we balik b4 magrib and did the necessary.. mama & ayah came, along with her daun Garuda and minyak bawang..haha!! she said daun garuda nie bagus..and sapu kan Ryan with the minyak bawang..hmm, expecting him to cry in discomfort, cos i would be, hehe..but no, in fact, he was calm and eventually fell to sleep without the need to cradle..wah!! shiok! i guess there are some truth la.. cos i was brought up in Kampung sembawang too, well u know the place is known 4 wat la eh, so i guess dulu pon aku bersama kuzzinsku pon disapu with all those n etc..dedulu kan tinggal ramai kat kampong tu, dlm 1 rumah..
while at in-laws'crib, i stumbled upon an album.. see the pix!!

kental tak?? hehe.. zaman moto2..wakakakakakakakaka!! but no doubt la, ade fun dia at times..
while staying at in-laws, we too sempat menyelam sambil minum air.. pi org kahwin, pi tunang adik sedaraku..
and yeah, i realised i used to have a multiply account too..haha!! lupa la.. but ok la, since Mrs Rif dah berhijrah ke sane, i will be refreshing tt account too la..and while reading, i came across 1 of my writing highlighting a posting from another account..you may click on the link and scroll down to read the poem.. dedicated to Her..
In Loving Memory Of Sri Syahidah...
These is Ryan latest pixs at the in-laws'...
hmm.. ok la..i wanna siap, nak pi Expo!!
Btw, Mrs Ayie, do i know u personally?? sorry eh..not trying to be rude..aku nie pelupa. if not, salam perkenalan..
And ya!! i wanna but penyapu lidi too!!
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