sesat & running in..honeymoon sak!! neway reali had fun.. let the pix do the talking...
Opps sorry!! blogger nie STOOPID.. cannot time jer..
bye! nak bath!!

Thursday, October 5
Wednesday, October 4
but b4 that, i had 2 funny incidents today...
Kiter bangun sahur kul 5am..makao! punya la malas+ngantuk+lazy+sleepy dan lain2 yang sewaktu dgnnya... kiter cuma nak alas perut so bakar roti with kaya & butter..hubby wants coffee so aku buat la..
Letak serbuk kopi..skali tangan aku pi capai container nie, very the hayal..kusangkakan gula, sekali garam la!! lagi sikit nak masuk dlm cawan..haha!! confom lepak sak bila hubby minum...ntah macam maner aku bleh terperasan that i was duggin in salt instead of sugar..
aku nak step buat bubur..ala instant nye.. so nak goreng bawang dulu la for garnish..potong2...*plush* campak bawang dalam wok... dah kira ok la tu..SIMPLE.. haha!! tapi aku nie, punya lah rendah tahap kesabaran, lambat sangat nak garing on the low heat..aku up kan la heat api tu...Wah!! best best cepat sak improvement dia... sekali mampos! hitam sak bawang2 dlm sekelip mata! haizzzzzzzzzzzzz......
ish nasib helmi dah terlelap setelah makan panadol..dia sick, cian dia! hai dear, i hope u wake up and forget that i EVER said i wanted to cook bawang goreng...heehee!!
ok back to the pixs!!

Hah! si diyanah gi calling2 si IRD Captain nie ajak mai dtg...heehe! me & hubby...
Me Dan itot2 selalu...
Hah nie ape lagi..yang aku crita kiter lepak kat nursing ro0om tu!! iya..yang 3 org bunk in 1 bed! haha...From left; itot(step cute), Ice(step sek) & aku(step mentel..)
k la..nak gi kat hubby..
Monday, October 2
btw, i am comtemplating....
should i...
retake my driving license???
hehe..btw i have something that always make me chuckle...haha!! Being pregnant right after wedding is so cute & sometimes made u blush...haha, i mean, ya know la, after all the huzz & buzz of the wedding, then off we went to honeymoon and the next time gather2 wit all kuzzy & family, the baby news came! haha.. express sak..haha!! but its so hard to bottle up the news till 3months later..haha!!
haiz, i shouldn't be still angry at my company doctor for not wanting to give me the pill la afterall..this was wat happen when i counted that my next mense would fall on my HARI NIKAH!
Rini: can you give me that pill to delay my mense?
Doc: y do you need that?
Rini: well you see, my mense is so regular tt it would fall on my solemnization day....etc(feeling hopeful)
Doc: hmm, i dun encourage tt..let it be normal and anyway it wont be that bad?
Rini: (huh?? not tt bad?? crazy or wat?) hmm.ok la..*dejected nak mampos*
after tt, aku tawakal jer la..maybe it wont be tt accurate, TAPI, tak came...haha!! mama lepak2 ketawa..ntah ape yang kelakar sangat..hehe..
after tt, takya crita la..till my next coming mense, yang tak tiba2..bodoh tul, bila aku nak lambat dia on time jer..nie kali tak pernah2 lambat, bleh lambat la..masuk hari yang ker 3 lambat aku saje2 check la..argh!! positive!! strangely, tears started to flow..haha!! emo sak.. hubby was shocked too, but was grateful..haha!!
so, my advice to all who havent marry but nak marry, let nature take its course.. dun do anything to delay or cepatin kan anything..Insyallah all will be well..
As for me, my thanks to Allah aku sampaikan tiap 5 waktu..Thanks for completing my life.. Though i had always said its not complete..never wit out her..