Tuesday, August 25
Ryan said this one fine day, while on the road..
I scolded him for sounding segau gitu wen he said tt...
Then I tried to correct him, BUT I SOUNDED segau myself!!
(no prize for guessing, but hub laughed away from e driver seat!)
Friday, July 31
Rezeki anak.., Alhamdullilah..!
Sad news but he called @ lunch time with a piece of greeeat news...
Rezeki anak...!
So it's double promotion for dear hubby...!
Congrats Dear...!
Sunday, July 26
Welcome Nur Ryanna Riz'qah to our family...!
Born on the 25th of July 2009 @ 1104hrs, KKH Delivery Suite 14.
Thank you hubby for being my pillar of support....!
For the pix, please go to..
Friday, July 10
Dedicated to Hubby....!
The year 2006, the year we got married...
Oh how sweet that image is...
Being united together on that date, 29th July 2006 only reminds us of the colourful courtship we had.
To those who know both of us, may agree that NO ONE WOULD imagine our paths would EVER EVER cross..
much more be joined...hehe!!
You & me were like the 2 face of a coin...
You had your attitude, I had my rights...
Get what I mean...
We fought, we thrashed it up and we, ourselves, decided at the end of the day, it's each other whom we need most.
But I am glad we had passed the test of time and somehow, we feel that we have reached the level of mutual understanding, trust etc, everything that you would ever need in a relationship.
Yeah, Yeah to some, it will always be too early to tell and rejoice but it doesnt hurt to live for that day and appreciate what you have right? hehehe~
Never got enuff of each other even as the days goes by..
How i know? well, it is something you feel deep down..
And seriously, I cant imagine that we are coming to our 3rd year....
2 Years knowing you + another 2 years being engaged to you and now, 3 years into our marriage..
I never had a better and fruitful 7 years before... hehe!
Never regretted knowing you...
Never regretted giving you that chance... *winks*
kekekeke! zaman dolu2...

Zaman Motor2

The zaman baru2 jadi mother father...hahahaha!!

I love you...!

Wednesday, July 8
The Waiting Game....
waking up late, having nap time after lunch then sleepin in late....
Oh well, that will only be till the baby arrives..
which, I reali have no idea when....but anytime now...
Have many pixs to upload but seriously, now is simply not like those time when u reali CAN take the effort to upload etc...
Now, nak blog pon takde mase...
All I can say is that, many things will take place after the birth..
Shall keep you updated on it...
till then, will update again, maybe once i popped.
Wednesday, June 24
Waiting Game
This is the part wer u feel, is this it, is it time..
haiz, just wen will it be....
On a 2nd note, I dunno wen to start my maternity leave...
Dun ask me why...
I wanna keep on werking but I am tired of the journey....
ok enuff of that, lets update some pix... hehe!
I feel Ryan looks more & more like hubby as the days goes by...

Ryan the model...

With his sunglasses...

With Thomas & Frens...!

And finally, I satisfy my craving for egg tarts...!

Till my next updates..
Thursday, May 21
Ryan 1 week long Birthday Celebration....!
anyway for my 2nd looong entry for the day, please click below..
Ryan 1 Week Long Birthday Celebration...!
Introducing The Band....!
Kuzzins & hubby had started to venture into real music, haha!!
klu dulu main bawah block or jamming, now its real live performance...!
Our 1st performance for the Zone 4 block party had garnered unexpected encouraging response!

And hubby got a call 2 days later, inviting him to meet the MP who was @ e block party tt day...
seram sejuk you...
but it all turned up so fine and actually the meeting was to invite us to pilot a project...
So come & support us this upcoming June 28!!!
Oh yeah, we have got a 2nd performance too...
@ Belzone...

