this is the best tt can can i put it eh.. ok juz to mark the date. Me & helmi now has a new "baby", in addition, to our current "baby"..heehe!! so now got 2 "babies".. best nye!! "baby" tu ape eh? hmm...not revealing now...maybe later..suka betul aku buat org suspen!!
oh yeah..i went to ma trial make-up..nice.. ice & itot followed and have been further bribed with Zam-Zam's murtabak treat for them to shut their mouth on how diff i look. hehe! and... ma kening have been shaped!! shuck.. knowing me yg tak kuasa, helmi juz laugh wen i nag on how later grow must dis la, tt ar.. BUT seriusly, at the current moment, as wat liz says, i look SOFT.. haha!! in fact i actually like it, juz tt i hate the hassle.. tau la aku, selalu siap tak sampai 10min.. takpe la. not gonna do anything about it.. nanti bila time kahwin anuh lagi den from there i see how. makao buruk sak, kening pon aku boleh jadi kan crita! Now, juz enjoying the soft look of ma face.. so pple can stop saying i look like step mother! *LOL*
we went karaoke with mama, ayah & zali, with zizie... gerek!! hmm..suka zali melalak2..
today, ma family brought sarah out..hehe! fun.. we went to collect baju2 tempah utk aku kahwin.. ish..ish
Helmi suka aku tak pakai make-up..well, as if i wear actually..make-up refers to eyeliner..hehe!he says very naturale beauty..ok puke if u want .. *blueks*

yawnz... dah ngantuk.. i better sleep, if he finds out i still awake den tmr wake up late, cnfm marah..heehe!! tapi kejap.. tmr nak gi jln2 den go werk..tak sempat2 eh aku..
lina: kasi la aku tips camner nak "avoid2" hehe..susah sak..dah biasa jumpa hari2. takpe busuk2, start july 1st baru aku try hard2..*lol*
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