over the weeks so many things happened. And it all happened to show the meaning of true love. either you make it or break it. WE MADE IT.

this goes out to, hmm, lets call you Ninja. me & helmi listen to ur prob at JK and it think you reali nid to be strong & persevere. i noe 7yrs is along time but hey, its the remaining years tt comes which matter. the years that may come, If God's willing, would add up to more than e 7yrs you had. i m sure you would love to be happy in the remaining years rather than dwell in the painful 7yrs +/-. So choose ur path Ninja. ur a man. u gotta be strong to put down ur "criteria". and i trust you that you would be happy. hate to see you sad. u dun fit tt bill. will be wishin you well.
this goes to Miss A group. gerl, i noe u had all the negativity overview, negative comments & opinions. people had painted all the ugly pictures and stuffs. they discouraged you, me inclusive. BUT after tt nite wen we take heart-to-heart, the 3 of us. And we ur HIM joined us to talked it out too, i realised. i realised tt as much as we cant love to order, we cant make you hate him too. no matter wat happen. its all in the heart. the heart decides. not us and not even empunya diri. u noe wat i mean? its like dis, if ur heart still yearns for him, you can never hate him even if you put it in the brain that his ur Idiotic MOnster etc or even if you chant thousand times that you hate him. you will NEVER gerl. u will oni be "crazy", miserable & hungry. But IF u have reali lost hope, tawar hati, den no matter wat he do, we do, you wanna do, trust me, you would oni be a zombie-like lover. you would feel the "connectivity" between both of you. None of his werds will touched any part of your heart. you would just see thru him, emotionless! tts wen u reali lose all the love that ma have ever exist. From this, i hope you can evaluate your stand. from wat i see, you reali have alot to mend together. you have ma well wishes to gerl..
well, LOVE is juz a four letter werd to those who are juz in BGR but it carries a heavy meaning to those who can feel that they are in a serious relationship. this is the secret recipe of Solid True Love.
Solid True Love.
1. Trust
2. Communication
3. Respect
this comes wit a lil tiff now and den to strengthen the love. Once your SOLID TRUE LOVE exist, you can used that to seal the cracks of any quarrels u may have. you may think that i am talking bullshit here, but trust me. it werks. but dun be a stupid ass, who cannot evaluate the sincerity of the other party though. IF HE/SHE is obviously takin advantage, u tell he/she to GO TO HELL!!

1 auntie told me, we have to have this "kesian" feeling towards the other. meaning, say we quarrel about the gerl coming late, boy angry, boy scream & shout & leave. the boy have to kesian the gerl for the shout & the scream, not the mistake she did & should simmer down. then comes in the gerl part to apologise. in a way tt equates to respect. i can say tat me & helmi listen to this & practises it as well. it really helps to cool us down wen we are angry. so now, wenever the angry party is letting out, the guilty juz shut up. let the "kesian" factor seeps in after that. no point arguing back. tt add salt to the wound, add fuel to the fire. juz be the water. BUT DUN FORGET TO APOLOGIZE & EXPLAIN.
with this, i m saying tt me & helmi are not tt perfect. we have had our bad times as much as our good times. but i must say, during the BAD & WORST time are the time wen you can reali SEE the strength of your RELATIONSHIP, how much we REALI love each other. its juz how you settle things la, rather than you put it aside and forget, tt shows you cant be bother. but wen u scream shout, explain, re-interate, tt shows how much u dun want mistake repeated.
well, you guys can beg to differ with wat i juz said. but this reali comes from ma point of view. We all have different experience in love, and tt is wat wic make it special, rite? so happy loving your booSssss.....hehe!!

" dear, i love you. reali do. thank you for all that you have done for me to show how much you love & care for me. appreciate tt. may our wish to grow old together be true, Insyallah. and i miss ur entry. hmm, bile nak night shift nie....! hehe! "

Btw many thanks to all ma uncles & aunties who are constantly plannin for ma wedding.. lagi lamer lagi but, hey! it lets than 25 more week now. yikes!!

lastly, i guess me & helmi have to sought agent help for house now. cos HDB nye umah yg kiter nak dah pinish. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayang, tak sabar nak gi honeymoon ar!! i must admit. i m not looking forward to our wedding..

last quote for everybody including you dear...
" Keikhlasan hati ku bukanlah untuk di balas.
Cukuplah sekadar jadi kenangan waktu berjauhan. "
~~ rinielisha ~~
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