Its mama bdae todae, 2nd of feb. she celebrating it on air i guess. she will touch down at 3am later at nite.. And daddy dah "chop" the block 140 for ma wedding..haha! takut nak org lain book. well, daddy i appreciate tt. LOVE YOU BOTH!!
So far, Alhamdullilah, all have been going on well with ma newly appointed post.

Btw, thank you to you sweetheart helmi for the 4hrs wait, wen u could have juz gone home & sleep but u chose to wait fo me to finish at 7pm.

we had dinner at Pizza hut AMK. you ate this salad which i was veryy...extremely skeptical about. much to my surprise, it taste way way beyond ma imagination. it was excellent. ape lagi, for those who noe me, i started to help maself to his food, mayb, more tt he tot i would..haha!! cowie yang...cedap ar!! i enjoyed ma usual Chic'Cago spag ... top notch for me. a gal will simple yet selective taste. get it? no..oh well forget it.
talkin about simple, i would like to add on. In life, i would opt for juz a simple, happy life surrounded by all ma loved ones who care for me as much as i do for them. Yes, though money is an essential factor in life, it would not mean a thing if you dun have happiness & nobody who cares for you. Money blinds people. snuff out happiness. i need not say more. it shows. everywer. juz stop n observe.
So people, wit me & helmi's promotion, pls dun judge that we will be

we are still the Rini & Helmi who treasures frenship and we will be there for you guys no matter wat. *peace* LIZA : helmi says sentosa on 19th is fine. KITER DAH DPT LEAVE!!! well, actuali aku mmg off ar. hah! he says plan something exciting. i share his sentiment too. *blueks*
Thanxs for all the werds of congrats!!!

look out for our next "promotion" though.....
come july....

INSYALLAH .....................
~~ Rinielisha ~~
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