Tuesday, September 16

Something that i had not done for years.......

Hi Rinielisha!!

I have not enter your blog for the longest time. As we moved over the years, putting FB as the culprit we have never managed to write in what we felt or went through.

Well to begin with it has been 11 years since I first met you at Golden Village. a lot of things has changed since then.

We had successfully achieve a lot of great things together which had brought us to where we are right now.

However............. there are some things that we did not.

Those things that would strengthen a long lasting feel.

I have to admit without you I will not be at where I am now. You were my inspiration, you were my motivation. As much as I would say I dislike some of your ways, but it some how brought me to think that it would benefit me in the long run.

Your efforts to make me smile will always be in my mind. Cause when you smile u will always melt my heart.... :)

I have been trying my best to be a good father, a good husband to you but sometimes situations would hinder me to be better. I mintak sorry banyak-banyak.......

As we got to our 8th year of marriage, life has been different. We know very well what went on...

But I just want to say, I have never felt this way before. This has made me thought a lot......

However, the burning desire in me will keep burning with the LOVE that I had pledged.

Once again I would like to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart should there be at any point of our relationship that u may have felt I did not love you enough, cause I am only human that can't run away from mistakes.....

I will never, not a bit loose the love of my life in my heart.... Even if situation does not permit.


Dear Allah,

Thank you for the years you have given us with all the blessed happenings that we went through.

My only wish from you right now is to give us the happiness that we need to sustain a relationship that would last us for eternity. You know best and we are only your humble worshipper. I hope my prayers to you will be heard.

That all I have to write....

Thank you!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU RINI.....................

Yours Truly,

Your Hubby bucuk-bucuk that loves to irritate you...... ;)

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