well this posting is more on a serious note though..
Since i gave birth, or rather eversince i went thru childbirth, i seem to have a different way i look at life..not sure y though..
to those who know me, when i hate..i despise, i sworn their existence, i do anything under my sleeves to make their life as miserable as can be.. and wen i do, i hate their whole generations!! simply put, wen i hate, there will be no end to it.. seeing or hearing their name can easily make me boil.. ör like Literature has it,
" Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned "
Just hated it if peeps intrude in my happiness or just do anything to diss me.. haha!
but over times, i made up with some of them somehow.. but tt wasnt till like a looooong period.. of at least 10 years..
hmm, in my bad book now, i have some names...STILL..
But i am now declaring..PEACE!! to all.. ya, cannot forget wat they did but hell, now after being a momma, i decided that no point aku simpan dosa lagi..haha!! well as u know..
"ibu yang melahirkan akan ditebus segala dosa2nya.."
Not that i will go and kiss or hug them, but i will just forget about the past.. and treat as if i hadnt known them in the 1st place..so if they wish to berkenalan with me, y not??! hehe..
This implies to those i hate at werk la..
And now, i no longer critizes hard on the street..hehe!! Virgo is known for critisizing...
ok la, i know, we will just seehow long i can last..Cos the last time i said all this, wen i was sitting in front of the Kaabah, i promised to be a good gerl.. i tried but not for long..haha!!
but wait, i will make 1 exception to 1 person.. i will never forget nor forgive tt 1.
however though, i still chooses to hold the fort to these 2 quotes which i have always uphold..


BUT i will be more chill.. no more a hater.. Orang Punya Pasal, i wont care la.. but if orang Cari Pasal, then we shall see to it..hahahahahahha!!

sesungguhnya..nie entry takde makna..LOL
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