Tuesday, January 31
love you to bits dear!! juz treat dis humble blog of mine like its urs.. but do sign off ur name, else pple think its me.. *chuckles*
we are celebrating our anniversary online seh. tts a diff from e norm kan?? And i m enjoying every seconds of reading ur werds from e heart..*sweet* e song dedicated to US..
Jika Kau Tiada
suatu ketika dahulu
ku tersesat dalam hidup
sehingga muncul menjelma rasa sayang kepadamu
rupanya inilah cinta
nikmatnya baru ku rasa
tak terbayang bagaimana hidup
jika kau tiada
jika kau tiada
pada siapakanku dendang syair cinta
dan dakapan mana harus ku bersandar
meraih kasih yang ku perlu
jika kau tiada
wajah siapa harus ku tenung bila mencari ketenangan
arakian suara siapakah kan membisikkan kata kata cinta
tak tersusunnya kata azimat kau
kau bawa pastinya ku kan sengsara oh..
jika kau tiada
takku kenal cinta sebelum kau hadir
tak ku tahu erti rindu
kini doa ku termakbul ..
ku tagih cinta mu selalu
walau ramai ku kenali tiada seikhlasmu kasih
kalam sayang kau ku cinta
hanya nyawa kan bisa memisahkan kita..
memisahkan kita jika kau tiada
hilanglah bintang dilangit yang berkelip memelita malam yang hiba
hilanglah keajaiban didunia
jika kau tiada
sentuhan siapa yang mampu menyembuh luka dihatiku
lantarannya tawar naluri hati untuk jatuh cinta lagi..
jikalau ku termampu memiliki dunia pastinya ku kan sengsara
oh jika kau tiada
~~ Rini'elisha ~~
Cuz i believe everyone is special. Everyone in dis world has their very own talent. N to talk about life itself i tink a person has to go thru downfall den they will realise that actually Life Is Never Fair...
U can never get wat u really want witout his permission. He will always decided if dis wld be ur best option or not. N always be remembered that he is always watching u!!
To those pple out there who tinks life sucks, tink again have u give it ur best, have u actually noe wat life means, n if u really tink hard the person who says that, is the one who started everyting.
Firstly let me wish u happy4th anniversary!!!!!! Didnt tink that we cld actually make it to dis stage.. But syukur allhamdulillah it has been a blessing for us n im so glad that i have known u.
Do u noe that sumtimes wen i wanna go to bed i wld wonder how i wld feel if ur suddenly gone.. I noe dis sound stupid but i tink i wld go crazy. Ur the only one that really has brighten up my life, my life last time wuz so dull, it wuz so empty n has no motivation at all.. Haiz.... dahlah tak kan nak pedih2 je eh. hehehehe.....
Now let us talk bout the present n the future, we sld all forget bout the past cuz u noe it will nvr be reverse again.. but the future can stll be prevented... ceh mcm ahli philosepher konon. hehehehehehehehe.........N for my baby's bestfrend Ifa dat qoute is for u.. think bout it gerl... Neway i realli cant wait to get my hands on my dream bike after our marriage.. Itz been driving me crazy wen i see those bikes on the road. Aarghhh!!!!! i noe i juz have to be patient n we sall work it out later..... Hmm ape lagi eh nak tulis? i rasa mcm dah start typing ni mcm tak leh stop lak. Wakakakakakakakak........... oklah sampai di sini je nanti ulis anjang2 enat org nak aca eh.. dah sampai kuyu mata budak tu. hehehehehe. N thanks for the song so touching u noe...
Signin of HELMI.....
Its been 4yrs of up & down, tears & laughter, thick & thin, rain & shine.. but thanks to Allah for giving us the strength to sail thru e rough sea of love that we have chose, 4yrs ago...4yrs on now, i learnt alot of expensive & valuable lesson in life & love.
well, I have always tot of love in 1 kind of way but its not the case wit u, HELMI. I wont go over again of all the sweet lil things that happened..but all i noe is that never i felt, love so sincere, ever so lovely and best of all, its keeps growing wit each day tt passed, secs tt ticked..
Me and MArlina had a conversation on this though, lemme share. Ever sit back and think of all your past love? The love that u tot would be till u grow 'ol. The love that made you felt proud of "not bein single" in Sec sch. haha! ring a bell rite? to compare, then, WE WERE IN LOVE WIT LOVE...meaning, we juz wanted to be somebody's boo...we juz need some1 to be "in"...not agreeing? oh tell me den, y do you nid another boy/girl after breakin of wit another, like say in the next 24hrs? to add on, wit maturity oni @ kids/teenage level, we tend to not have the capability of handling BGR probs..hence, the many2 disagreement, both ridiculous & meaningless. haha!! all this applys to me too ok, though, on ma history list, i had oni 2 steady boyfrens..but i dun dare admit of the numbers of "scandal" haha!!. oh come on, we were juz fren and its not wrong to make frens at tt age..i reali dun u'stand y der called tt "scandal" last time..
Now, i can say that i am IN LOVE.. but not with love alone. And i noe of some who have reached that level i think i am now. Liza, now blissfully married to hubby Hakim. Marlina, happily counting down the daes to her marriage wit fiance. Yanni, i hope ur too in e same league too, wit teni. Azreen, newly wed to hubby. I wish all of you everlasting happiness, Insyallah.
A colleague told me her life decision juz now. " kalau aku tak kahwin by 30, aku dah nekad tak akan kahwin."
i was dumbfounded with tt remarks! "no, u cant say tt, Tuhan dah tentukan jodoh setiap org. n ur will be 29 this yr!!" but as it is, stubborn to terima ma consolation. pity, reali pity. she a good lady who can make the perfect wife for anybody. Cook, is her thing. cleanin, is her hobby. she can make your house spick & span ready for you to come back home, wit a sumptuous meal on the dining table..excellent you wld say! but sayannggg...argh! reason wuz, klu dah cecah 30yrs old, hard to conceive..hmm, tu rezeki la. Klu ade, dapat la zuriat yg diharap2 kan..
I kept thinking of this on the way back. such a pity. Thats y there a saying, " LIFE IS NEVER FAIR ". maybe if life so fair n just, we would forget God. cos oni in time of need, would you sit down n pray, doa to Him...Though He created hardship for us, He never fails to listen to our Doa & prayer. This is life i guess, hardship exists for us to remember Him. Think about it...u will feel enlighten. but there's no obligation. its ur choice.
With this, i m juz contended that we have each other's sincere love on our anniversary, which carries more meaning than an expensive meal or perishable gifts.
Our anniversary will be juz a date, a date that we will alwaes remember.
And you dun have to get me any gifts.
U gave it oreadi .
4yrs ago........
Ur heart & it still belongs to me.
~~ Rini'elisha ~~
Monday, January 30
Jika Kau Tiada.
once again thankyou for ur post last nite..muacks!!
Helmi in the house..... 4:25am
Saturday, January 28
After settling that me & Ifa ate @ ZamZam..ordered smal murtabak ayam & daging each..to our surprise tt small portion could serve two and so we had a meal tt could serve up to 4!! well obviously, we had to packed the remains...hmm.
after tt, i went heading back to ritz to finish ma werk..ifa left for home. along the way i decided to visit nani @ her werkplace..glad tt she is fine & all..oh thanxs for e mocha brownie..hehe!!
den @ 8pm, me and ice ran outta office wen we heard e fireworks boomed!! nice...... btw, here is the fact for the firewerks..
28th Jan : @ stroke of midnite
for the rest of the 17 nites will be @ 9.30pm...
on the 12th : firewerks last for 18mins...
after helmi finish werk @12midnite..we went meet Zul & tony...chatted @ JK till 4++am.. talkin about life & love..haha!! n savings!!!
i kinda feel ma entry is monotonous...i m tired. tts y i guess...btw, i didnt lost ma keys afterall..it has been @ e cupboard at all times..clumsy me..
Friday, January 27
1. walked down to office from locker
2. lock the drawer put it in ma pocket
3. @ e duplicate key shop..i realised it not there!!!!!!!!!!!
Argh...feelin so stupid!!!!!!! no mood for anything..gonna sleep.
Wednesday, January 25

