pasal having an extra help in the household would meant lesser privacy.
A lot of scares and stories have been heard, read thru various channel..
Hence, the many hesitations....
But as all may agree, it depend on luck too..
So well, after finding the one who I sebulu with, I made the confirmation..
paid out ard 3k for her...*gulp*
And now, it has been nearly a week she is werking for me..
and though it may, well, still be too early to say.
She is good.
My house has been stripped and clean..
She cooks and adapt to our preferences well..
Takes care of Ryan the way I guided her too, not the wat the training ctre taught her.
Hmm, otherwise, Ryan will be spoilt brat seh..!
basically, I dun want her to over-protect si Ryan tu la..hehe!
Ryan adapt well to the bibik, which is so much Alhamdullilah!
Oh well, enuff of that for the record, shall update further, if there is a need.
Salam Takziah to bestie Liz atas pemergian mak yang tersayang...
I feel you babe...
Never would one want things like this to happen...
and best of all, one would never imagine it to befall them..
Though we all know that this is the reality of life...
And that we must all accept it no matter how tough...
For all we must remember, perjalanan hidup mereka dah selamat.
Kiter yang harus move on and teruskan kehidupan...
Yah, I know it is easier siad than done right?
Let's just treasure everyone ard us while we still breath the same air..
Now, about me and my darlings...
Yesterday we went for the detailed check-up..
and it has been confirmed, 90% Gerl...!
Ok, there goes, Me, Hub, Baby Boy and insyallah a baby gerl..
can close factory or just close the shop first?
And yeah, we have DECIDED on a name...
But it shall still be a classified information for the moment.
But for those who know me, would probably have made some possible wild guess.
Lil darling Ryan has been talking and talking now stop..
asking why, where etc..
penat jugak eh nak layan...
He picks up practically everything, EVEN the sheng shiong advertisement..
that part when they go, "segala untuk mu" or something like tt..
he will action that out and end it with a moo....hahahahaha!!
Cute Banget...
Oh yeah, yesterday @ KKH, he was practically following me everywhere, even to do the weight & BP part.
He was observing and talking to the nurse.
Then nurse asked me, how old he is.
I said 21mths and she went awed..
She had thought Ryan was older but small built, hahaha!
She had least expected him to be that young and further asked me, "How come he could talk that well?"
Something that I didnt know how to answer, so I just said cos i place him in Childcare..
hahaha! lame sak, Kinderland must pay me royalty for free advertisement seh..!
Well Ryan, maybe it is true the school had further made you "talkative"
Cos before you began schooling, you only knew wer to point when asked the various body parts and now, you can practically say out every body part names, without pelat. hehe!
Now if I forget to take something, you will remind me..
Like, " mama, beg? mama, shoe? "
what more can I ask for?
Here are some out-dated pictures from Kuzzin Ijal Wedding.
This is how Ryan smile wen ask to...haha!
The various takes of our Senior Kuzzin Pix..
Us with Partners...But only 3 sets...hehe! tu jer yang sempat..
With Junior Kuzzins..
Happy Family portrait
Ryan wanna play ball but ayah catch him for a picture..
Ok tu jer..!
Nak main game and relax..
Today my 2nd day of leave, 9 days to go!!
Hubby pon leave, bestnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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