haha.. my header says it all..
my weekend was spent attending weddings...oh i juz lurves weddings..
the feel is erm..so touching..
i remember, even as wen i used to werk as PT banquet @ westin & ritz, my eyes always never failed to well up whenever the bride & groom of the day have their march in..
it's juz so feeling..ala susah aku nak explain..so precious, so memorable, so princessy...so worth everything..
and for the many reasons i knew i would cry on mine, i had repeatedly told myself tt i can shed a tear of happiness on others' wedding but not mine..cos i knew if 1 is shed, it will be macam tap bocor!!
ala aku nie off track lak.. ok ok so the day began with shafiq dropping by to set rambut at my house..ceh! he left his bike over @ our place & tumpang us..
there we met all, zur, fir, shida, khai & wife, and many others who i forgot their name...hahhaha!!
please click here for the MORE pixs..
Wedding weekend..
and as u know, Ryan always hv his afternoon nap rite..so in the midst of org kekecoh..si Ryan nie bleh sleep seslamba2 nye..tido step majok lak tu..see..

But he was reali asleep..and still ngorok wen i pass to hub..

hehe..but after tt he woke up la.. nap jer..then we shot off to another wedding with the rest..
best sungguh meeting old frens..sungguh seronok.com!
balik..Ryan flat lagik...

and while he was at tt, me together with hub & shafiq tried to finish up our Hikmah vcd..lagik 8 disc..phew!
sambil2 aku amik gmbar of the evening sun over my balcony...*chuckles*

tapi VCD tu tetap tak abis..cos tak bleh continue since we are meeting Zul & tony at Jalan Kayu at 9pm...so siap2 kan Ryan and poof!
there u see me, trying to pakai the baby carrier.. not bad jugak la..ingat bleh patah pinggang..cos ryan nie KOOSMANGAT!!! wakakaka!!

balik rite b4 midnight, and me & hub continue the last 3 VCDs...
ended at 2plus..walau eh! the ending is....
wanna know y?
50 cent dulu...
and selalu i will re-watch my wedding vcd kan after every wedding i attended..but this time, i created a mini montag!!
will share wit u guys soon...
and oh, got a beep from Mrs Rif...she will be giving birth anytime soon!!