Now that we will be embarking on yet another chapter of our life, that is to be married, we must remember to have a "date" regularly, juz the two of us, before we get drown in our busy life...lemme trail u down our memories...
First time we met & wer :
late yr 2001, at GV Yishun(luar arcade)
oh, i wuz supposed to meet Adi and he was supposed to meet Helmi. So u guessed it, it was a triple date.haha!! me tumpang Adi and we went to East Coast..After tt dae, wen never meet again *yet*...
One fine late nite, i was out wit budak2 banquet and Adi called. He asked me to call back at 9*** 1969..hehe! tactic agaknye cos tt its was helmi's number & they were together with shafiq(ma ex-classmate) too. dorang ajak kuar..hmm, i agreed and said tt i will call wen i reached home. I did as i promised and shocked to noe that they were already at ma carpark..but wen i got there, Adi wuz nowhere in sight...
Rini: Maner Adi?
Fiq: adi gi amik $$ dari kawan dia..
Rini: hmm...abih aku nak tumpang saper seh??
Fiq: helmi ar..dia ade extra helmet..!
Rini: *dumbfounded*
Helmi: *smile*
the ride to A&A proved to be the MOST awkward ride. I DUNNO HIM sak...i m hitchin a ride on some1 i dun even NOE. hows tt? but we chat throughout e nite, drinking milo ice, tea, coffee...oh yeah, adi came by after few minues we reach..*it wuz e guys strategic plan!!* while chatting...
Adi: rini, ko kejap agi pon kene gi keje kan?
Rini: yup..kul 7am masuk.
Adi: ape kate helmi antar ko?
Rini & Helmi: *shock*
moments of silence...hehe!! he caught us in disbelief. well, it happened..he sent me. it wuz e longest ride..but sweet. i was not dressed for a bike ride in the early morn and i wuz feeling cold.. he did his 1st sweetest thing...1 hand on the controllin the bike, 1 hand holding ma hand.. i felt warmth..ermm, i was hot all over actuali!! haha! dropping me @ loading bay, i said ma thanks, smiled and went in to werk. i wuz on cloud nine..suddenly i remembered i had his number tt i called back ydae..i sms-ed him to said thanxs again..*gatal*. suprisingly, i got a reply within minutes! haha!! we sms-ed throughout ma 7am-3pm shift and all the way on the journey home...i couldnt werk & i wasnt sleepy. THE POWER OF LOVE. tt wuz e daes i can go by w/o sleep sak..young times.
1 dae he suggested tt i follow him to the boys chalet..i agreed and we went shoppin for mama bdae gift 1st..den sit @ breakwater @ East Coast...chat2. Once @ e chalet, Adi kept saying, "dah pandai...." hmm maybe pasal kiter dah pandai jumpa w/o him..*chuckles*..i will nvr 4get tt dae.. it was a "brainwashin" session from Fiq. He asked me to go out to the seaside wit him for a chat. i followed....
Fiq: ko betul dah takde pape ngan Man?
Rini: yup..i guess so..*yadadadadadaa*
Fiq: abih ko ngan helmi amacam?
Rini: ntah....*selamba*
* forgive me cos after bein out of a long-term relationship, i didnt noe how to act to "dating" again*
Fiq: kalau ko suka dia, juz tell him..if not, dun give him hopes...his a nice guy, mature *etc*
Rini: *nods* i will tink about wat you said...
there wuz a nite, wen helmi waited for me for hours @ ma home playground as i couldnt sneak out as daddy juz wouldnt get to sleep! wen i did we wen to johor, pump petrol and he sent me to werk @ 7am...we still havnt officialise our relationship..
One nite, we went to Johor & makan at "longkang". i saw ifa there amazingly and she said, "who is he??" hmm no i was not prepared to introduce them yet..der, it happen..e confirmation..
Helmi: macam maner ngan kiter?
Rini: asal ngan kiter? *step blur*
Helmi: *susah nak explain*
well, eventually i agreed that we can try to be a couple..a confirmed couple as of 31st january 2002!! but i was not prepared to tell ma parents and all..but 1 nite after ma 1am shift, we met wit an accident tt freak me out..totally! a van crashed into us and send us flying to the middle of the yellow box, stoppin all vehicles at the traffic junction...i knew i had to get ma parents blessin instead of having helmi to fetch me from other carparks except mine...
I did..but i felt uncertain whether i reali should tell or not? wat if they disapprove? hmm, i couldnt believe it that they would easily approve compared to how much i hmm, ahh... hesitated to said wat i wanted...
Rini: betul ma??!! mama, ayah kasi..? TAPI DIA BAWAK MOTO TAU....*i had to emphasize tt as she nvr allowed me o bikes*
Mama: betul la...
Rini: THANKYOU!!!!!!!!
But, there ought to be obstacles rite & i remember 1 vividly...I was on the way home wen i met ma childhood fren, iqbal, i wen to Mcd wit him..i lied to helmi otherwise...i forget how it came to light and he was angry...we talked it out..i wasnt sure about him actuali as i was committed to a diff guy for a long time, so i guess it takes time..after the talk, i was touched @ the fact tt he would be angry..i mean tt shows e relationship carries a meaning to him...from den, we started
to get serius...no more callin him Man by mistake outta comfort...
5th of April 2004
helmi family came to ma house for ma hand in marriage..ermm tunang la tu..date wuz set to fall on the 5th of june 2004..yippee!!!
5th Of june 2004
We are officially engaged to each other..*sweet*
the stories continues blissfully up to this date..
i appreciate the tempers we control, the mistakes we corrected, the sacrifices we did, happiness we created outta everything that comes into our path...
Life can never be with no up & downs so lets make tt the colours of our life..
to everybody, just remember the essential recipe in happy relationship is...
*laughs* i could have done a book for myself eh..hehe!! neway i juz watch a cartoon tt i reali miss from childhood daes...CAREBEARsss..aite i m getting ready to meet Liz now...bye!!

