Lazily making hot milo..
then my eyes sat upon something..
and its alive...
i was stunned & my knees jellied..
somehow, i managed to call for help..
ya la.. so much of a help..must laugh first then help..but who cares!
all i wanted was it to be DEAD!
after much hilarious attempts and failed plans to "freeze" it by the generous spraying of insecticide, hub finally succeeded in throwing it out of our pantry..
yes it got flung only..
only to "ketepiak" on our air-con compressor...
wat the hell..
but ok la.. then we get back in our room, wer baby ryan was sleeping ever so soundly, to watch the HIKMAH Vcd...keke!
erm, btw, if anybody got tips on how to matikan lizard in the shortest time, do share wit me..i shall reward u handsomely if it werks...
grr! eeeeeeeeeee.........
well, in my absence..ceh, i had been busy covering the s'pore map with hub & baby..haha! suka nah habis kan minyak..hobi sejak zaman moto..
But i shall blogged about those significant event la..hokay..
1st up..we visited Helmi's old buddy whose wife juz gave birth to daughter Nur Syaqira..
Me wit the new born baby..Nur Shaqira
the jealous not so newborn baby..he majuk la..
the proud parent..Sam & Yvonne aka Nur Syafiqah..
one thing i must confess, their house was superb! with breath-taking scenery outside their flat..imagine la their house is on the 17th floor, overlooking clarqe quay and!
budak nie masih majuk..eleh..step ajer tu dia..
majuk lagik..taknak tgk camera nih!

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