So texted herni and walla! it was set..
i told hub of my plan, my whole plan, else he would not reali allow me to be out on my own..haha! so yeah, time balik, i had nani to balik with me..
So there i go, scrambling to pack barang, bath and all..nasib anak aku boy, takya la nak pakai ribbon la or wateva accessories.. jahanam sak klu aku ade anak gerl, confem otak jam apa nak pakai kan dia.. susah pakai t-shirt suar! wakaka!! aku sendiri malas nak dress-up2..
ok so, Ryan had his comfy rompers and we left home with hub..
As it was Friday, dropped by to Al-Falah for Friday prayers. i waited in the car wit Ryan..seram jek takut he cry cos panas..keke! tapi dia mcm paham jer ayah dia gi pray, he was sitting quietly in his carseat..
ok from there, proceeded to Ritz, helmi bade bye2 to ryan and me while i met ITOT first..cos Herni baru jek kuar umah..
Ermm..mama, who is this woman??
its ok Ryan, its mama's fwen..
then i went see Diyanah..
alahai..apa la nasib Ryan mama..
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ryan taknak jadi Agent 007..
Step tute!i lurve taking pix, mama..
one more pix pwease mama..
this 1 got pay season parking one..
Parting shot b4 i left to meet Herni & baby Noushin..(ryan pon posing maut..haha)
He slept otw to meet herni at the fountain..
Mama Herni with Baby Noushin Reyhana..
Me with crying Ryan..
this is ONE place i always look out for now...
we walked2, bought this and that..then realise kite lupa nak take more pix..haha!! so here goes..
lawa eh view..
lawa eh aku..wakakakaka!!
lawa eh both view & herni..hehe..
Mama herni & Mama Rini..
Together with Mama Nani, my bestie since Primary 1...antara org yang bnyak layan karenah aku yang most of the time tak masuk dek akal..
We took the cab home..i saw how atrocious the price of a cab ride..though nani foot the bill but it was CRAZY!! flag-down price was 2.50 kan, then comes the ERP charge, peak hour charge etc2..7bucks.. nie blum masuk metre charge!! aiyo!!
Nani dropped me at my house and wen to pick her daughter and came back to my house to have dinner..we ordered..
i asked her how much was the fare..
30 ++!! makao!! siak ar.. puas hati aku bayar 50++ for petrol which can tahan at least 1 week.. klu nak pegi balik naik cab, aiyo!! dahla aku tak fav ngan cab driver. and bila aku naik tu, aku perasan sibuk dia main2 sia nye monitor tu..tgk map la apa la.. langsung tak concentrate on road.. mana tak jadi reckless driver.. ikutkan hati, aku nak jitak jer kpala apek tu..ish ish!! hot aku.. dahla tu. dia jln suma long way..nasib aku nie road-savvy, aku sound tu apek..dia step tgk map. klu tul pon dia tgk map, he can see the shorter way pe.. bodoh sak!! nak jadi driver, tapi tak tu road.. i simply dun u'stand this TAXI drivers.. though not all are bad, u juz cant deny tt a bad apple spoils the whole basket..
Look! i told ryan to pose with his new Candy rattle.. but dia yg posing..
His new toy
A fan for his pram..juz in case
Wen our food arrived, i put Ryan to sleep and he slept rite thru the night..yeah!!
Oh btw, Audrey gave ryan a gift tt day..
i lurve it..cos its MICKEY MOUSE!!!!!!!
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