This performance had got encore requested up to 4 songs!!!
Our top song was Whine up, i should say!!
Saturday, May 9
Ryan turned 2yrs Old.....!
and now he chats...taken the nite before...
Ok, well, just to update, I have been heavily tired..
ade such term ker?
just tired...
Well, fret now...
today begins our 9 days leaves...!
To spend time with darling Ryan...!
Sunday, May 3
The day we sneaked out...to karaoke thursday nite away..!
But hell no, we were sneaking away from the kids!
This happened last Thursday...hehe!!
haha! for our Couples Nite Out...
we went on promising Ryan & Sarah that we will go for McD breakfast..
banyak la breakfast eh...ceh!
so we laid the best plan and were out and away by 9.30pm..
Fetched Akim from the Fire Station and set out straight to Marina K-Box...
it has been so long since we last karaoke..
Ordered our drinks and sang all the way till 4am!
dah macam 1 shift sak..
Me & my DARLING HUBBY.......!
Loves you soooooooooo much!
With Aishah & Ehsan, Me & Hub, Hakim & Liz (Taking the pix, hehe)
Ok nie dah lain crita..., Ryan trying to smile widely..
Ok ok, trying to pout his lips?!.
Sunday, April 19
Ryan Counts...
Ayah dia still trying to sleep in..!
Ryan rambut masih flat sebelah...
Till I update again!
Thursday, April 16
guilty, guilty as can be..
it would take me seconds, before coming out with a number..
which I am not sure myself..
5months....6? ntha eh..
cuba klu dulu..., aku tau sak, which week i am in...
haiz, ape nak buat, busy seh nowadays...
busy with Ryan...
Speaking of Ryan, I am also not updating on him regularly..
But alhamdullilah, he is doing just fine, if not better..
Colours, pass! Numbers, pass!
those are the new topics that I got covered la..
Body parts dah tak ya ckp dah..
But seriously, sometimes IT IS tiring to answer to them seh...
Now if you ask for a kiss, u get this, " why kiss mama? "
wow! now nak kene ade reason laaa...
Just now, hub fetched me cos ryan said, " Nak see aeroplane..."
So they we were, with bibik alongside, counting aeroplanes..
fun jugak...!
And I am so happy that he can now count from 1 to 10 without any prompting...
Another thing worth mentioning, now bibik and ryan can be left alone @ home..
yippee! Lets just say, i have built the trust & faith..
klu pape, Ryan will report to me.. hehe!!
ANyway, lil baby inside has been super active..
so active as if to remind me of her existence, hehe!!
feels like a boy..
Better double check @ the check up tomorrow!
oh, btw, bought an early birthday gift for Ryan..
He is turning 2 next month..
Thursday, April 2
been so long...
or perhaps time is not a luxury now..
so many things to be done..
Yang penting, life is still as happening as ever!!
wat more with kuzzins now main kugiran..!
best seh, selalu ade practice...!
malas nak load gmabar or video..
one day perhaps..
k la bye!
Friday, March 13
Pengantin baru???
Me & hub were snuggling away watching K-Nite last night...
While Ryan played with Bibik in his play room..
Then came in an SMS..
Maya la!!
telling me that the portfolio was ready!
Apelagi, me & hub told bibik to get ready and off we zipped to Kuzzin Maya's house..
aku sungguh la terpegun & paiseh sak tgk gambar sendiri..!
and i fell in love with this man..
or should i say I feel deeper in LOVE...
SUch a beautiful word...
And it is more beautiful wen you feel it in you..
Love you sayang...!