a brief on e overview, plan wuz tt after settlin our $$, bikes service & all, we were supposed to be at Liz's place to have a "learn-to-cook" session. However, due to Liz's mom who is sick, e plan wuz called off. So darling helmi suggested tt kiter kuar siang2, right after i get home from night shift..n spend the dae together wit an unplanned plan.get wat i mean?...get ready for an eventful ride!! *oh damn! i 4got to mention tt i 4get to bring ma camcorder!!!*
i was still not ready wen helmi came, in fact, i took additional 15mins wen i told him to actuali wait for 5min. was prepared for an angry look, but thank God, despite bein a lil pissed, he didnt blow up. so we head on to BK yishun for brunch..late brkfast & early lunch...we werk out on how to segregate our bonuses $$ and so after meal, we are off to the ATMs to withdraw & deposit...yippee!! mind at ease now..Alhamdullilah for the rezeki..oh yeah, wedding bands @ GOldHeart not bad..
Next destination up wuz, yes, the bike shop. Had everything service up and tt equals to $295 and ard 3hrs of wait. The strangest thing was, i didnt felt sleepy or agitated at the fact tt it wuz undeniably such a long wait and in fact, helmi and myself was in our own world talkin about stuffs, laughing, giggling etc. We didnt realised it was ard 2pm wen all was settled. We did walk around in search of the Dream Bike..but no luck.
Wen to RH bridal to pay $200. well, as u all noe, its hard to part wit a lump sum of money so i decided to pay every 2 mths some $$ to ma bridal package..hmm, i intend to take up 1 or 2 more costumes ar..should i? we walk around for wedding bands but nothing fancied us.
At ard 5pm, there we were, admiring the man-made beauty. explored the Garden on the rooftop..well, u can say we jakun la eh. hehe!! Standing at the edge of the rooftop, we were imagining how it wld be if we had to jump. I WILL NEVER..I RATHER DIE!! so we decided tt our house would be no higher than e 2nd storey. Haha! 1 think i must comment is, the weather was extremely excellent. It was cloudy, no sun, but no rain..juz gushes of slow wind complementing the romantic atmosphere. It wuz so perrrfect!! Our kind of weather..no sweats! oh well, i m trackin back ma comment tt it was so perfect. it was ALMOST perfect, as i had no DGcam to capture every lovely moments together...shucks!! not giving up to tt, we walked across to merlion in the hope to find any disposable camera..tough luck..we walked further on to Rahmat's werk place & coincidencely, instead of suprising him, i got surprised wen our paths crossed! hehe..Alman wuz there to & after a Loooonnng time of absense, he was like," eh..tu Rini kan??" hehe..after exchanging "how-r-u" etc, we went to the "Travellator" connecting the Fullerton. we had fun walkin to n fro the "travellator" like kids..n i was still sore about not bein able to capture the moments! den we walk back to Esplanade....
Orderin our early dinner, we were tryin to figure out wat wuz all the dishes..we were doin translating & visualin the food by readin the english explains. We had this Tom Yum KaGAi i tink..tom yum in coconut milk..olive fried rice & shrimp paste fried rice.. i had high expectations on the food cos i tot it was nice wen the gerls & i ate there, however, sadly, i hoped too much...didnt reali enjoy & it was ard $30... we sat & chat about the past, present & future...his & mine.
past can be hurtin though we shouldnt be as we nvr exist in the first place. but its gd to noe.
present are hopeful as we have tons of plan to execute once married.
future will nvr be known but we can only plan and God decides.but as for now, we belong together.
we brought our chat to the seating area overlooking the calm & serene river....wic gave me an inspiration. " problems tt we might have should be between us, for wat others should see is the "kerukunan rumahtangga" we should alwaes protray." like the sea tt looks calm & beautiful but no one noes wat lies beneath...
Oh yeah, we almost did an impulse trade in & purchase of bike!! blame helmi cos he oni told me

