thats all, for now, and well, i realise that i had fallen into some category that i am not.. ape aku talking eh? well, usually, i am game for any last minute, impromptu plans BUT for my honeymoon, aku punya la fussy!! mampos.. ok, let's put it back straight.. no doubt, everyone wants honeymoon to be sublimely memorable, but now, i will just close ma eyes and choose the 1 me & him like and just GO! i believe the key players in a good trip is the people itself kan, so, helmi ade, aku ade, kira dah ok la tu honeymoon..hehehe! we SHALL be the one making it sublimely memorable..maybe, then , when i dun expect too much, all will fall to place. w'ya think?

tomorrow, gi kenduri rumah my uncle, then go Human Resources nye chalet & reservations nye chalet..ish! i hope drg nye chalet dekat2.. tidak mati aku..
oh, how can i forget, 2 days ago, helmi was home & kept calling to check wat time i go home, i was then comtemplating btw 6 & 7pm..suspecting he was fetching, i asked him, "are you fetching me?" maklumla, skrg tak bleh slalu kan.. "tak lah.." he said. Ok well, at 6.20pm gitu, Fizah & suzi wanted to leave and we decided to go back together..yadadada! sempat beli softee kat 7-11, jalan tu MRT..oops! lupa nak msg helmi, sent, " i dah balik, ngan fizah & suzi.." then right after that, he reply, i think frantically, " tunggu..i fetch......." haha! cian dia,

2weeks more.. argh! dun wanna count la..
bye, nak siap!!
~rini ~
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