Anyway today is Friday already..
Blackberry has my scheduled block for this evening and tomorow whole day already!!
Besok ade picnic!!!
With Kuzzins21 and family!!! yeayness!!
Hub pon dah tak sabar nak tunggu besok...
tapi come Sunday dah boring!!
Monday start werk!!!
Thursday, March 12
How Nice...!
ya, how nice to have your house spick & span..
No clutter and all..
Every single section of the house has been stripped and clean and re-arranged...
@ no effort from me @ all..
Routine for us during this leave period is...
wake up, send Ryan to school..
After tt bibik will ask wat to prepare for breakfast..
eat when breakfast is ready...
Then free time, nak sleep bleh, nak surf bleh etc..
then fetch Ryan @ 1pm.. after telling bibik wat to cook for lunch..
Reach home eat lunch and nap with Ryan..
Evening lau tak kuar, decide nak makan ape lak for dinner..
If got plans, kuar..
Now, how wonderful is that?
well, I just have to admit that cleaning house and maintaining it, is so not me..
Decorating house is also not my cup of tea..
Though I don't deny that I loves beautiful house..
I rather pay peeps to do that for me, based on my preference..
Untung dapat hubby yang tak mengharapkan sangat to have isteri yang suka menghias atau berhias..
I am only capable of working outside the cleaning sector, as i don't an eye for decor & furnishing, much less house chores!
Simple2 one ok la..takkan nak melampau sgt kan..
Somehow, it is a great feeling I guess, to come back home after a hard day @ werk to a kept home, with ready food...
Like hub says, now more time to manja2!!
takya nak sibuk2 kemas umah once a week, on our off days...
Sayang you............!
Friday, March 6
New Chapter In My Life
pasal having an extra help in the household would meant lesser privacy.
A lot of scares and stories have been heard, read thru various channel..
Hence, the many hesitations....
But as all may agree, it depend on luck too..
So well, after finding the one who I sebulu with, I made the confirmation..
paid out ard 3k for her...*gulp*
And now, it has been nearly a week she is werking for me..
and though it may, well, still be too early to say.
She is good.
My house has been stripped and clean..
She cooks and adapt to our preferences well..
Takes care of Ryan the way I guided her too, not the wat the training ctre taught her.
Hmm, otherwise, Ryan will be spoilt brat seh..!
basically, I dun want her to over-protect si Ryan tu la..hehe!
Ryan adapt well to the bibik, which is so much Alhamdullilah!
Oh well, enuff of that for the record, shall update further, if there is a need.
Salam Takziah to bestie Liz atas pemergian mak yang tersayang...
I feel you babe...
Never would one want things like this to happen...
and best of all, one would never imagine it to befall them..
Though we all know that this is the reality of life...
And that we must all accept it no matter how tough...
For all we must remember, perjalanan hidup mereka dah selamat.
Kiter yang harus move on and teruskan kehidupan...
Yah, I know it is easier siad than done right?
Let's just treasure everyone ard us while we still breath the same air..
Now, about me and my darlings...
Yesterday we went for the detailed check-up..
and it has been confirmed, 90% Gerl...!
Ok, there goes, Me, Hub, Baby Boy and insyallah a baby gerl..
can close factory or just close the shop first?
And yeah, we have DECIDED on a name...
But it shall still be a classified information for the moment.
But for those who know me, would probably have made some possible wild guess.
Lil darling Ryan has been talking and talking now stop..
asking why, where etc..
penat jugak eh nak layan...
He picks up practically everything, EVEN the sheng shiong advertisement..
that part when they go, "segala untuk mu" or something like tt..
he will action that out and end it with a moo....hahahahaha!!
Cute Banget...
Oh yeah, yesterday @ KKH, he was practically following me everywhere, even to do the weight & BP part.
He was observing and talking to the nurse.
Then nurse asked me, how old he is.
I said 21mths and she went awed..
She had thought Ryan was older but small built, hahaha!
She had least expected him to be that young and further asked me, "How come he could talk that well?"
Something that I didnt know how to answer, so I just said cos i place him in Childcare..
hahaha! lame sak, Kinderland must pay me royalty for free advertisement seh..!
Well Ryan, maybe it is true the school had further made you "talkative"
Cos before you began schooling, you only knew wer to point when asked the various body parts and now, you can practically say out every body part names, without pelat. hehe!
Now if I forget to take something, you will remind me..
Like, " mama, beg? mama, shoe? "
what more can I ask for?
Here are some out-dated pictures from Kuzzin Ijal Wedding.
This is how Ryan smile wen ask to...haha!
The various takes of our Senior Kuzzin Pix..
Us with Partners...But only 3 sets...hehe! tu jer yang sempat..
With Junior Kuzzins..
Happy Family portrait
Ryan wanna play ball but ayah catch him for a picture..
Ok tu jer..!
Nak main game and relax..
Today my 2nd day of leave, 9 days to go!!
