hey folks.. ydae didnt blog cos after balik visit Ryan me and hub had some business to do.. we Spring-Clean the house!!! haha!!!

... shifted the stuffs to convert the game Room to Baby Ryan Room.. hehe!! and then the guest room was re-made, complete with the Playstation set-up & the PC with a little office-cum-workstation for myself.. so now hubby and me can play game & surf the next IN ONE ROOM.. yippee!!
Niela bilik game yang telah di-bogelkan...oleh hub!

This is the stuffs that was snuffed out to make way for the makeover of rooms...

There u go.. Baby Ryan lil Play Room...

Nie bilik guest..tu tv & Ps2..hmm on the right, is my workstation (tak masuk frame lak..)
My Messed-up Kitchen...God knows wat i dumped in it!!
hehe! juz me..taking a breather...
Hub took the 2 rooms to task while i handled the kitchen..hmm, cam pandai jer aku..! wah we managed to turn-over the rooms & kitchen as expected... bathed & had dinner and watched tv together and to top it all, as usual with a game or two of Taiti..hehe!!
ok here are the pix of Ryan from today's visit!!
This is how he looks...after each BF session... Muka ada steam!! moncong selalu kuar..LOL!
Di sayang2 oleh ayahanda..

2nd round of milk by ayahanda tersayang..hehe!!

Aww!! family portrait...

Ryan kekenyangan trus sleep..sleep but smiling?? hmm..

Ayah..dun leave...

Ok the last entry i said dia bnyak peminat kat hospital kan..ydae, a student nurse approached me and told me tt again..hehe!! They always berebut for him..hehe!! and she ask me ape secret rambut dia lawa.. i said.. "banyak tgk astroboy..!" haha!!
Baby Ryan ikut sape eh??
Baby Helmi
Or Baby Rini??
Ok la.. goin to hospital again.. Nenek & atuk woodland, mentuaz aku la tu.. nak pi tgk cucu kesayangan drg..hehe!!
To those who i didnt sms, please note that i will be doin his cukur Rambut in June.. 2nd week most prob..the 10th..
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