well, tts enuff about ma materialistic happiness..its a personal

1. 2 separate notes section (so i can segregate ma foreign and local currency)
2. an attached coin pouch
3. many cards pockets
4. and most important, a photo section (for our pix!)
oh..i realised tt e USD100 still not converted...wee...
cool kan..hmm not sure abt u pple yg prefer branded stuff..hehe!! to me anything from ma loved ones, it is priceless!! i love you baby!!
Sori liz, Ifa & Aishah, i had to opt out from our plan to eat at woodlands. tak sampai hati aku nak ajak emi patah alik gi woodlands..
We went to makan at Sanur @ Takashimaya. Sedap... lepak ketawa2, crita2..haiz, macam dah bertahun tak jumpa! *yikes* i snuff in all ma cards, pixs, $$ into ma new wallet there. i had two serving of rice. can you believe it!! well, lemme feast ur eyes to our pixs..while eating..
The food was sumptuous..oh well, mayb it was you who made it tastes better..*winkz* ur prese
nce...can you imagine tt we had to pay for the cold towel...gosh!! shucks, i sound like e many free-loader, cheapskate locals..oh no.. not tt i am complaining but juz SHARING...
after tt, we walk hand-in-hand around orchard..hmm, den we round2 on our reliable Super-4.. hmm, actuali ok jugak ar Super 4 dear, relaks...dulu GSX nak kene tongeng jer..hehe!! but naik moto tongeng aru sedap jln jauh..haiz, kla, kla we will change back ok...blueks!!
the day was so short. we had to return early cos you starts at 7am tomorrow but u said you will wait for me to finish at 7pm later. much appreciated dear!! Oh yeah, we will try to go to HDB on Friday k otherwise, we will next friday k sayang.
enjoy the other pixs...
Yanni: Gambar aku ade mirip ko eh? wat u think? hehe..yg last segment...
Lastly, i would like to say it again..
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