yesterday Ryan jaundice dropped lower...a mere 105..yippee!!
today..guess wat?? it is a low 74... haiz! Tuhan jer yang tau perasaan mama nie, Alhamdullilah.. his down trend is bery uplifting for me..
So i will be ready, hmm, Ryan will be ready to see u guys next week la.. haha! i dunno how will i cope with being a 1st time mama to my baby boy.. my wound oso dah heal..yeah!! thanks to doc Helmi yang bnyk jaga aku..haha!! appreciate la tersangat2!! muacks!!
nie budak kecik nie, ramai peminat kat hospital.. minah2 suma suka layan dia..hehe!! biar layan anaknye, jangan kaco ayahnye..haha!!

nah.. see Ryan pixs ok..!!
As usual, the ayah-anak bonding session...using formula milk!! haha...
a room to BF baby ryan...
diyanah look!! i gained back my face shape...tak bulat lagikkk!!!
The happy-happy slalu mama & ayah...
hmm..i guess my confinement will officially start on Monday..hehe!! but half time..haha!!!
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