I am back..phew!
tapi malas nak load pixs la..chet..!
well, summary for now..
2 days of sungguh the seronok jln2 raya, beramai2, berlari2..
Dulu jalan berlenggang, NOW, dua beg sak gua bawak babe..
satu untuk bergaya, satu luggage lagik pat dlm kreta..siap ngan towel, pampers, hot water, extra baju, suma la untuk baby's survivor..
Kasut sampai 3 pat dlm kreta..semakin hari menjadi malam, semakin rendah heel aku..
tapi anak aku tetap maintain la.. baju melayu dia yang sungguh the cooling tu, dia pakai for the whole day la...wah!! next yr bleh buat bnyak2..
Ryan sungguh the happy sak jln2..tersegeh sini tersegeh saner..
alhamdulillah, he not cranky, cos masuk kreta jer dia charge battery, tido la tu..wakakakka!! nomatter how short the journey was...
so as i said, 1st-2nd day jaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan jer... sampai kul 12 mlm ++...
3rd day chill.. pi mkn mcd breakfast, pasal dah jelak mamam lauk pauk...hhehehee!
pas tu pi...
pi jln2 pat showroom kreta la..
pasal hubz nawaitu nak tukar "bini"...
hehehe!! tapi bini baru nie sedut minyak gila babi...klu kreta aku now full tank can go 600 click, nie kreta only a mere 350-390...dang!!
dah la tu, monthly dia will be 2X ape kiter bayar now...dang!
tapi mmg shiok la kreta tu!!!
blah..blah after that, we pi jumpa family aku la..
pat showroom jugak..
Bro zali nak beli motor la..
Dah settle pon..mama & ayah dah booked kan dia moto nie..
and Ryan pon ade moto dia sendiri...

and then pandai lak tu, peluk uncle dia step tumpang moto haha!!
Then pas anuh everything for Bro, with Hub as owner..Hub lak bertukar fikiran..
then the next day, which was yesterday, the Subaru guy called up to invite us to test drive the WRX..
Fuhyoo..ape lagik, kiter set and go ler..
so now..should we or not??
wil upload pixs soon..
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