Now that we will be embarking on yet another chapter of our life, that is to be married, we must remember to have a "date" regularly, juz the two of us, before we get drown in our busy life...lemme trail u down our memories...
First time we met & wer :
late yr 2001, at GV Yishun(luar arcade)
oh, i wuz supposed to meet Adi and he was supposed to meet Helmi. So u guessed it, it was a triple date.haha!! me tumpang Adi and we went to East Coast..After tt dae, wen never meet again *yet*...
One fine late nite, i was out wit budak2 banquet and Adi called. He asked me to call back at 9*** 1969..hehe! tactic agaknye cos tt its was helmi's number & they were together with shafiq(ma ex-classmate) too. dorang ajak kuar..hmm, i agreed and said tt i will call wen i reached home. I did as i promised and shocked to noe that they were already at ma carpark..but wen i got there, Adi wuz nowhere in sight...
Rini: Maner Adi?
Fiq: adi gi amik $$ dari kawan dia..
Rini: hmm...abih aku nak tumpang saper seh??
Fiq: helmi ar..dia ade extra helmet..!
Rini: *dumbfounded*
Helmi: *smile*
the ride to A&A proved to be the MOST awkward ride. I DUNNO HIM sak...i m hitchin a ride on some1 i dun even NOE. hows tt? but we chat throughout e nite, drinking milo ice, tea, coffee...oh yeah, adi came by after few minues we reach..*it wuz e guys strategic plan!!* while chatting...
Adi: rini, ko kejap agi pon kene gi keje kan?
Rini: yup..kul 7am masuk.
Adi: ape kate helmi antar ko?
Rini & Helmi: *shock*
moments of silence...hehe!! he caught us in disbelief. well, it happened..he sent me. it wuz e longest ride..but sweet. i was not dressed for a bike ride in the early morn and i wuz feeling cold.. he did his 1st sweetest thing...1 hand on the controllin the bike, 1 hand holding ma hand.. i felt warmth..ermm, i was hot all over actuali!! haha! dropping me @ loading bay, i said ma thanks, smiled and went in to werk. i wuz on cloud nine..suddenly i remembered i had his number tt i called back ydae..i sms-ed him to said thanxs again..*gatal*. suprisingly, i got a reply within minutes! haha!! we sms-ed throughout ma 7am-3pm shift and all the way on the journey home...i couldnt werk & i wasnt sleepy. THE POWER OF LOVE. tt wuz e daes i can go by w/o sleep sak..young times.
1 dae he suggested tt i follow him to the boys chalet..i agreed and we went shoppin for mama bdae gift 1st..den sit @ breakwater @ East Coast...chat2. Once @ e chalet, Adi kept saying, "dah pandai...." hmm maybe pasal kiter dah pandai jumpa w/o him..*chuckles*..i will nvr 4get tt dae.. it was a "brainwashin" session from Fiq. He asked me to go out to the seaside wit him for a chat. i followed....
Fiq: ko betul dah takde pape ngan Man?
Rini: yup..i guess so..*yadadadadadaa*
Fiq: abih ko ngan helmi amacam?
Rini: ntah....*selamba*
* forgive me cos after bein out of a long-term relationship, i didnt noe how to act to "dating" again*
Fiq: kalau ko suka dia, juz tell him..if not, dun give him hopes...his a nice guy, mature *etc*
Rini: *nods* i will tink about wat you said...
there wuz a nite, wen helmi waited for me for hours @ ma home playground as i couldnt sneak out as daddy juz wouldnt get to sleep! wen i did we wen to johor, pump petrol and he sent me to werk @ 7am...we still havnt officialise our relationship..
One nite, we went to Johor & makan at "longkang". i saw ifa there amazingly and she said, "who is he??" hmm no i was not prepared to introduce them yet..der, it happen..e confirmation..
Helmi: macam maner ngan kiter?
Rini: asal ngan kiter? *step blur*
Helmi: *susah nak explain*
well, eventually i agreed that we can try to be a couple..a confirmed couple as of 31st january 2002!! but i was not prepared to tell ma parents and all..but 1 nite after ma 1am shift, we met wit an accident tt freak me out..totally! a van crashed into us and send us flying to the middle of the yellow box, stoppin all vehicles at the traffic junction...i knew i had to get ma parents blessin instead of having helmi to fetch me from other carparks except mine...
I did..but i felt uncertain whether i reali should tell or not? wat if they disapprove? hmm, i couldnt believe it that they would easily approve compared to how much i hmm, ahh... hesitated to said wat i wanted...
Rini: betul ma??!! mama, ayah kasi..? TAPI DIA BAWAK MOTO TAU....*i had to emphasize tt as she nvr allowed me o bikes*
Mama: betul la...
Rini: THANKYOU!!!!!!!!
But, there ought to be obstacles rite & i remember 1 vividly...I was on the way home wen i met ma childhood fren, iqbal, i wen to Mcd wit him..i lied to helmi otherwise...i forget how it came to light and he was angry...we talked it out..i wasnt sure about him actuali as i was committed to a diff guy for a long time, so i guess it takes time..after the talk, i was touched @ the fact tt he would be angry..i mean tt shows e relationship carries a meaning to him...from den, we started
to get serius...no more callin him Man by mistake outta comfort...
5th of April 2004
helmi family came to ma house for ma hand in marriage..ermm tunang la tu..date wuz set to fall on the 5th of june 2004..yippee!!!
5th Of june 2004
We are officially engaged to each other..*sweet*
the stories continues blissfully up to this date..
i appreciate the tempers we control, the mistakes we corrected, the sacrifices we did, happiness we created outta everything that comes into our path...
Life can never be with no up & downs so lets make tt the colours of our life..
to everybody, just remember the essential recipe in happy relationship is...
*laughs* i could have done a book for myself eh..hehe!! neway i juz watch a cartoon tt i reali miss from childhood daes...CAREBEARsss..aite i m getting ready to meet Liz now...bye!!

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