Hubby pon leave, bestnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Tuesday, February 17
Kuzzin Ijal Wedding 14 Feb 2009 - Part 1
FRIDAY, 13th Feb 2009
The day we all been waiting for..
We began "rewang" on friday nite...
Since Ryan fell asleep soundly by 11pm that nite, hub decided to lepak2 la jaga pelamin...hehehe!!
The senior kuzzins sat around talk2, while getting the juniors to buy drink for us...*chuckles*
Had heart-2-heart talk...*sap cam betul jer*
we talk over bottles and bottles of carbonated & tea drinks...
While ryan comfortable slept right thru...
All the way till 5am plus...
till we finally decided to call it a night, reluctantly as we were having damn lotsa fun!
The transition from there to the car and home, was as smooth as silk..
Guess Ryan must have been THAT tired...
It is not surprising la for him to sleep right thru, as usually he does every night...
But i was rather sceptical as we were outside and not @ home..
BUt hell yeah, it was not a problem at all..
Though it was FRIDAY, the 13th...haha!!
me & hub had our fair share of fun, while Ryan his good night sleep!
SATURDAY, 14th February 2009
Kiter satu family woke up only @ 10 am...hehe!
Ryan pon relak2, seeing mama & ayah dia sleep...
We left for breakfast, hub cut his hair, I did threading...
Final touch up for the wedding la kire!
Then balik tido lagik!!
nak mampos agaknye..
@ 4 plus, kuzzin nana dah start calling!!!
Shit, we were suppose to "report" by 3pm!!
though kuzzin Ijal nikah was after magrib...
hub quickly siap, me siapkan Ryan stuff etc, only reaching there at 6plus...
Bibik cook fries & wedges for all of us, the senior kuzzins, while the pengantin siap..
kecoh sak nak pakai samping!
last2 hubby aku yang go to the rescue...
Together with najib, kuzzin Nana hubby..
it was damn fun playing mak andam & pak andam!!
emotional moments pon ye..
After that we had to leave for a while for hub's colleague white wedding...
after eating there, we quickly rush back!
Missed some entertainment, but there's always an encore, right?
My darling junior kuzzins...with our "uniforms'...
Dancing away...!
me with the kuzzins, while hub pi salin into the uniform too!!
SUNDAY, 15th February. 2009
Kendarat mengambil kesempatan....!
Wer's the laki?
Oh, sibuk la dorang....hehe!!
Dorang nye sibuk pat camera lain....
My happy family....!
nie duty aku ESCAPE!!!
next time maybe...!
there you go, Kuzzin Ica, Kuzzin Nana, kuzzin Dian & Kuzzin Najib...
We close-up eventhing only at about 11plus on that Sunday Night...
Exhausting but Rewarding & fun fun fun!
To place the icing on the cake, something else memorable happened, which will be ink-ed into all of our hearts...
Right kuzzins?
Ok, after this entry, I am gonna sleep..
Tomorrow I am gonna pester Kuzzin Nana & Elis for the other pixs.!!!
*evil laugh*
Thursday, February 5
Seriously, been too busy with the many happenings that took place....
Need to shop for my clothes, hub's clothes, ryan's clothes..
for everyday wear & also for the big thing next week!!
Kuzzin Ijal Wedding!!
and also to a white wedding that we are attending...
and then, needed to buy "baju" and accessories for the car too..
well, that was done too, duk lamer2 pat kedai krete bleh memudaratkan...
haha! sorry baby!
Good thing with Ryan at skool, the mama & ayah managed to do everything during the 2 Off days...
ANyway, interviewed the maid also...
satisfying la.. but hmm.... ok ker tak eh?
well, will leave it as that for now..
ANd decision might be to let Ryan remain with Kinderland..
Cos for a fact, he is learning a lot!!
and he has indeed LEARNT so much..
looking at all his activity works & pictures of him taken while he's at skool makes me so proud!!
well, will discuss further into this with hubby, who is also keen to let him stay instead of taking him out in June, when the maid comes...
After sending Ryan to skool, we had breakfast and then send bro & mama to NUH for his check-up since the accident.
Then proceeded to do the car mod...
After all was done, fetched Ryan from skool and had lunch....
After lunch, dropped by home to take our swimming stuffs.
As plans to go to Birdpark was changed to swimming instead.
After taking the stuffs, left to interview the maid..
AND THEN, we fetched liz and family and headed to CSC @ bukit batok...
AS USUAL, we were lost at BB.
Si Liz nie bukan nak cakap, place tu dekat ngan blk 500+..
chet!! hehe! dah berkali kali pergi pon tak pass2...
anyway, we dipped ourselves in there for like 2hrs till around 5.30, cos i have doc appointment at 6.10pm..!
Sory Pix sume censored...hahahahaha!!
kecoh seh... siap nye siap, blah dr situ kul 6.20...hehe!
Dropped them off @ home, then we proceed fr the clinic.
Not bad, lambat dtg pon very fast service...kudos!
Fun to see baby in the tummy, so active and all!
doc kasi several pictures of baby today, cos dia banyak posing...
Tapi dia kepit itu kaki, tak bleh nampak la ade kotek ke tak!
but so far, dr wee said, no boy's thing...
ok, let's wait for the detail scan next month..
now, let's talk about dinner..
We had Chachos at AMK...
the rib & ayam damn nice...~ halal ok!
Concept cam Kenny Rogers'...
So sape2 yang ngidam, silalah pi sane yer..
