Computer ngan aku tak boleh dipisahkan per.. tido bangun aku, mengadap comp.. oh ye, Tuhan pon aku tak lupa..kaka!
well, after such a long time aku gantung aku nye bowling shoe dan masuk kan bola bowling tu dlm perut, akhirnya, aku kembali..kembali maner?? maner lagi, pi bowling la!!
fuh!! shiok banget..hub tak hegeh2 lagi, take pix si wifey nie campak bola..
amacam? kurus tak aku..khehehe!!
it was hell of a time la..together wit zul & tony..while we we at this, lil Ryan relak 1 corner and slept..ceh!
we left home after tt and tido..abih ape lagi kan..
before this, we had many2 outings la..yang tak ter-blog pon..ermm..oh ok Vivo city..
and this one..Ryan nak step fierce like the ayah..
yawnz...! dah la, i guess tt is enuff for today, kesian Ryan ngah tido sorang2..
and this last pix is juz to ingat2 kan kembali zaman2 baru kahwin, baru balik honeymoon.hehe!
nie time, it was D & D..after this event, we had the self test the next day. So kirakan, nie gambar dah preggy tapi tak tau lagi..*malu la..*
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