hai!! gue dtg lagik..kekeke!
so yeah, after the dinner with da boyz, met up kuzzins and left by midnight..
wash up & all the nightly rituals done, we were all knocked out..
21st July 2007
Woke up nice & fresh.. Hub had to werk am shift, so i was bored..i texted bestie Ifa and yes ah, she was available. So i packed Ryan's lil luggage and waited for him to wakey2 after his morning nap.. meeting Ifa at mrt station at 12.30pm..
Btw, i have been having good nite sleep now as i guess Ryan had managed to differentiate his day & night so he will always sleep rite thru the night and only waking up at 6am gitu for a feed and he will fall back to sleep and wake up at 8+ or 9am for bathing time and then feed again and nap again till noon, and the normal feed time la.. Play time is 3+ or 4 to 6pm gitu..
ok so Ryan woke up @ 12pm gitu, feed him and tucked him in his pram n off we go..
In the train..this time better ride..

oh yeah, b4 meeting Ifa, i took the lift to get to the train platform..in front of me, there was a guy with a pram too.. kira ok la, bleh muat pe 2 pram..then there were this few peeps who i believed MUST left their peanut brain at home or perhaps they could have flushed it down the loo..there were always WAITING for the lift..WTF! they could jolly well take the escalator kan.. makao!! otak jam brake sak... To ad on to my fuel, they rushed in when the lift came, the 1st pram managed to masok..
and for obvious reason, i knew tt there wont be space for me & my pram..but pergi la Mampos.. i pushed my caucasian-sized pram into the lift which was filled up with brainless idiots..i know i must hv squashed some feet but who cares, if they had not even cared in the first bloody place.. they asked for it & i was adamant not to give in and wait for the other trip!
The guy with pram smiled @ me as though saying , "yeah man!" Ceh! stupid bunch of mangkuks....
Tt was highlighted in RED to amplify how mad i was and still am..
ok so met Ifa liao..can smile oreadi la..
Our 1st stop was KKH for Ifa's check up..
Ryan had fallen asleep while waiting, so after c'up we had McD for lunch..
Our Next Stop was united square..a place well-known for being a one-stop place to shop for baby, children needs...and preggy mums' too.. simply put, if u are preggy, this is 1 place wer u can find everything under 1 roof! from maternity need to toddlers needs..best!!
and i was simply trigger-happy looking @ stuffs for Ryan.. sungguh seronok.. but u must know how to navigate ur way ard else u will get confuse, hehe! it's like goin to Vivo but this is "vivo" filled with baby's stuffs.. ala senang gi la tgk sendiri..
Juz imagine, we were there from 3pm till the shops closed at 9.30++... fuhyoh!
the baby room oso power..there's cubicles but not 4 kencing etc..but to BF, so u can nurse ur baby in comfort & privacy..in the cubicle, there will be like a sofa..gerek!
Us lunching away..eh maner Ryan?? hehe...

Ifa on the phone...

Ryan in the pram..

Over there, we had Ya kun kaya toast as snacks...Ryan penat and he dozed off again..haha! he had a whole load of fun wen peeps goo-goo gaga at him..seronok dia.. and 1 of them mentioned to me tt Ryan's attention span is good..something this caucasian lady once told me too at KKH tt time.. hmm, i guess ya la.. his responses & attentiveness is good.. nak2 bila suruh smile 4 e cam..haha!!
oh well.. after penat bershopping till e shops close, hub fetched us after his soccer tournament to go to ECP to meet kuzzins..
Bt due to the rain & hub was shagged, hmm actuali so was i, we decided to head home..
The day ended with me massaging hub's leg yang terseliuh..macam pandai jer aku!