well well welll.... i hinted to helmi that i feel like having the Salad thingy from KFC cos i wuz
damn hungry....as usually, he will fetch me after werk & go to KFC, however, e rumbling of ma hungry lil tummy wuz too much to handle and to add on, me & liz wuz chatting about our food get-together..hmm, thus i gave myself a push to cook something..i didnt reali cook up a storm but juz experimenting on nasi goreng to eat wit fries..hehe!! Not knowing wat to jumble & rumble in the wok, i simply do e usual tt i alwaes observed...onions, red cut chillies, some salt, egg and some of the potatoes tt was given from ma neighbour..
hmmm...it didnt turn out tt bad seh..thanx liz on the tips to see whether nasi dah basi or not. hehe!! i had blocked nose lah...no animals were hurt during e process juz me, who suffered several hot oils tt was ploppin away.."ploppin"?? got such english meh?? well..anyway..it was ok, bleh kate sedap TO me..but best of all, its "eatable"....
mama coming back on e 4th of February..with all e time diff + & - and crossover, she will be celebrating her birthdae, which falls on the 2nd of Feb, on board of SQ 8009. I have send out request for SQ personnel to arrange for a SURPRISE birthdae cake for her!!! cool huh??
I have been resting for 2 daes oreadi..hmm, malas nak start werk seh but wat to do..not so bad ar today nite shift..after 5 nites i will off again!! woohooo!!! might be goin for KHUSUS RUMAHTANGGA on the 24th....argh!!! scare!! anyway i wanna tell you guys a secret..shh!! I reali lurve this guy--->
helmi la tu!! haha!!! *rolling*
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