blah...blah... had too much fun...
spent too much money...
alamak...nak upload pix lambat la nie multiply.
next time..
Friday, January 30
Many didnt suspect, I guess..
until I donned this on...
Look below...
Many went, congrats....!
anyway, last Wednesday was spent shopping with mama & ayah at town..
Actuali, we headed on first as ayah will only finish werk at 6plus...
Then while waiting for ayah at the level 3 of the departmental store, we saw him signaling to someone...
hmm, guess who?!
It was bestfren Ifa & Family...
shocking meet, like of all places & time..
but it was indeed pleasant la..
then proceeded to jalan2 & chat2 with the folks...
As for today, while I was @ work, hub & my family went on to LTA to do some name-transferring..
ya, that bro of mine is taking over a bike..
cash money, this time...
the old bike, which still remains in pieces, shall be cleared of the full settlement & send for scrap..
shit, tomorrow is Jan 31st kan..!
Happy anniversary Bopren-Gepren kiter....!
well, I dun even know when was the actual date we got together, save for the year....
Cos, we just simply hit off & clicked..so much so that the title didnt reali bother us..
Till, one day, you asked me for confirmation or rather "sound steady" officially..
tempat tak romantic langsung!!
tepi longkang pat JB!!!
Ok la bye!! nak pi main game!!
Oh, I just cut my hair....!
yes ah!!
Wednesday, January 28
The Search Begins...
Heard a lot….
But I guess I will still take a maid la..
I need to…
Going for Indonesian maid…
The search will start today, if all goes fine…
Follow by ECP dinner…
But for lunch, I am gonna have the thai Beef Noodles…
So craving for it…!
Now, finding selecting the right maid is one hal…
The other thing is…
Sunday, January 25
Indulging to my addiction...!
Yesterday was fun la..
Hub sent me over to liz's crib and we chilled over...
Then put the kids for the afternoon nap and chatted more..
Had Mc Delivery and I found disc of all my fave games!!!
Thanks liz for lending it to me...!
I am so busy finding hidden objects today..
anyway after that, we left for AMK hub for fondue & some shoppings....
it was hell of fun la..
Liz, you know wat i mean....hehehe!
Then took the cab at 9+ to meet kuzzns under the yishun void deck...
then lepas hub finish werk, he pick kuzzin Iwan up from werk too before joning us...
fun fun fun!!
guessw why this entry tak de bunga2?
pasal aku nak continue main game...!
Thursday, January 22
I hate this feeling...!
Each time I report to work, I cant help but squeeze them all to produce good job..
And it doesn't help if this particular individual is working...
I can literally scream my guts out, if I could...
I will press, and press till I get tt person to do it to at least to the "just-pass" margin...
Freak man!
It's making me to be a soooo angry person at work....
But wen I am back home after work, I literally reduce to be the Mama to lil Ryan...
Well, actuali, in good hard fact being a mama is the greatest thing in the world!!!
It has taught me patience and pure tolerance..
And wen I am feeling good like that, guess wat?
I started to feel bad about what i did to that person...
aku rase, Fizah pon bleh dgr suare aku dari desk dia...haha!
Well, anyway, the news was good to hear....
but I really fear about this good thing...
Cos, money seems to disappear the moment it gets to my hands....
I have to seriously instill some self-deterrent from the moolahs...
keep it away from my sight!!
*trying to imagine bonus was never rewarded*
Monday, January 19
Another Ka-Ching entry
The news is out!!
Bonus for all.....!
Will get 3/4 of it by 23rd January...
The remaining 1/4 on April....
Seronok betul!!!
oh ya, Alhamdullilah...!
takmo reveal how many months la...
sensitive issue for all at this moment..
But seriously, this is so unexpected..
It is more than expected...
Another Ka-Ching Entry...!
The news is out!!
Bonus for all.....!
Will get 3/4 of it by 23rd January...
The remaining 1/4 on April....
Seronok betul!!!
oh ya, Alhamdullilah...!
takmo reveal how many months la...
sensitive issue for all at this moment..
Thursday, January 8
Busy...busy week...
without realising, tomorrow is already Friday..
3 more days before work starts again....
anyway, it had been a busy week yet satisfying...
Ryan had separation anxiety on his first day, though he loves the skool..
2nd he was better..
3rd day, he was able to nap during nap time..
he mingled well with his mates & teachers..
now he begins to love the food, always asking for 2nd helping..
And it does feel good wen teacher gave good feedback about him..
like how she can communicates with Ryan..
it just struck me that Ryan is literally talking already!!!
And he take in all instructions and procedures well..
Like he has to go and wash his hands before eating..
And so, I began to listen in to him and ya la.. he is able to put fragments of werds together..
Though pelat la.. haha!
wat do u expect. he is only 19months...
anyway, brought him to eat waffles @ Gelare..
Played baby bowling..
Then we went cycling @ ECP..
lastly, today we went for my 2nd scan..
and baby waved @ us!!
how touching...
ok bye2...!
nak main Pet society...!