As i had mentioned, it started with the jalan raya wit kuzzins.. They sewa-ed lori for that day..
Jalan2 raya dari tgh ari sampai la ketengah malam..
initially, we oreadi told them that we cant follow as we have Ryan..
takkan ryan nak jadi Ghost-sensor kan...?
sekali, dah terpengaruh ngah kesemangatan nak pi venture, aku pon call mama tanya if she can jaga ryan..
seperti biase, mestila boleh..
Time-check was 8plus..
eventuali reach mama house at ard 12plus..ekkekeke!!
last house was mine and all changed their baju..

nak tau perangai buruk aku??
baju2 yang kite beli for senior kuzzins time honeymoon aku tak kasi2 till that nite..
so there u have us all cladded in FBI t-shirts..
Fat Boys Industry
Fenomena Buster Investigators
macam2 la name drg create..siow..!

In the lorry, nie pix aku main snap pasal gelap nak mampos. bila kene flash nampak suma.

hah..2nd shot baru suma semangat!!

kiter "jaga" pintu...

Me and my beloved Bro...

Bersama suami tersayang...

yours truly...

Pit stops and analysing session..
a must have pic everytime..
we ended it all at seh!! terkejar2 time before the sun rises..
walking thru deserted area and abandoned houses..
video-ing all the walks was indeed a scary task..
there were a few sightings in the video during the analysing sessions but yet to be confirm..
after all this went home and slept till 2pm!!
then at night, kuar lagik, this time wit ryan..pi dinner & bowling with the boys..
nie gmbar post-dated..sajer jer..hehehehe!!
btw, aku ngah 1 week leave nie..
saje nak spend time wit hub and ryan b4 hub start werk at St Regis hotel on the 5th..
Boohoo! no more werk together2 but ok la tu..balik tetap satu katil..hehehe!! (trying to console myself)
nie baru balik orchard jln2...b4 this go Ubi just to eat western food..kempunan la..
then pi amik my lucky draw prize dor D&D tt time..
i won a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN with chocolate2 nye skali!!
kotak nie besar tau...dlm pix cam kecik gitu...hmmm

so sape2 nak makan choc fondue dtg la umah aku..but tolong bawak microwave eh..hhahahahaha!!!
nak kene melt choc dia dulu la...
hub dpt portable DVD skali..dah dua dah pat umah nie..
okla..nak log out..
hub dah tunggu dari tadi..
nak bobok!!!
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