Have you wonder how hard it is to be me?
cheh...macam betul jer eh aku..
maner nye super star...
but seriusly wen i wuz still "down there", zaman i often felt that i could do better than them..
better in the sense, human relations..attitudes..
come on, dun u agree that sometimes u juz find those peeps with the pangkat mesti attitude ade up sikit.. eksyen la.. politic la.. step ye ye la..blah..blah..
Bih bila org yg krg suka, mestila yg terbaik la sgt sampai krg bleh pijak2 kpala drg..
mase aku NPCC, sap jauh sak trackback...!
oh, mase NPCC gerek sikit..tekaaaaaaaaan jer takde org bleh ckp pape..
takya nak PR-PR..kekeke!
mase mula2 aku start dulu..haiz.. maner dgn perangai yang tak penyabar & suka meletup..
dlm sejarah aku, dah dua org aku campak barang...
satu, kunci dlm kemarahan ynag membara
dua, gunting..pasal dia cabar aku..hahahaha!!
ok mungkin banyak la nickname yg aku panggil orang..
Itot la, oldfridge la, duta avon la, blah..blah.
okla in the end org panggil aku gargemel...! 
tapi aku tak pernah hate sesape la..
cuma klu aku menyampah tu, jawab la..
and aku sungguh terharu bila i read up about a post dedicated to me...
nah bace la, untuk sesape yg interested.
pasal konon kan aku nak leave..tapi dah changed my mind..
tapi aku tetap appreciated..
" Ecah, aku tak pernah la hate ko sepertimane sape2 ade bilang ko tu.. aku klu kutuk pon depan2, tapi klu blakang2 pon aku tetap bilang ko pe..haha!! so tak ya la ko terfikir2 lagik hokay.. erm, mungkin ade la menyampah sikit ngan ko kekadang but like u said maybe we hv the same character and is often misunderstood.. happy tak aku stay?! klu ko menyumpah aku, siap ko!"
ok la, aku pon dah withdraw resignation aku tapi masih lum cxl contract saner..oops!
so dgn hari raya yang bakal menjelang, meh la kiter bukak lembaran baru dan happy2 selalu..
eh, tapi kiter mmg happy pe, haha!
okla, lets be more happy now that we are getting wat we want..make full use of it ok..
i wanna make all of you the future BIG head of any department, tts my promise..hehe!
but insyallah by then aku dah jadi tai-tai lor..jgn marah..
for now, continue la to layan karenah aku.!!
aku tak nak jadi gargemel la..!
aku nak join Carebears tapi taknak yg loving each other..
aku la..