Well, some credits to hub la eh..though he terseliuh kaki, he got this from the match...
and from the trip at to United Sq tt day, i got Ryan tis..best! bleh stick2 to all his property..
alahai, i cant say enuff la.. so many pwetty2 stuffs there..and i many maternity clothes appealed to me..can u imagine tt??!! mak oi.. i was telling myself, maybe its time for a second 1..*chuckles*
and after tt trip..
i so miss this beautiful moment..
Btw..see wer Ryan got his sepet eyes from..
Can i go back to the past, to this past that practically blown us away...and freeze it there..
Ok la enuff of tt, back to my weekend, i spent the day at my parents place yesterday.. Hub send us there and after tt, i left Ryan with mama, me & bro go jln @ NorthPoint..
Ryan lurves goin out..
Playtime with mama...

3 of us.. like how it used to be..but it's now with Ryan, Me & Bro...
At night mama & bro send us home and i tucked Ryan to bed..while waitin for darling hub to balik, i read magazines & books..
Supper was a time to chit chat with hub about our day..i love chatting with hub!! kekeke.. well, who doesnt right..
well, anyway i am so happy tt weekdays are back!! yela..dah jadi part time housewife, i enjoy weekdays more..cos lots & lots of tv programmes for me to watch!! Hikmah..Prison Break and now got Rahsia Perkahwinan..plus, my fav chinese dramas...weee!
k la.. till i update again..no no more for today..
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