started my day by snoozing my alarm which was set to Ryan's recorded crying voice...
After much snoozing, i got up and took my warm shower..
All the stuffs had been packed last night..
So it didnt take long for us to make our way out to my in-law's homey..
Sleeping Ryan...
Carried by Ayah...
Still asleep in the car...
And still sleeping wen we dropped him..then hubz send me to werk..
My new desk..
i sungguh the suka..
gets the natural light...
can see & hear ambulance..haha!!
stress jer tgk luar..
after 8 hours plus of clearing tons of emails..and i reali meant tons!! 1000 plus..
haiz ape guna ade Out Of Office tah..hmm..
I packed my stuffs to balik as hubz was fetching..
time check was...
On another note,

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