i wuz going thru ma frenster as usual, n as a known fact tt i lurves to read, i was oso goin thru updated blogs on top of e oreadi-linked blogs/webby. @ 1 particular blog, i wuz extremely touched tt i wuz e subject of e entry. Hey Liz, tt bear up der is for u. i grew? u nvr knew? well, i didnt realised tt either till u highlighted it. seriusly, i wonder, do i ever grow from wat i wuz? haha!! maybe i did!! i said was..*LOL* see peeps, thru blogs, u write wat flows within. by in life, its forever a stage...so e power of blogs is incredible. u would nvr realise the once 13-yr old fren is now 23-yr old, goin on to 24 n married life...*somebody, stop e time clock!!*

i lied. but not to myself though.oni in e blog. i said i wasnt goin but hey, I DID!! i werk @ 9am though...took time off, left @ 2. Met e kuzzins @ 3+ and went. well, kinda of felt outta place, nana wit najib, ewan & ijal wit e boys.*haiz* dah tu , tgk Leman on e pelamin wit e lawfully wife... gee.. Then, i saw Rahmat(tommy), Apen & Wan!!! woohoo!!!! i jumped on them and sat rite thru wit them...POWER!!! i joked ard n create havoc..haha!! we laugh, laughs, laughed n nearly cried laughing..joked about our old times we had together..gosh, we reali hv grown. ya liz, we grew past times...Wan jepon dah kahwin, dahde 2 princess, Natalie & Natasha.... wen we wanted to take pix wit e pengantin, its started to drizzle. wen i stand in front of e pelamin in front of dem, it rained heavily, strong wind blowing, I SWEAR!!! damn strong!! e red carpet got blown off, n e photographer had to shout,"pegangkan carpet!", den e other things started to drop oso!! including e lampstand on e pelamin!! hah!! den Rahmat shouted, " eh, pegang suma!!!" hahaha!! e power of ma feelings...LOL!! kidding...
Rahmat n shah hida sent me back home...Btw, Apen, hepi Bdae!!
stay tuned...i will update e pixs ok!

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