so there we have, our complete bedroom set!! it simply put smiles on our face..
then, we proceed to IKEA, makan BK first then we went chargin in

then, we went around searching for travel agents.. time check was 6pm..alamak, suma mesti dah tutup.. gi orchard, shenton way, concourse...last2, gi lah PRICEBREAKER kat marina square.. that is the only place i know, that closes late.. so there we were, sneekily looking around.. then i ask, fuh! from 1 package to the other..wee!! best sungguh! eventually dah dpt pon.. since we are hoteliers, asyik bantai tulang..we decide to pamper ourselves and go for Spa Honeymoon.. with a villa that overlooks the beutiful ocean, and personal jacuzzi (kembang aku

Kuzzins, gimme your shopping list ok! hmm, that is settle..
then balikzzzzzzzz...no more Too late nights now..
k la nak siap now, nak jumpa emi, go uncle house then go chalet, 2 chalets to be exact!! i love to have ma days filled with plans...
hug & kisses to all,
~Rini ~

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