Gosh we ate again...we had satay, chicken honeyed-bbq and pari...juz snackin & chattin again... it seems tt we nvr run out of topic...btw, Elfrey(malay-matsaleh n dunno wat mix) noticed me and waved. hepi to see him since so lonngg...he came over after i signal that he could, we exchanged number as i want him COME MA WEDDING!!
as usual, we completed our Rini-helmi talkathon @ our fav haunt. played arcades like crazy.. we main Jurassic park..street fighter...soccer...puzzle bubble...etc!! banyak 50cent coins, berat sak kocek! darling helmi wuz so satisfied wen he managed to get on number 1 placin in Streetfighter. hepi banget dapat tulis namer..eleh...not forgettin something hilarious tt happen..*secret*
And we reached home at 1am..reali hepi tt our plan to go out unplanned turns out to be so memorable...to add on to our trail of memory lane...wateva published here can nvr be equivalent to the feel of having quality time, juz the two of us. And we clocked 15hrs bein together...hehe
btw todae wuz to commemorate our anniversary of bein together..31st jan. looking forward to grow old wit ya, dear...i love you & i miss you oreadi.

hmm..anybody noes wat happen to iwebmusic?? ma blog is now a mute!!
Tuesday, January 24

haha..thats wat i wanna be...achievable?? hmm nah...but its ok per tuk feeling2....cos its ma life n i control it. i feel wat i feel...i do wat i wanna do..as long as i dun bother u, y should u. judge me? dun cos ur not GOD. wat u see is wat u get cos i am wateva i am. i had never fail to earn the wrath of other gerls since skool daes..but hey! ders nothing actuali..eventuali wen we grew, we mature & we actuali manage to have our 1st conversation ever!! haha!! on ma list...ders Lisa, Marlina, Zuraidah Senior, ya n u Yanni..hmmm sape lagi nak join e list?? maybe its juz me ar. Not interested to get unnecessary trouble...
Reason y i am not bloggin tt mush cos i have a secret i can hardly contain!! so i m puttin maself of it now.. wen its out, u all will be e 1st to noe cyberly..haha!! eddy & deana, stay tune..
gotta go. Helmi is on e way to fetch me for breakfast!!
Saturday, January 21

Dear Helmi,
thats all I have for you.
Never Be Replaced.
Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
I love you, Yes i do.
Ill be with you
as long as you want me to,Until the end of time.
From the day i met you i knew we'd be together.
And now i know i want to be with you forever,
i want to marry you and i want to have your kids.
Thinking can never compare to the feeling of your kisses.
I can say im truely happy till this day.
You make me thank god that i live my life every day.
Theres never been a doubt in my mind that id regret ever having you by my side.
But if the day comes that i have to let you go
I think theres something i should probably let you know,
Enjoyed everday that i spent with you and
i will miss you cause im happy that i had you at all
Friday, January 20

Btw, u guys remember i cooked up yesterdae?? ok i got i story to tell. ydae darling helmi popped by after werk..play wit meow2 etc..den...
Helmi: yang, i nak makan hotdog......ngan nasi
Rini: ok ( trus gi cuci e periuk nasi )
Helmi: yang, maner nasi i??
Rini: jap la, ngan nak masak..
Helmi: masak? i nak nasi goreng u tu ..
Rini: *gasp* oh oh...

