goood neeeews for me and darling hubby!!
12th April 2007, Thursday
oh before that, i had mentioned we were waiting for the delivery peeps to send our air-con system rite?? yeah they were real late tt day, supposed to be here btw 11-3pm but they called every now n then and in the end it wasnt till 5pm then they arrived.. haiz, dari bingit2, trus jadi cool...ok so hub & me left them in the house to fix up the 3 aircons which they said would require at least 4-5hours..ok lor, so off we went off to the doc's appt that we HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.....
we reached there, and had to do the CTG, where you can hear the baby's heartbeats as well as to see if there is any contractions.. baby's heartbeat is so fast i tell you... imagine like horse's galloping sound..hehe!! super fast...
after 1/2 hour of observation, with hubby in the cool room too, it was soon done and over with.. nurse unstrapped me and gave me the results to show to my doc..
In the doc's room, he briefed me that all was ok, good etc.. and now is the time!!!!
and this scan meant alot to us... as it determines if i AM goin under the knife or going ala-natural.. now, my heartbeat IS beating as fast as baby!!
first touch...i tot i saw his head..yeah there, there wer it is supposed to be..but doc kept us in full suspense still.. and he told us to take a closer look... we did, i was sure baby R had moved down but i dun wanna give the wrong guess.. But then, doc was already beaming with a full smile..
BABY R has somersault down!! thank you sayang... but seram lak, nanti koyak rabak..hehe!!
so now, doc told us its the waiting game....haiz... how painful can tt be..the thought of it...hmm.. and so he said we can book a bed already if we wish too...yeah yeah!!
left for home and bla..bla..bla.. the guys soon finished up the job cleaned... woohoo!! was actuali glad tt i was out while they do all the drilling etc...
they had pre-cooled the room and left...
Bro came over to play PS with hubby and slept over..
hubby & me got ready for bed too, we jumped up on the bed & under the blanket, slumbering into deep sleep...smiling!!!
13th April, Friday
the day started with me cooking french toast for both of them, off to Friday prayers with ayah.. then i got ready, hub had a changed of clothes, sent bro home as he will be goin out with mama & ayah first...
we then drove to KKH to survey the different bed types, etc..
ok, after much explanation by the friendly KK nurse, hub decided to opt for, much to my agreement,

the whole lot of documentation was handed to me so that on the day i experience labor, i just need to pass it to them, at the delivery suite, and all will be processed without any hassle.. In fact all data will be processed now already, only need to be activated upon my check-in, as payments have all been done and not forgetting all the signing on this and that..ceh!!
put the booklet of paperworks in my hospital bag, back in the car boot and set off to meet my family for dinner.. mama blanja..hehe! maklumla, org Government kan dpt pay rise.. hehe!!
before home, dropped by Liz place and she gave us soem durian thingy which wa sooo first tot nak jamah jer sikit n leave some for tomorrow but in the end hub & me finish up the whole of it..sedap sak!! thanks liz...lain kali buat lagi ok..
pas tu balik and flat lagik!!
tu jer la yang aku mampu "lukiskan" in this life portal of mine.. hehe!! wait! did anything happen to you on Friday the 13th?? it happen to me, i nearly slipped at the carpark!! dah macam zaman dedulu nye step 7 sak.. hub was like..

it is the dreadful waiting game...
In denial though...
at the thought of delivering...
hub is not helping...
he keeps telling Baby R to come out...
i wonder...
how will it be when the time comes..
i reali wonder...
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