BUT, i swore to maself that i must watch the FINAL, cos i had, out of spontaneity, placed a bet wit Tony. haah!! well, it's us, me helmi & zul.. us except him chose ITALY but he took up on France. frankly, i juz said it would be italy just because, i felt that ITALY "sounded" better to be called Champion..well, bet was only winner to get a WHOLE spring chicken.

But as i watched, i saw him...
Instanteniously, i liked him!! haha.. i like cool guys..u know, those quiet2 BUT got substance.. no yakadeeyak like empty barrel. he is extremely mysterious & dangerous..can feel it u know. True enuff, indeed he is man of substance, when he headbutted!! wee.. cool! well, for wateva reasons, that guy deserved it. i mean, it must reali be something that hit Zidane right there. news had it all covered about wat could have been said, but hell, curious as i am, i m not interested to be concluding..haha! all i know is that he is pure gem.
Weirdest thing, i ended up feeling sorry for France & wished i had started of with France.. juz cos i like zidane..wat lame excuse eh. tapi SPRING CHICKEN tetap dlm list ok, dah menang pe..hah!!
As i was searching the web for pix, i stubbled, YES..i stubbled upon him...
yeah..yeah!! i know, millions are drooling over him.. how backdated i can be. i am so still in the era of Abbas Saad.. but not too late for me to realise right... haha! enuff said about him.. gorgeous, DROP dead gorgeous, cute, adorable, etc..the list goes on & on.. i like his look, not to mention his well toned abs. but i still love Zidane's attitude..
Zidane...Cristiano... well, but in ma heart its still, this man, guy, boy, sweetheart..
who i shall love this end of time, INSYALLAH. the guy who i will call upon as my husband in a matter of 2 weeks... gosh! time flies....
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