I was so nervous, i mean, it wuz suppose to be for me only..i dun wanna be responsible for anybody tummy ache or wateva...ya liz, as u wld imagine, he name it "nasi grg takde rase". haha!! but he nvr complain seh, in fact, he ate it all. hmm, maybe it wuz actuali nice eh?? but i am so touched tt he actuali finishes it al up..*sweet* i m so in love...

can any body help me??? i need to

Thursday, January 19

hmmm...it didnt turn out tt bad seh..thanx liz on the tips to see whether nasi dah basi or not. hehe!! i had blocked nose lah...no animals were hurt during e process juz me, who suffered several hot oils tt was ploppin away.."ploppin"?? got such english meh?? well..anyway..it was ok, bleh kate sedap TO me..but best of all, its "eatable"....

mama coming back on e 4th of February..with all e time diff + & - and crossover, she will be celebrating her birthdae, which falls on the 2nd of Feb, on board of SQ 8009. I have send out request for SQ personnel to arrange for a SURPRISE birthdae cake for her!!! cool huh??

I reali lurve this guy--->

helmi la tu!! haha!!! *rolling*

Wednesday, January 18

De other time i went out wit liz, i forgot to complement here for controlin her "lust" at KFC..well, member kan nak loss weight...she oni had e salad thingy while i go all e way to tempt her wit ma 2 piece chk & cheese fries..*evil laugh* but i failed...u go gerl! *chuckles*
if u look carefully, on e 3rd pix, der laid ma "arwah" hp tt got smashed up due to a "fall" wit force...*roll eyes*

n here i present liz "b4 & after" pix...hehe!!! cool huh!!
peeps: living example of perseverance!! gua salute!!

" Dear tunangku sayang, wit wat we have gone thru dis past few daes, a lesson have been learnt & truth have been felt, love truly appreciated with promises made in e past remembered. Our obstacles came late but as God's Will, it will definately make its appearance. I am truly amazed at how we fixed our probs. Eventually we laughed about e cause of e quarrel...from nothin to erupt to something tt in e end we ourselves felt stupid..@ e cost of ma hp..hmm..anyway its ok dear, u hurt ma phone, i hurt ur ego so its FAIR..hehe..no lah...helmi, i love u.... e way u alwaes do..."
from dis i would like advise all peeps in love...
1. if you have a quarrel, TRY NOT to sleep on it... settle it on e same dae.
2. At e point wen both are so MAD at each other, both of u must FORCE urself to stop thinkin of e argument, flash back all those sweet lil things promises made<mase tk gaduh>, think of all those sacrifices he made & happy times.
3. and NO raising of voices please...it hurts both Ego..talk like adults.
warning: dis MUST werk both ways aite...if oni 1 party does this, he/she will be in IMH in 5yrs time..or down some block, after falling off from e top..lol..insyallah, all obsatcle/quarrel can be overcome.
As i promised in ma previous post, heres another song crooning way out from Pri-Sec skool daes..e times we dance on e stage to this song..heres Timmy Thomas wit...
Dying Inside To Hold You..........
Tuesday, January 17

cannot upgrade plan to get hp cos mama @ haj & ma bill under her name..well, i have been usin the number 4 donkey yrs..n @ tt time umur lum cukup nak beli hp..so u see..
Aaaarghhhh...saper2 ade spare phone...pls sms me or helmi....tq!!!! i love u all...hehe!!!
hmm, i have been feelin outta of tune these few daes...disagreement n stuffs, mayb our "cubaan" comes later 4 me & helmi...but Thank God n Praises to Him tt we managed to pull thru..all due to "taik" issues..ya, no BIG issue tts absurd kind...y'dae wuz due to me who kept on falling asleep on e bike..yikes!!! mata berat beb!! mcm smooth sangat journey tu...
ok liz, u gonna blame me aite..hhaahaa!! btw, i feel tt though we have been best frens, ok ok wit u guys too aishah & ifa, we have better relations now..maklum la, dulu we 4 are "literally" group into two.. u wit aishah n me wit ifa...hmm, is it cos now u have MSN, hmm no, u are now linked up to e whole of cyber..mauhahahahaa!!!
neway, takmo lokek ar lau korang ade hp extra...pahala tau tolong org!! nanti mama aku balik aku kasi 1 botol air zam2..hehe!!
n peeps, those who regularly visit me here, thanks!! n 4 this month, all e songs will be from those "zaman gemilang" kiter suma..those Sec sch daes!!! ok?? pls post rejection, if any...
Bye Bye Bye ...by N Sync
I'm doing this tonight
You're probably gonna start a fight
I know this can't be right
Hey baby come on.
I loved you endlessly
When you weren't there for me
So now it's time to leave
And make it alone.
I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you out that door
Baby bye bye bye
Chorus: Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie
Bye bye bye
Don't really wanna make it tough
I just wanna tell you that
I've had enough
Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie
Bye bye bye
Just hit me with the truth
Girl your more than welcome too
So give me one good reason
Baby come onI lived for you and me
And now I've really come to see
That life would be much better once your gone
I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lieI wanna see you out that door
Baby bye bye bye
I'm giving up, I know sure
I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more(Bye Bye)
I'm checking out, I'm signing off
I dont't wanna be the loser, I've had enough
I don't wanna be a fool in this game for two
So I'm leavin' you behind(bye bye bye)
I don't wanna make it tough(make it tough) But I've had enough
And it ain't no lie
Bye bye
Sunday, January 15

