Ard this period last year..we were bz preparing for our wedding
Now 11mths down the road, with Baby Ryan in tow, i am re-ceeing for our 2nd honeymoon hubby had suggested a spa getaway to mark our 1yr anniversary and to chill b4 i start werk..ok tts the boo-hoo part..
In case we will be missing Ryan, we are thinking of a nearby destination like Bintan, so tt we can easily swim across back to our Lion!! wateva..
oh well, i was bored so i read all my past entries and BOY, did i amused myself.. so much had happen w/o u realising and i guess tt's the power of blogging.. u sealed your story in writings..and a lil secret, b4 blogging, i kept a diary which still exists..
" wat u write today may mean nothing to you BUT it will in 5yrs time or even a year me..."
A year ago, my writings are all about this single girl who was engaged and every single thing about wedding makes her smile and gigglish.. those trips down to expo pengantin, those recee-ing mak andam on the net with Fizah, nirna, suzi etc.. those sweet nothings tt we shared...late nights tt was never boring..
AND NOW.. i am whishin-whashing around with napkin tugged in my shorts' pocket in case Ryan throw out his milk, routinely picking up soiled diapers to be chucked in the btw baby & house..etc..
Yeah..11mths later, i am a mother who is already comtemplating to stop werking..yeah i guess some of u must be thinking y i had not enjoy my "honeymoon" period 1st b4 trying for a baby, rite? lets juz say, it was my dream to be a mother..haha!! i wanna go by the "susah2 dahulu & senang2 kemudian" phrase.. we wanna be young parents..hehe!!
and honeymoon period will always be there if you keep the flame going and strong..(haha!! teringat advertisement gas dulu..") rite liz.. kasih sayang suami isteri, sendiri mau ingat!! haha!! and sendiri mau jaga.
i remember when we, i shall not mention names..hehe, used to ridicule some1 at werk wen she go on & on & on about how amazing it is to be a mother etc.. we use to respond, "anak 1 dah mcm anak 10.." haha!!
Now, i can safely agree..wen u have your own child, its him/her on your top list..
To have a steady-boyfriend....tts' so cool!!
From there, progressing to be engaged...tts so exciting!!
@ e end of e engagement period, wen u step on to be hubby wifey..tts so blissful!!
And wen u complete the portrait wit your own child..tts so complete!
BUt being complete does not end the story, keeping sane with a growing child is a must.. yes, babies are cute, but we must never forget there are their cranky moods and all.. and i must say thanks to hubby, who never fails to brighten my days and raise my mood whenever i feel off colours..and for being so understanding to share everything tt have to be done, like house chores..though u may be tired after a day's work..
ok i guess i am done b4 i trail off like a nenek tt even with all the tough tt comes i will go thru it.. cos when the going get tough, the tough RINI gets going..hahaha!!
enjoying every sec of it and i have never looked back eversince..

there was 1 nite, i guessed i must have been too tired..Ryan woke up for his feed in the wee hour so i made his milk..once done, instead of putting it in his mouth, i wanted to put it in MINE!!
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