De other time i went out wit liz, i forgot to complement here for controlin her "lust" at KFC..well, member kan nak loss weight...she oni had e salad thingy while i go all e way to tempt her wit ma 2 piece chk & cheese fries..*evil laugh* but i failed...u go gerl! *chuckles*
if u look carefully, on e 3rd pix, der laid ma "arwah" hp tt got smashed up due to a "fall" wit force...*roll eyes*

n here i present liz "b4 & after" pix...hehe!!! cool huh!!
peeps: living example of perseverance!! gua salute!!

" Dear tunangku sayang, wit wat we have gone thru dis past few daes, a lesson have been learnt & truth have been felt, love truly appreciated with promises made in e past remembered. Our obstacles came late but as God's Will, it will definately make its appearance. I am truly amazed at how we fixed our probs. Eventually we laughed about e cause of e quarrel...from nothin to erupt to something tt in e end we ourselves felt stupid..@ e cost of ma hp..hmm..anyway its ok dear, u hurt ma phone, i hurt ur ego so its FAIR..hehe..no lah...helmi, i love u.... e way u alwaes do..."
from dis i would like advise all peeps in love...
1. if you have a quarrel, TRY NOT to sleep on it... settle it on e same dae.
2. At e point wen both are so MAD at each other, both of u must FORCE urself to stop thinkin of e argument, flash back all those sweet lil things promises made<mase tk gaduh>, think of all those sacrifices he made & happy times.
3. and NO raising of voices please...it hurts both Ego..talk like adults.
warning: dis MUST werk both ways aite...if oni 1 party does this, he/she will be in IMH in 5yrs time..or down some block, after falling off from e top..lol..insyallah, all obsatcle/quarrel can be overcome.
As i promised in ma previous post, heres another song crooning way out from Pri-Sec skool daes..e times we dance on e stage to this song..heres Timmy Thomas wit...
Dying Inside To Hold You..........
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