1. ma overwhelmin sense of pride & joy in NPCC..it taught me to overcome some fears, discipline

2. the boys...in order of "appearance in ma life stage"
zhaki, who nvr fails to buy me sweet & pass to me b4 assembly starts(pm session)..i alwaes asked for tt shocktarts from In The States shop yg bawah escalator kat northpoint sebelah McD..den i will share it wit ma class...shah, liz & ifa ingat tak?? heeh!!!
Faizal TB, hmmm e Skater boy tt i kenal2 after he knocked onto me @ e bridge on Boat quay(e one yg dekat ngan den empress place) when i wuz "supposed" to go to National Library, as wat i told mummy. ok ok u must be thinking, "national library kat situ ke??" well obviously NO la.. ala..takkan tak pernah tipu nak kuar??*chuckles* tts wuz in ending sec 1. i tink. skool kat 1st toa payoh, tot to be the coolest, i felt known in orchard..haha! liz, shut up!!
Sulaiman Idrus..nid i say more?? *refer prev post* skool kat Pierce Sec.
3. e BBC times...BoyBandChasing...highly influenced by tt Dinah, Li Wei Ling...haha!! those times we "chased" Kavana, Take 5, etc.. whoever la tt came to town..rub here run der run everywer..i still remember tt fiasco we had wit sendin off Take 5. promised with each other NOT to ponteng skool n go airport..but next morning in e bus...
Rini: (diam membisu)

Liza: asal kau?
Rini: takde mood ar nak gi sekolah...
Liza: oooh, are we thinkin alike?kau nak gi airport kan..
Rini: (angguk)
we looked at each other, den skip our bus stop den go interchange take bus to airport... i tell you it wuz damn fun!! e adrenaline rush wuz Fuhh!! den, all e "wer-r-u" pages started to flow.. tts when they planned their "staggered departure" from skool, period by period.. and soon e class 3e8 or wuz it 4e8, wuz left wit only e boys...wakaka!! everybody came armed wit "weapons", no la oni big paper, markers etc to make tt " we love you Take 5!!!! " shoutouts...the best thing wuz, we came in e morn, but in e end their flight wuz at ard 2 gitu..lepak sak, could have gone to skool.*sigh* n liz, got asthma attack n got "visually" left behind in e

hai..i can go on on rattlin siak! i realised i used alot of "!!" in this entry, excited betul.. juz feels sad tt e teenagers dis daes dun treasure their youth, suma nak "feel & look" mature..we were so carefree den, enjoying frenships, bein in skool(hated e hols at times), participating in all events in skool, even e Spore werkout wer we had to stand on tables n lead e skool..etc!
*i miss u guys, 4e8*
i am now thinkin of authorin "rini life story"...korang nak beli?? *batts eyelids*
Liza, thnxs for accompanyin me todae, i noe u guys are alwaes der 4 me... sori i wuz a little late...n remember, hush2...had fun wit u!! e kfc incident wuz cute, dah lapar sgt ngaknye sampai dah pinish eat aru ingat nak take picture.. n i m glad i gave u inspirational tots.. abt life..*tink relationship*
Marlina, thanks 4 offering to "loan" me ur kotak gubahan...lilac purple *sweet*

i dedicate this song to all ma skoolmates, classmates, deskmate(ifa hehe,) in YTSS 1995-1998. hmm, sori dinah, ur face not in e pix cos u didnt turn up 4 e gatherin...n some of u too.. now lets sing together!!! haha...ohh salah, sobz....
Graduation by Vitamin C
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of the night in June
I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon
And There was me and you, and then it got real blue
Stay at home talkin' on the telephone and
We would get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on, we rememberAll the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends forever
So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
La, la, la, la; yeah, yeah, yeahLa, la, la, la, we will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this townI keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
from e bottom of ma heart...
Friday, January 13

I took pains @ werk not to have any unlucky things happening...i well-prepared myself with all e things & info i need for tt 8 hrs of werk...THANK GOD. nothing happen...hmm, wait its not end of dae yet......
I m not sure if you guys believe in supernatural, fate, paranormal, superstitions etc.. anythin tt is beyond science & explanations...personally, i m scare of the category "ghost" however, at times, i juz have the feeling tt they are pitiful & i believe tt they sometime wants to be u'stood mcm crita "THE OTHERS"... they are nothin but restless ghost..pple who died unprepared, sudden or cruelly.. say,

Takde...ma cat died rite. guess wat happen e next morning? a new kitten out of nowhere was meowing at ma doorstep!!! same bulu n all....Liza said cat has 9 lives...tapi like pelik like tt...anyway i took it in & sayang it all e same so cute.. is it e same cat?? i wonder...hard..

