But hey, i guess my day wasnt that bad though..
well, to begin with yesterday, plan was to meet Liz to go visit Ifa..
So anticipating space constraint wit my baby car seat, we remove it temporarily so that we can make space for hyper Hilmi..keke!
So there you have me & Baby Ryan in the front seat...
At ifa's place, we chatted till ard 5.30pm...seems like there were a lot to catch up that we didnt realised how the time flies..
So we excused ourselves as Liz had to balik to cook her baby kailan with beef and some other dishes la..keke!
After sending them back home, we made our way to Chong pang CC. well i blogged about that last nite oreadi..
Actuali in the morning yesterday, i wanted to open the topic about going geylang after the Iftar thingy.. But wasnt quite sure if hub will be keen about it, i mean since he hates the crowd wat more wit Ryan, takut he not comfy..btw, aku pon hate crowd but time2 posa cam best gi bazaar..biarpon aku nanti akan mengamok sendiri...
But skali, Hubby la yang bukak topic dulu..ape lagik! terkinja2 la aku macam monyet pat zoo..
" NAK! NAK! "
haha..i may have sounded like an overly excited kiddo..
So after Iftar, lepak2 pat umah my parents first then left at ard 9..
It rained actuali, i was upset but i was happy again as hub was still up to the idea la..best sungguh..
Ala, then rain pon stopped so it wasnt that bad la..
As we drove to geylang Ryan pon terlena..apakan tidak, dah bedtime dia..hehe!! Bad mama & ayah..ape nak buat, mama & ayah nak carik ayam percik la..
Wen we reached, Ryan pon wakey2..instead of the pram, I opted for the carrier..pasal dulu aku slalu menyumpah org2 yg bawak pram pi tempat yang sesak cam geylang..dah la ramai org, dgm pram sondol sini, sondol saner...ish..ish! maaf ye, kepada sape2 yang terkilan wit this remarks..
So after strapping up, we walked in the bazaar. ala, baju2 suma samer lek macam dulu..aku nie tak fav sangat pakai baju yang ade rende2 mcm langsir tu.. maniq sini maniq saner..aku klu pakai confem2 kejung nak mampos.. aku salute org2 yang boleh pakai baju2 yang gatal2 tu...okla, mungkin tak gatal la but the looks nampak gatal..
I go for cooling material...mesti nak selesa2 cam pakai tshirt..hehe! tak suka rimas2.. ala, pakai make up jer aku dah rimas.. camne?
we were looking for savoury foods..ayam percik, otak2.. NO burger ramli pls...serik la.. tyme tu beli tak masak seh..masih merah2. since then, both of us will always give their stall a pass.
In the beginning, Ryan was looking around in excitement but halfway thru, dia kalah mata and we realised dia dah knock out..kekeke!
bought our foodies and left for home.
clean Ryan up and he was ready for bed again..
The mama & ayah had a slumber party, eating the foods and watching moto Gp as well as blogging & chatting...
We love our nightly chats..it is simply enjoyable, talking over supper. We made it a point to talk.
To us, communication plays a major part in marriage.
Since both of us can be reali2 hard-headed, ala kpala batu la, wen at loggerheads. Me being the, " i-always-stand-for-my-rights kind" and him being the, " i-wont-talk-if-i-am-angry kind"..u can only imagine how things are if we have misunderstandings..hahahaha!
I love to strike the iron while its hot...But the iron, in this context, my hubby, doesnt like to talk over things wen still "hot"...bayangkan...keke!!
But ironically, I love him more wen we gaduh...it juz brings us closer. haha!
Quarrels adalah asam garam perkahwinan per..klu takde quarrels, takdela asam garam so the marriage will be "tasteless"... faham tak philopsophy aku nie??
Haiz, bual2 gini cam nak pi join laki aku pat luar la..
Bye suma!!
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