well..aku tak faham sangat la ape the normal free one la, the 5-in-1 la, the 6-in-1 la.. so i juz took the 5-in-1...bleh gitu?
to begin with, he nanak bangun so i had to wake him up at 9.45am to go to the poly for the jab..ryan kopet, pasal tak mandi..hahhaha!!
then see doc for his 3mths check..alhamdullilah, he is progressing extremely well..especially attentive & responsive..
ok well, then biase jugak go to my in-laws to lunch.
Ryan fell asleep so had to wait for him to wake up at 3pm b4 proceeding to CWP then to KKH..
sungguh tak sabar nak see Fizah's baby...kekeke!!
i shall reserve the exclusivity of her baby pix & name for her ok..i believe she will update soon..klu dia tk malas la..
blah..blah..blah..sempat debate ngan miss-i-know-it-all lagik..haha!! some1 who came along while we were there..
then balik pi lagik umah in-laws aku for dinner..takle harap nye org! keke..
pastu balik..
and know Ryan has developed fever!!
alahai, it is expected according to the doc & nurse for this jab..
but i got myself prepared with the syringe so tt i can "tranport" or "transfer" the medicine into his mouth witout any mess..
and oso a cool pack for his forehead..
though he is sick, still nak smile2 wen i wanna take his pix..
so wit this, i will only hv time to upload pix wen he get better ok..
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