thank you to u all who find ma taugeh story amusing!!! haha, its so funnie seh...Yanni, e missing dish on e table wuz e kuah, e soto itself tapi lain suma ade..haha!! mcm nak makan nasi ayam tapi nasi jer ade, ayam takde...Dinah, aku tetap blur ker?? haha!! i will visit u in melboure aite, but i wanna go disneyland!!! marlina, thanks for adding me in msn, lookin forward to chat wit u...Ica, slalu2 la dtg sini, jadi tak bertepek posting kene baca *chuckles* n u Liza, i shall see u tomorrow @ 4pm city hall.
Thursday, January 12

i have not done a single thing for ma weddin, tt would be in uhmm, let's see,*count fingers*, oh well minus jan & july tt would equals to....5mths!!! *screams* ma idea of not thinking of e preps is bcos it will get me all excited about marriage!! *gatal* but wen i see all ma other frens so prepared, i went "gosh!"...some even baru tunang, ikat 2 thn, but dah prepare2..but i scared, if plan2, u will expect too much...n u guys noe abt me & ma expectations.
" Shoutout to everybody: IS 5MTHS MORE FAR AWAY OR NOT?? TO BE PRECISE E MTH OF JULY.....somebody answer me...."
well, actuali i lied...i pretty much have done a few stuff BUT do tell me if i miss anything...esp you miss wedding planner *winkz*!!
things to do
1. mak andam - done
2. full deco - done
3. catering - handled by mama & ayah
4. vid & pix - handled by ayah
5. kendarat - handled by mama & ayah
6. bilik pengantin & langsir rumah...suma pasal rumah la - handled by nenek
7. hantarans - *shake head* yanni!!!!!!
so korang tengok ar...yg those biggie2 stuffs i noted oreadi BUT yg small2 things i have absolute no idea!! sirih dara, bunga telur..ermm, ape lagi huh??! Marlina, klu ko ade checklist ke ape pass lah kat aku...*hopeful* else, i wait for mama come back haj next month & surrender...
oh not fergetting...
reception girlies - ifa, liz & aishah ...ma ever beautiful, bestest of best pwens..
"unofficial" miss wedding planner - i shall not name her yet until she cnfm over lunch/dinner @ swensens...*surprise*
dah dgr kan rintihan aku...so "tolong rini....bantu rini..." *cheeky laugh* nanti aku banja korang makan nasi minyak ar... ok per...
yanni : sat nie ko free tak?? after 3 gitu... reply asap...not shoppin but, hmm aderla... nanti aku banja ko swensens...oops!!
eddy: can help me design invites?
nites suma!! me goin under blanket...later must wake up @ 8.30am !!!!hmm...wait, i tink i gotta fry some fries 1st...HUNGRY!!!
Wednesday, January 11
I woke up @ 7am and kemas2...nasib jiran sebelah kasi nasi minyak, sambal gorens, ayam masak merah etc...bleh lah hidang kat zali, ayah & helmi wen he comes later lepas sembahyang raye...siap2 suma, wow! i feel so womanly...selalu tau siap diri SENDIRI jer..nie nak kene siap kan satu rumah..it wuz reali an experience...
hmm, i not sure why i lept dozing off wen we kuar gi umah nenek, umah emi, umah nenek jurong. hehe! best thing, i doze off while reading new paper @ helmi hse!!! haha!! lepak sak...another funny thing, mak emi called me to the kitchen. i went, sekali she ask me to anuh bontot taugeh!! hehe, suddenly ma otak blank. "matila aku" den i ask, " cik, sori eh, tapi camner nak anuh bontot dia?" wakakaka!! helmi ketawa kan me from e living room, apparent, he must have been listening hard, cos he knew i not housewerk, READ:especially COOKING, kinda person..haha!! paiseh sial...but mak dia pon ketawa jer..NASIB! oso, i was assigned e task to hidangkan meja, utk makcik helmi yg dtg. on e menu was lontong soto or wateva u call tt. guess way?? i put everythin on e table BUT e soto..haha!! everybody was tryin to find was wuz missin till they start to tuck in..ahh, then they found out wat wuz it!!
ard 10am: helmi reach ma home, we 1 famili, minus mama(haj) & arwah shasa.
ard 10.30-11:antar ayah & zali gi umah bik ayu, nenek all der.
11-1pm: @ helmi's plc wer all e taugeh & MIA dish thingy happen. *mama called!!*
by 1.15pm:reach bik ayu hse to join ayah, zali & everybody...
@2.30 gitu: me & emi gi amik daging from his dad with ayah & zali in tow..den go nenek jurong hse.
By 3+ gitu: @ nenek jurong hse, play with baby. sempat kiter tdo.
@ 5 gitu: gi pusara shasa..*sad* zali wuz e driver der oni.as alwaes.
by 6pm: reached emi hse again..daddy & zali took e car home..
@ 8pm: emi send me back in his daddy's car...
@ home, lepas wash up, i can NEVER hv ma eyes open..goners all e tv shows! @ 2am, i woke up thinking its oreadi like tengah hari ker late morning, was about to go mandi wen zali asked "nak gi maner?!" haha...ngigau ar..

cant sleep, i wen to MSN, chatted wit u liz, read up about paranormal ; big foot, mermaid, ghost. liza got scare so she decide to link n onli read in e dae..SCARYCAT!! i tempted her over e webcam with ma fries!! haha...she was subdued, SHE ATE, despite saying, "aku on diet la" hee..well, better keep ur promise, u gotta fast tomorrow...ok?
zali & his fren, is, got bored & they did face painting haha!! cool, look at e pix.

hmm, i better turn in now...gotta werk 3pm later.
Tuesday, January 10

here i present and "incomplete" family portrait....oh well, yup, that's syamimi who is in the pix with us....
Let me introduce her. Her name is Syamimi, i call her shasa...she msg me a few months after arwah shasa passed away on Frenster...shocked tt she look like ma late sis*refer to inset pix of her* , i told ma parents about in the next morning...they talked to her n met... sad tt in a glimpse, she reminds us of arwah Shasa...since then she call ma parents mama & ayah, the way arwah shasa used to...
Syamimi WILL nvr replace Shasa...i noe tt...but sometimes you juz need to lie to yourself of e truth, e painful reality tt hurts....however, we all noe tt @ e end of the dae, we will have to accept e fact tt arwah Shasa will nvr be here anymore...though i alwaes wish hard tt i would "wake up" one dae with her still sleepin beside me and tt all dis was a "freaking nightmare".
Yesterday, at 12noon ma cat died peacefully...yup Ica, its e cat tt got kicked on the stomach...*sad* It died while lying beside An, ma neighboour in the living room. They buried it at kampung wak hasan tau...*siap wrap ngan kain putih!!* And yes, i cried...
Anyway, it rained juz now wen i wuz supposed to meet helmi at ritz..*shucks* plan changed and he came over to drive daddy's car instead of riding...we wen mkn @ 924, shopping @ suntec, rounding2 while talking2, singing2 in the car...nothin much accomplished todae beside puchasing his Levis jeans...wanted to get his platinum wedding band*pls refer prev post* but, nothin appeal to him yet...its ok, lagi bnyk mase...oh btw, helmi bought me a baju kurung...anggun!! hmm...tts pretty much all tt we did.. well, i guess, wen you love somebody, juz bein together is enuff..no need for a full day itineary....anybody beg to differ?
Yanni, aku tk lupa lah....topless 4 ke 5 sekali...bile ko free?? ko yg bz selalu, bih ckp aku... *roll eyes* hehe!!
Sunday, January 8

I m so in love..not tt i have not been, but i reali feel tt I AM BEING LOVED....by my ever so lovely fiance, Helmi. Those who know me, i never ever gave 100% to ANYONE. i alwaes nid tt at least 20% off e 100% for me to bounce back in case IT fails...i never ever wanna find myself HOPELESSLY in love. NEVER... but now, i think i m reali floating on CLOUD NINE...*goodness*
Helmi was driving me to werk and we engaged in a little discussion. Whilst talking about wat to get for our hantaran gifts exchange, i was so touched wen helmi said tt he wouldn't mind if i have a wedding band(ring) for him.
Rini: reali? u would wear a ring? i mean, i didnt think you wld.*obviously surprised* (he doesnt wear accessories, except 4 e bracelet i gave him.)
Helmi: of course i dun mind syg...by wearing the ring, pple will noe tt i m married! *chuckles* n dun forget to engrave our name....
Rini: *blush*
" Ya ALLAH!!! i thank you for allowing me to experience this beautiful feeling...U had made me felt the worst of all feelings wen U took Arwah Shasa away from all of us, but U didnt forget to create happiness too..sorry tt i ever felt tt U were never fair, and cruel to have e existence of a fate sooo painful.."
Bear wit me ya!! i noe i m making some of you puke in disgust...hehe!! love? wat is it? haha!! tts history... i believe in love now!!! LOVE!! i need LOVE!!! haha!! n i need you darling...i cannot imagine life w/out u...
u beared with me, wen i kept calling Man's name instead of yours *mase baru bercinta*.
u smiled wen i said i dun believe in love.
u accepted me not being in any way a lady should be.
u not only love me, u love my family all the same.
u showed me the rights of way but nvr critised ma wrongs.
" 4yrs down e road now...n i m giving you ma full 100% dear.... I LOVE YOU!! countin down to our BIG day dear...."
Friday, January 6

5th of January, me, liza, aishah together with Ifa, we went to Breeks @ taka to celebrate her bdae(ifa)..well, actuali i treated them all.
Aishah, for teaching ma bro wen he

i love you!!

Ifa, cos she was the BIRTHDAE gal!!! hepi 24th bdae gerl... we will be married happily dis year(hmm, doesnt sound rite),u to darlin syah n me to helmi. Insyallah.. lets get to e planning plan gerl!! ermm, planning plan? aper2 jer aku tau... fa, thanks for the redbull tshirt & e beautiful bag... i love u!!

Liza, it was a belated bdae treat...she TURNED 26 on dec 24..haha!! 4yrs to e big 30 liz!!! neway, congrats on e losin of 5kg, u look great!! n oso Hakim, liz hubby, its his be-early bdae treat... bdae is dis sat...haha!! n u Sarah, ur in e package!!! Love you guys!!
there u go, i have presented e best gerls i can ever ask for in ma life!! those who have been stickin like glue from e bestest time to the times wen i m down & out... n aku ingat ape korang janji!!! be there 3hari 3mlm utk aku kahwin!!! *evil laugh*
enjoy e pixs...well, i wont be bloggin 4 a moment...its hard to juggle as a MoTHER, DAUGHTER, SISTER & TUNANG at e same time...house chore to do, mouth to be feed...well, daddy werk mah..jaga zali..etc...help me!! oh thanks dear, u hv been ard wenever i needed you...n lookin forward to e "housepainting day" with daddy n zali together wit u... love u muack!!! *sob* radio nie...lagu raya lak!!
mama, miss u!